

【作者】 宋月

【导师】 徐子健;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 “兵无常势,水无常形”。管理上也永远没有最优的方法,只有最适合的方法——即适应企业内外部环境的管理方法。企业管理方法随着环境的变化而变化就是权变管理。“权变”,首先要有“权”,即权衡、比较,然后要有“变”,即创新和变革。但是权变管理并不是要求有差别就要进行改变,而是根据和谐的目的,权衡得失而进行的改变。系统论要求我们要从全面和整体出发来考虑问题。权变也一样需要系统化,因为在整体中没有任何一个部分能够在不影响其它部分的情况下受到影响。权变学说对管理影响最大的方面就表现在组织结构上,组织结构由直线制→职能制→直线职能制→事业部制→矩阵制→网络组织(虚拟组织)的演变过程就说明了这一点。房地产作为一个独立的行业在我国逐渐发展起来还是近20年的事,而真正的市场化公司的历史也不超过15年。因此,我国房地产公司的组织结构还存在着很多的不足,需要随着企业内外部环境的变化来调整自己,进行权变管理。本文通过构建一个适合目前环境的大型综合开发公司的组织结构来说明房地产企业组织结构的权变管理。在构建这个组织结构时遵循了一系列科学的步骤,并努力在每一步设计中贯彻权变思想。构建过程如下:一、确定基本原则随着信息化时代的到来,企业管理者管理水平、员工素质的提高,管理方法的多样化,并考虑到房地产行业的特点,笔者认为房地产公司在进行组织结构设计时应遵循下面一些基本原则:1、任务目标原则;2、精干高效原则;3、责权利相结合原则4、稳定性与灵活性相结合原则;5、集权与分权相结合原则;6、团队协作原则;7、信息沟通原则。二、组织结构的设计<WP=3>1、对影响企业组织结构权变因素进行分析这一步是整个组织结构设计的基础。权变因素主要有两个方面,一个是外部因素,一个是内部因素。影响房地产企业的外部因素主要有经济及行业发展状况、经济及行业制度和政策、技术、竞争对手、环境稳定性等。内部因素主要有企业战略、规模及成长状况、技术、人员素质等。2、职能设计职能设计是对企业业务进行的总体分析,是岗位、部门划分的依据。在这一步要确定基本职能、关键职能,并进行职能细分。经过多年的工作经验,本人认为基本职能的设计可根据房地产开发流程来确定,而关键职能则依据权变思想定义为信息收集、加工和传递,不再停留在房地产开发的某一个环节上。3、组织框架的设计在信息技术革命、“员工参与管理”革命的冲击下,传统的金字塔式组织结构正面临着严峻的挑战。因此,在考虑上述事实和房地产企业关键职能后,本人提出以信息流为主线设计企业组织结构,而不是传统的自上而下或自下而上的设计方法。这种组织结构是一种网络式矩阵结构(如附图所示)。这种组织结构的优点是:* 职能子公司在市场上自由竞争,使人员更加专业化,另外由于其业务范围也不只是母公司的项目,从而使其拥有更多的信息,使母公司的各项目拥有更广阔的信息来源。* 职能子公司都是拥有更大自主权的法人企业,从而使得母公司有更多的精力完成其关键职能。* 职能分工明确且可大大简化母公司的组织机构。经过上述调整,母、子公司职能的划分清晰而明确,且不再有职能人员重复设置的现象。* <WP=4>母公司机构较少,管理层次扁平,信息传递加快,而且还可以大大增加其灵活性。随着房地产及其相关行业的发展,大型综合房地产开发集团将逐渐向网络型组织演变,而其母公司逐渐向投资公司发展,以上结构为这种演变打下了一个良好的基础。4、联系方式为了使信息在上述框架中迅速传递,并理顺各部门、子公司与母公司、子公司与子公司的关系,本文提出了两种联系方式:(1)建立企业数字神经系统;(2)引入市场机制。数字神经系统是企业内的一张信息网,每个节点(部门、岗位、管理者、员工)发出的信息都可通过它在正确的时间传达到正确的地方。而市场机制的建立将会使各个单位对组织效益负责,增强自我监督意识,使创造性的企业精神得到鼓舞。5、管理规范的设计管理规范为每个部门和岗位科学合理地进行活动提供了依据,是组织顺利运行的保证。因此,管理规范也应随着外界环境、企业战略、组织结构等内部因素的变化而变化,使其成为组织战略、机构调整得以实现的助推器。6、反馈与修正没有反馈与修正就没有权变管理,因此这一步在组织设计中也是必不可少的。只有将组织结构运行中的各种信息反馈到前述步骤中去,并定期或不定期的对原有设计进行修正,才能使组织结构趋于合理。反馈和修正也要遵循科学的步骤,并注意稳定性与适应性相结合的原则。以上是对权变因素进行分析后,构建的一种组织结构模型,理论色彩似乎更浓一些。因此本文最后一部分介绍了一个真实的案例来进一步阐明主题。通过对市场化公司——北京万通实业股份有限公司由<WP=5>非正规化向正规化,由集中向民主,由事业部制向矩阵制的发展历程、组织结构变化以及在这个过程中所给予我们的启示与教训的分析,可以看到权变管理在实践中的具体应用。权变策略应用的好坏、是否充分将直接影响到企业的生存与发展。二百年前的工业革?

