

The Investigations on College English Teaching in Guangxi Teachers University and the Pedagogical Implications

【作者】 蒋业梅

【导师】 张叔宁; 陈吉棠;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 随着改革开放的不断深入和经济建设的迅猛发展,全国大学英语教学已经取得了长足的进展。但是,由于我国幅员辽阔,各地区之间的经济文化发展极不平衡,存在着较大的地域差异。大学英语的教学也不例外。 从“需要分析”理论出发,作者对本校(广西师范大学,民族边远地区中的一所重点院校)的大学英语教学现状作了一些问卷调查。调查结果表明,我校大学英语教学与全国大学英语教学的平均水平还有一个比较大的差距。这个差距存在的原因是由于民族边远地区长期闭塞,其经济文化发展相对缓慢,与外界的交流比较少,社会对英语的要求还不是那么的迫切,加上其办学条件、师资力量、生源等相对较差。我校大学英语教学所面临的问题是很严竣的。第一是师资不稳定,教师严重缺编。第二是教学条件和设备比较差。第三是应试教学相当严重,把四级考试与学位证书挂钩。第四是“哑吧英语”现象比较普遍,大学生英语的实际能力比较差。第五是大学二年级后没有什么后续课程。学生即使过了四级,到了大四想考研,往往英语不过关。 在调查研究的基础上,作者指出,要从根本上赶上全国的水平,我们必须首先要在客观分析自己的师资力量、生源情况和办学条件的基础上,订出符合自己实际情况的教学目标和教学要求:对现行的大学英语教材加以修订和改进,编写出更好的教材:要勇于创新,探索适合于自己情况的教学模式和方法。同时指出,学校各级领导必须给予大学英语教学更多的重视与扶持,在职称晋升、业务进修等方面给从事大学英语教学的老师必要的政策倾斜,使其师资队伍得到及时的补充、提高和发展。只有从实际出发,一步一步地、扎扎实实地打好基础,才能取得更大的成绩。 文章分五大部分:全文概述、我校大学英语教学现状调查、英语教学大纲设计的理论回顾、我校大厦大语教学大纲与课程设计的策略,最后是结论。关于教学大纲与课程设计问题的阐述,作者的主要理论依据是:Richards 1982年提出的关于教学方法—教学设计一教学过程相互影响、制约理论,Widdowsonl987年提出的学习者需要理论,Hutchinson提出的课程设计原则以及我校王才仁教授提出的双重活动教学法理论。整个分析与论证紧紧围绕这些理论进行,从而提出一个相对比较合理的设计方案。 由于时间、范围和财力等因素的约朱,调查结果并不一定能很如实地反映现实的情况,但是我们也能从中得到一些启示,希望对整个民族边远地区的大学英语教学能有所帮助。

【Abstract】 The Investigation on College English Teaching in Guangxi Teachers’ University and the Pedagogical ImplicationsPostgraduate: Jiang YemeiSupervisors: Professors Zhang Shuning and Chen JitangAbstractWith the deeper reform and rapid development of the economic construction, College English teaching in China has made great progress. However, China has a very vast area arid the development in economics and culture is uneven in different areas with no exception of College English teaching.Based on the theory of "Needs Analysis", the author has made an investigation on College English teaching in Guangxi Teachers’ University (one of the key universities in the remote areas). The results indicate that there exists a very wide gap in College English teaching in our university compared with the average level of the whole country. The reasons are 1) The development of the economic construction and culture in the remote areas is relatively slow; 2) There is rare international cultural and economic exchanges; 3) The teaching conditions there are much poorer and the students’ levels are much lower.College English teaching in our university faces with some pressing problems. First, there is a severe shortage of teachers. Second, the teaching conditions are much poorer. Third, the authorities are most interested in the ranking of the university according to the test score and the students are required to pass the Test Band 4 in order to get their degrees. Forth, the students are learning to pass the test rather than how to use the language. Many students who have passed the Test Band 4 can speak only a few English sentences. And lastly, there is no more English class for them after they have finished their second year’s study. When they come to their fourth year, they may want to further their study and would like to take the test for graduate courses. Usually English is the big problem.According to the findings, the author suggests that we should develop a syllabus at the school level, set out our own teaching objectives and revise our existing teaching materials, teaching techniques and methods as well. In this way, we can teach our students according to their actual levels. Above all, leaders at all levels should pay more attention to College English teaching, give more chances for English teachers to further their study and get professional promotion.This thesis consists of five parts: introduction, the investigation on College English teaching in Guangxi Teachers’ University, a survey of language syllabus design, approaches to course design and conclusion. The theoretical bases are 1) Richard’s theory on teaching methods. 2)Widdowson’s theory on learners’ needs. 3) Hutchinson’s approches to course design. 4) Professor Wang cairen’s dual-activity approaches.Due to the limit of time and the shortage of money, the investigation results may not exactly reflect the realistic facts of College English teaching in our university, but I still hope that they can give some help to our Cpllege English teaching.

  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】763

