

Research on Thought of Rural School’s P.E in Guang Xi Minority Nationality Regions

【作者】 赵学森

【导师】 黄燊;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 教学论, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以广西少数民族地区农村(乡镇以下)中小学为调查对象,通过问卷调查、文献资料研究等方法,结合访问、观察,从宏观角度对广西少数民族地区农村学校体育思想的发展历程、现状、未来三方面进行研究。 广西是农村人口占绝大多数、少数民族聚居的、经济文化相对比较落后的地区。自从体育进入学校成为一门课程,学校体育已经历了百年的发展时间。21世纪的到来,社会对人才素质的要求,增加了学校体育改革的紧迫感,更需要以符合社会发展规律和现实乃至未来需要的思想为指导。学校体育思想就是人们在一定社会和时代的学校体育实践活动中直接或间接形成的对学校体育的认识和看法,如对学校体育的性质、地位、功能、目标、方法、手段、规律等的认识。学校体育思想发展的历史,是由单一思想到多元思想,由交替碰撞到互相融合的历史。 通过对广西少数民族地区农村学校体育指导思想发展历程的回顾,理清学校体育思想发展的脉络。学校体育指导思想,以新中国成立为分水岭,经历了建国前半封建半殖民地性质以及建国后社会主义性质的学校体育思想发展时期。每个时期思想的表现形态各不相同,建国前的军国民体育、自然主义体育思想指导着当时社会条件下的学校体育;建国后是一个多元化的思想发展阶段,各种教育思想被引入学校体育的领域,产生了诸如体质教育、技能教育、全面教育、能力教育、快乐体育、成功体育、竞技体育、终身体育等学校体育的指导思想。根据对广西少数民族地区农村学校体育现状的调查分析,这些地区受经济、文化、传统观念、自然地理环境等因素的影响,学校体育相对落后,发展不平衡。虽然经济、自然地理环境等客观因素限制了学校体育的发展,但深层次的原因,还是主观因素,即人们对少数民族地区农村学校体育工作的观念和认识问题。观念不更新,认识问题不解决,少数民族地区农村学校体育就很难有大的进步,质的提高,农村学校体育的理论也难以得到丰富和发展。因此,学校体育思想的范畴,除了指集中体现方向性、政策性的指导思想外,还有社会各界个人或群体的观念和认识,以及反映系统研究学校体育问题的理论。这些思想形态,反映了一个国家、一个社会的学校体育思想,一方面具有时代性、社会性、阶级性的特征,一方面具有实践性、专业性、群众性的特征,同时还具有多样性和层次性的特点。广西少数民族地区农村学校体育思想也有其慢熟性、滞后性、农村性的特点。改革学校体育,首先要使全社会认识到端正思想、转变观念的重要性,把其作为解决学校体育思想与各级各类学校体育具体情况之间的矛盾的核心,促进学校体育的发展。 针对当前广西少数民族地区农村的实际情况,青少年身心发展的特点,学校体育应当以“增强体质,促进身心健康发展”为主导思想,学校体育的改革应当从改革教学方法、形式等向搭导思想、认识观念、教育理论等深层次的改革发展:从局部改革向整体改革发展,提倡不拘于传统模式,向丰富多彩的内容、多种模式的组合方向发展。 在对历史和现实研究的基础上,展望与预测21世纪初广西少数民族地区农村学校体育思想的发展趋势。在党中央教育方针和“健康第一”思想指导下,在相当长的一段时间里,广西少数民族地区农村学校体育将以“增强体质、增进健康”为主、其它思想为辅的思想体系指导具体的实践;学校体育改革将以全方位、整体性、长跨度的新思路深入开展,学校体育工作日益受到人们的重视。思想观念的转变、物质条件的改善,必将促使广西学校体育形成比较完整的、层次分明的、富有民族特色的思想体系,以此丰富我国的学校体育思想。 学校体育思想是一个庞大的复杂体系,需要宏观的把握,更需要微观方面的研究,并且更为重要,这是深化学校体育改革、全面推进素质教育面临的重要课题。从广西少数民族地区农村学校体育思想的历史、现实与未来发展来看,首先要从宏观上研究学校体育思想,把握学校体育在深化教育改革,全面推进素质教育过程中的作用与方向,以适应现代体育、现代教育、现代社会的良性发展。

【Abstract】 Taking rural primary and high schools in Guang Xi minority nationality regions as the investigated objects,and the thought of school’s P.E as the object,adopting questionaire, literature,visiting,observation,the author researched the development course,the current situation, the future on the thought of rural school’s P.E from macroscopic angle.Having an overwhelming majority rural population,minoriry nationalities living togther, economy and culture falling behind,Guang Xi is such kind of region. School’s P.E has been 100 years since P.E became a course.The pressing sense of P.E reform is strengthened because of both 21 century coming and the demand for talent quality,and the reform needs a suit of guiding ideology conforming to the reality and the future.The thoughts of school’s P.E are cognitions or opinions formed directly or indirectly to school’s P.E in the middle of practice,such as quality, status,function,objective,method,measure,law of school’s P.E.The development of school’s P.Ethought is a history from single to varied,and from touching to melting together.Reviewing the development course of school’s P.E, the author found out the sequence of ideas. Acting new china’s establishment as the line of demarcation,the thought of school’s P.E had undergoed two periods. One was the half feudal half colonial period before country’s establishment ,the other was the socialistic period after country’s establishment.The forms of ideas are different in every period,"Arm the nation P.E "/’Naturalism P.E" guided school’s P.E on the social condition at that time before country’s setting-up.It was a varied diversify development stage,and all kinds of ideas were introduced into the territory of school’s P.E,so that thoughts were produced,such as Constitution Education,Skill Education,Overall Education, Capability Education,Happiness P.E.Success P.E,Athletics P.E,Lifelong P.E,etc.These forms reflected age nature, social nature, class nature, and practice nature, speciality, the masses nature, varied and levels characters. The category became gradually plentyful, epitomizing guiding ideology, all kinds of concept and cognition, and the theory researched systematically.With the development of society, the rural school’s P.E in Guang Xi minority nationality regions has made great progress. Because of subjective-objective factors and internal-external cause, it is relative backward. Through the history of thoughts’ development, the deep levels reason why it is backward is that people have no correct ideas and cognitions about school’s P.E work. So correcting thought and changing concept is a breakthrough point of solving contradition, and it must makes essencial development from now to future.Facing insufficient, the author researched the current situation of thought. School’s P.E was influenced by politics, economy, civilization, traditional ideas, natural and geographical environment factors. According to the reality, school’s P.E should act "strengthen constitution, and promote sound in body and mind" as the leading idea, and the reform of rural school’s P.E in Guang Xi minority nationality regions should develop from partial to whole, and should advocate being not too nice alx>ut traditional pattern, and should develop towards varied content and varied patterns.On the basic of reality and history, the author prospected the thoughts of rural school’s P.E in the beginning of 21 century in order that the thoughts could adapt themselves to deepening education reform and putting forward guality education.

  • 【分类号】G807
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】562

