

Research on Marketing Strategy of Beijing Petroleum Co.

【作者】 张迎

【导师】 赵军;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球经济一体化的快速发展,我国加入世贸组织进程的日益临近,作为国民经济发展的基础能源-石油市场的竞争也愈来愈激烈,许多跨国石油公司纷纷把中国作为战略发展的目标市场,争夺的焦点是成品油终端销售市场。 北京石油集团作为中石化下属的区域性专业销售公司,曾在计划体制下享有国家赋予的垄断经营权。如今,面对国内竞争对手的凌厉攻势和跨国石油公司即将准入的严峻挑战,北京石油集团如何在未来寡头垄断的成品油市场中赢得市场领导者地位,是关系到企业生存和发展的重大课题。 本文以国际石油市场和加入世贸组织后我国石油石化行业未来发展的宏观形势作为研究背景,以北京石油集团作为研究对象,从研究北京成品油市场入手,运用现代市场营销理论和研究决策方法,系统分析了北京石油集团的营销机会与风险,剖析了企业竞争的优势与劣势,进而提出了企业赢得并持续巩固市场领导者地位应采取的竞争策略和营销组合。 全文由研究意向、理论回顾、论点、研究方法、论证、结论等六个主要部分构成。文中根据本人实际工作体验和对企业营销现状的了解,运用成品油市场营销调研结果进行分析、归纳、总结和演绎,论证了企业在市场竞争中如何把握机会,扬长避短,通过实施整体营销战略,树立社会营销观念,有效运用产品、价格、渠道、促销(4P’S)策略组合,持续获得竞争优势。 本着循序渐近的论证方法,本文首先分析了北京成品油市场需求及特点,运用机动车平均消费量和能源消费弹性系数两种方法预测北京市<WP=3>成品油需求及未来增长趋势。指出北京成品油市场未来需求增长强劲,市场潜力相当可观。北京石油市场是中国最具发展潜力的市场。 面对需求旺盛的北京石油市场,北京石油集团应如何准确定位?论文对企业内外部环境进行了深入细致的分析。从企业外部经营环境看,北京石油集团处于一个极具吸引力的行业当中,其所面临的市场环境可谓高机会、低风险。在中国即将入世和国家加强对石油石化行业宏观调控的背景下,企业面临的经营环境发生着较大变化,北京石油集团要善于在变化中寻找新的发展空间,充分利用中石化的品牌和资源优势以及企业自身良好的基础条件,通过转变经营机制,实施整体营销战略,真正融入市场,形成自己的竞争优势。分析企业的内部环境,虽然北京石油集团在计划经济体制下形成的经营理念、营销手段及经营模式已远远不能适应市场竞争的需要和中石化发展战略的要求,但相对市场占有率仍居首位,企业良好的发展基础仍具备挑战市场领导者的潜力。 4P’S营销策略组合在北京石油集团的有效运用是全文研究论证的核心。北京石油集团应将重新赢得市场领导者地位作为企业不懈的追求。通过实施维护性营销和开拓性营销,整合企业形象,以优质的产品、合理的价格和完善的服务作为承诺用户的鲜明特色,树立“质优、量足、快捷、安全”的市场领导者形象。面对竞争对手削价、促销闪电战以及销售区域被入侵的种种攻击,北京石油集团在消费者市场上要运用全面进攻策略,实施无差异营销,通过规模经营降低分销成本,实现总成本领先,最大限度满足用户对油品的共性需求。同时针对不同区域的目标市场,又要在产品、价格、促销上行之以差异化的营销手段和进攻策略。针对成品油批发市场,要充分发挥资源和规模优势,运用竞争性定价策略,油品批发价格紧贴竞争对手,以良好的信誉和优质的油品争取用户,挤压社会批发经营单位,从而获得油品批发市场的主导控制权。针对成品油零售市场,实施网络制胜的营销策略。通过发展加盟连<WP=4>锁,与社会加油站建立起以资源为纽带的合作同盟,变竞争对手为我所用。同时采取收购、租赁、参股、新建等多种形势发展自有加油站,创造名牌服务,以强有力的销售网络实现零售市场的竞争优势。 面对未来的北京成品油市场,北京石油集团要赢得并保持第一位的优势,就必须在两条战线上全面取胜。一是持续不断地捕捉潜在的市场需求;二是通过好的防御和进攻行动来保护和提高现有的市场份额。实现这两个目标最具建设性的途径是不断创新。使企业成为新产品推广、顾客服务、分销效益和成本领先方面的先驱,不断增强企业竞争实力,努力为顾客创造最大价值。 北京石油集团只有在产品、价格、渠道、促销策略中融合市场领先的全部要素,才能成为北京成品油市场当之无愧的主导力量。 希望本文研究结果能对中石化实施整体营销战略起到参考作用,同时对国有石油销售企业的实际经营运作有借鉴的价值。