【Abstract】 "Army couldn’t have the same battle array for ever; water couldn’t stay in one state for ever." There is also no the best method in management, but the most appropriate one, that is, the method fits both the interior and the exterior of a company. The management method that adjusts itself with the change of the environments is called Contingency Management. In this management, the key points are balancing and creating. However, this method does not require that all differences must be removed. It is that kind of change that is based on the specific goal to balance the gain and the loss. The system theory requires us to think about problems all-sidedly. The contingency needs systemization because there is no any part could be changed while the other parts are not co-worked. The greatest effect of this theory of contingency on management is on the structure of organization. The development of the organizational structure, that is, from line structure to functional structure, to unitary structure, to multidivisional structure, to matrix structure and to networked (virtual) structure, has testified it. Real estate industry is developing in our country as an independent industry in this twenty years; however, the market-oriented companies exist no more than fifteen years. Therefore, the structure of the real estate companies in our country has a lot of shortcomings. It needs adjusting with the changes of enterprises internal and external to implement contingency management. This thesis described the contingency management using in the real estate companies through setting up a proper organizational structure in a large multiple real estate company. It follows a series of scientific steps and tries to put the contingent ideas into every step. The following is the steps of designing it:I.Describe the PrinciplesWith the coming of the information era, the improvement of the managerial personnel’s skills and personnel’s quality, the variety of management methods, and the characters of the real estate industry, I thought that real estate companies should follow these important principles when they design their own organizational structure: (1).Objective principle(2).Efficiency principle(3).Responsibility-right-benefit combined principle(4).Stability and flexibility combined principle(5).Centralization and decentralization combined principle(6).Work team cooperation principle(7).Information linking principle<WP=8>Ⅱ. Structure Design1.Analyzing the elements that affect the structure of organizations. This step is the basic of the whole design. There are two kinds of elements: the external and the internal. The external elements that affect real estate companies include economic and industrial development situations, policy, regulations, technology, competitors, environment stability, etc. The internal elements include company’s strategy, size, developing situation, technology and personnel quality, etc. 2.Function DesignFunction design is to analyze the whole operation in a company and it is also the basis of dividing posts and departments. In this step, I would define the basic functions and the crucial function and divide the functions in detail. With the experience of many years, I think that the basic functions could be defined based on the process of real estate development and the definition of the crucial function could be defined, according to contingent ideas, as information collecting, processing and transmitting, but not staying on a certain segment. 3.Organizational frame designUnder the shock of information technique reform and the reform of all staff’s participating in management, the traditional pyramidical organizational structure is facing severe challenge. So after thinking of these facts and the crucial function of real estate companies, I suggest to design the management structure according to the information steam, but not the traditional design method of carrying out from the top to the bottom or from the bottom to the

  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】594

