

【作者】 王东阳

【导师】 刘德法;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 刑法学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 医疗事故罪首次在97刑法典中作出明文规定,这为部分医疗事故的刑法处理提供了法定依据。但其中部分问题在理论和司法实践中仍存在有很大争议。为有利于司法操作,本文试作以探讨。 全文共分五个部分。 第一部分:医疗事故罪的立法沿革。在医疗事故纠纷的单一行政法规调控向行政法规和刑事法规双重调控的转变过程中,笔者阐述了本罪在刑法典中独立规定的意义和必要性。 第二部分:本罪的罪名和定义。关于本罪的罪名界定,理论界的通说为“医疗责任事故罪。”但笔者同意最高人民法院对本罪的罪名界定,并作了较为有力的论证。关于本罪的定义,笔者针对理论界的不同认识作了较为系统的分析和综合,确立了有法律依据的、能表现本罪本质特征的定义。 第三部分:医疗事故罪的犯罪的构成。它又分四方面:一、医疗事故罪的客体。本文认为本罪侵犯的客体是复杂客体,主要客体是医疗单位的工作秩序;次要客体是就诊人的身体健康权。二、医疗事故罪的客观方面。笔者认为,1、医疗事故罪必须表现出主体的严重不负责任的行为,并对严重不负责任的立法意义,内涵和表现作了较为详细的论述。2、严重不负责任的行为给就诊人造成了严重后果。笔者认为应以刑法的标准界定严重后果的范围。3、严重不负责任的行为同严重后果之间存在有刑法上的因果关系。i、@疗事故罪的主体。笔者将医务人页分为医疗单位的医务人员和个体从业的医务人员,并对二者作了严密的界定。四、医疗事故罪的主观方面。笔者重点从注意义务和业务注意能力两方面对本罪主观上的过失作了系统的阐述,并对特殊条件下主观过失的情形作了探讨。 第四部分:医疗事故罪在司法实践中的认定。包括:一、 ‘严重不负责任”的司法认定。二、非罪事实。三、近似罪的区分。又包括:1、本罪与非法行医罪;2、本罪与玩忽职守罪;3、本罪与重大责任事故罪。 第五部分:医疗事故罪的刑罚适用。包括:一、医疗事故·罪的处罚原则。笔者认为,应当考虑业务过失犯罪与一般过失犯罪的区别,使前者的法定刑高于后者的法定刑。二、本罪刑罚适用中应注意的问题。笔者认为,在刑罚适用中,第一,应当严格遵照丹1法的规定,综合考虑犯罪的事实、性质、情节等各方面的因素,决定执行的刑罚。第二,要重视缓刑的适用。

【Abstract】 Medical accident crime is explicitly defined in the 1997抯 Criminal Law that provides a lawful foundation for the criminal punishment of some medical accidents. But there are still some controversies over the theory and the practice. So the exploratory opinion is given on this subject in this essay. This essay includes five parts. Part I am on the evolution of medical accident crime. The author interprets the meaning and the necessity of the independent legislation of the crime in the criminal law. Part II is on the accusation and conception of the crime. The authority viewpoint of the accusation in the theory circle is 搈edical responsibility accident crime? But the author agrees with the recognition of the Supreme People’s court. The author systematically analyses and synthesizes the various views about the conception in the theory circle and concludes a lawful one, which can reflects the essenjial characters of the crime. Part III reviews the constitutive requisites of medical accident crime. There are four aspects included: the first is the object of the crime. The author believes that the object is complicated, the major object is the working order of the medical unit, and the secondary object is the life and health of the person seeking medical service. The second is on the objective aspect of medical accident crime. The author holds that the medical accident crime conduct must be the act of the grossly neglecting duty. The grossly neglecting duty act causes serious consequence to the person seeking medical service, and the meaning of serious consequence and the standard of determining serious consequence are also discussed here. The author holds that there should essentially exist an inner link between the action of grossiy neglecting duty and serious consequence. The third is about the subject of the crime. The author classifies the medical persons into two kinds梠ne抯 the person m the medical unit and the other is the one working for himself. The forth is about the subjective aspect of the crime. The author explains systematically the medical obligation and capability of care, and also investigates the negligence at the exceptional situations. Part IV focuses on the distinguishing in practice of the medical accident crime. This part includes: 1.~ the limits of 揼rossly neglecting duty? 2 ~. the facts of non-crime. 3~ the distinguishing between medical accident crime and other neglecting duty crime. Part V is about the punishment of medical accident crime. This part includes: 1 the punishment principles of the crime. The author holds that the differences should be considered between neglecting crime and special neglecting duty crime. 2 the aspects must be specially considered in the punishment. First, the author holds that the degree of the serious consequence and the seriousness of other criminal circumstances must be taken into account when determining the criminal responsibility of the conductor. Second, emphasize on applying suspension of sentence to the conductor.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】401