【Abstract】 Along with the fast development of global economy integration, the date of our country’s entering into WTO has become nearer and nearer. The competition on the petroleum market, a market of basic energy resource, which is the foundation of the national economy, has also become more and more intense. Many transnational companies take China as their target market of strategic development. The focus of competition is the oil product end-consumer market.The Beijing Petroleum Co. as a specialized local sales company subordinate to SINOPEC had the State entrusted right of monopoly operation under the planned economy system. Now, facing the challenge of the powerful offensive of domestic competitors and the transnational company’s entering into our country soon, the Beijing Petroleum Co. is confronted with the topic of winning the leader position on future oil product oligopolistic market. The topic has vital importance to the enterprise’s existence and development. The article regards the international petroleum market and the macro situation of future development of our country’s petroleum and petrochemical industries after entering into WTO as its research background. It takes the Beijing Petroleum Co. as research object. It starts with the research on the Beijing’s oil product market. It uses the theory of modern market operation and the modern methods of research and decision making. It systematically analyses the marketing opportunity and risks of the Beijing Petroleum Co., and its favorable and unfavorable factors in competition, and puts forward the competition strategy and marketing combination for the enterprise to win and keep the position of market leader.The article consists of six parts including research intention, theory review, arguments, research methods, proof and conclusions. Based on the personal experience in practical work and the understanding of the enterprise’s marketing status, this article analyses, induces, sums up and deduces the results of investigation on oil product market operation and sales. It proves that the enterprise should seize the opportunities, maximize favorable factors and minimize unfavorable factors. It should acquire and maintain the competition edges continuously through implementing the strategy of integrated marketing, setting up the concept of social marketing and effectively using the 4 P’s strategy combination (namely product, price, pipeline and promotion).According to the proofing method of proceeding in an orderly way and step by step, the article first analyses the demand and special features of Beijing’s oil product market. It predicts Beijing’s oil product demand and its future increasing trend by both using the method of average motor vehicle fuel consumption and the method of energy consumption elasticity coefficient. It shows that Beijing’s oil product market has a strongly increasing demand and a remarkable market potential. Beijing’s oil market is the market having largest development potential in China.Facing Beijing’s oil product market in great demand, how can we accurately position the Beijing Petroleum Co.? The article makes a careful and deep-going analysis to the <WP=6>internal and external environment of the enterprise. As viewed from the external operation environment, the Beijing Petroleum Co. is situated in an extremely attractive industry. The market it faces has high opportunity and low risk. In the background that China will soon enter WTO and the State will strengthen the macro control of petroleum and petrochemical industries, the environment the enterprise faces is being changed greatly. The Beijing Petroleum Co. should be good at seeking new development space in changing environment. It should fully use the SINOPEC’s famous brand, the resource edges and the good infrastructures of the enterprise itself. It should transform operation mechanism, implement integrated marketing strategy, get into the market really and form its own competition edges. As viewed from the internal environment, although the operation concept, marketing

  • 【分类号】F426.22;F713.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】683

