An Analysis of Conversation from Sociolinguistic Perspectives
【作者】 杨晓梅;
【导师】 曹务堂;
【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2000, 硕士
【摘要】 会话分析是60年代产生于社会学的一个新兴的研究方向。社会学家用其来研究日常生活中的社会组织状况。在随后的三十多年中,会话分析从不同角度对人类的个体行为和相互交往行为作了大量有价值的研究。在本文中,笔者将着重从社会语言学的角度来分析会话,主要探讨两个方面的问题:一是社会变量对会话因素的影响,一是会话者通过在不同语境中对自己言语的调节,实现最符合自己身份的会话。 本文共四章,加上引言和结束语共六个部分。 第一章为引言部分,介绍会话分析的范围、历史、和本文的切入点。 第二章主要探讨会话分析的三个方面:会话结构、会话风格和会话策略。会话结构是自然语言本身固有的的结构,如话轮和相邻对;会话风格是讲话者自然的会话方式;会话策略是会话者为实现某一目的而对自己的语言作的自觉调整。这三个方面并不能代表会话的一切特性,但他们是本文所研究的主体。 第三章是本文的核心,主要研究社会中的会话。笔者对不同性别、不同权势、不同年龄、不同民族的会话者之间的会话进行了分析。前三项都是从第二章所讨论的三个方面进行的,总体上说会话双方有一方倾向于对会话结构进行控制并且双方的会话风格和会话策略也有所不同。民族之间的会话差异主要从会话风格方面进行了论述。最后笔者指出,由于社会因素引起的会话差异会随着交际团体的不同而不同。 第四章探讨特定场景中的会话,这种会话更为具体,更具有目的性。会话者可以通过对称呼、词汇、语法和话轮等的选择和控制来实现自己的交际目的。 结束语部分是对全丈的回顾和前瞻,并指出其不足之处。会话是一种社会现象,许多因素都要考虑在内。为此,我们需要展开更深入的研究以获得更精确的数据。
【Abstract】 Conversation analysis (CA) originated in the mid 1960’s within sociology in the work of Harvey Sacks and his colleagues, as an approach to the study of the social organization of everyday conduct. During the ensuing thirty years, CA has produced a substantial body of rigorous and informative analysis of human action and interaction. In this thesis, the author studies conversation from sociolinguistic perspectives, mainly concentrating on two aspects: one is how social variables affect conversation and the other is how speakers, through the proper management of their speech, achieve the appropriate institutional identities in different context.This thesis consists of six parts, including the introduction and the conclusion.The first chapter is the introduction, which discusses about the scope and history of CA and the author’s starting point.Chapter Two introduces the three aspects of conversation, namely conversation structure, conversation strategy, and conversational style. Conversation structure is the natural structure that language follows, such as turn-taking and adjacency pairs. Conversational style is the speaker’s natural way of speaking and conversation strategy is the speaker’s conscious management of their style to achieve certain communicative goals. These three aspects can not represent all the attributes of conversation, but they are the main aspects the author discusses.Chapter Three is the main part of the thesis, which examines conversation in society. The author mainly studies conversations between parties of different statuses, different gender, different age, and differentVethnicity. The first three studies are carried out from the three aspects that the author has presented in Chapter Two. Generally speaking, one party tends to dominate the conversation structure, and the both parties tend to use different strategies and different styles. The study of conversation between parties of different ethnicity is mainly discussed from style perspective. At last, the author points out that these differences may differ according to different speech communities.Chapter Four explores conversation in institutional contexts, which is more specific and task-orienting compared with conversation in society. Speakers can achieve their goals through the management of personal reference, lexical choice, grammatical forms, and turn-taking. Some conversations in specific contexts are also discussed in this chapter.The final part is the conclusion. It is the retrospect and prospect of the whole thesis, in which the author summarizes the thesis, addresses the limitations, and points out the unsolved problems. Conversation is a social phenomenon which needs taking of several factors into consideration, much more studies should be carried out to get more accurate data
- 【网络出版投稿人】 曲阜师范大学 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
- 【分类号】H0-05
- 【被引频次】3
- 【下载频次】789