

【作者】 张红

【导师】 ??;

【作者基本信息】 上海海运学院 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 技术的进步,特别是电子技术的进步必然会影响到人类生活方式的变化,而这一变化又将促使人们对自己的居住和生活环境提出新的要求。如此生生不已,形成了科学技术的持续发展。楼宇建筑也好,其中的装备也好都遵循这种发展规律。建筑规划必将面临技术突飞猛进的发展带来的挑战,而且应当在建筑设计中体现当今最先进的的技术和生活理念。这就是智能建筑的由来。 楼宇自动化系统是智能建筑的最重要的组成部分,楼宇自动化程度的高低直接关系到整个智能大厦运行的好坏,智能建筑的自动化设计涉及现场数据采集、现场设备联动、数据传输加工和处理显示。自动化设计的主要工作包括现场设备的智能化、数据采集、转换、传输设备的数目格式规范化、统一化,软件的合理性、清晰、优化设计。BAS具有供给、环境、传输、防卫等功能。在智能建筑领域,我们仍需作出大量的工作。 对智能大厦的系统工程而言,计算机网络建设是其重要的组成部分。Lonworks是新一代控制网络技术,以其开放、灵活等特点成为楼宇自控系统的最佳选择。本文以基于现场总线的现代化实验室监控系统研究作为实例,阐述Lonworks控制网络技术在实验室监控系统典型应用及设计时应注意的几个问题。Lonworks现场总线技术的应用已经越来越广泛。本文首先在引言中简单地介绍智能建筑及我国智能建筑发展状况,早期的控制技术及其存在的问题,以及针对这些问题未来的测控网络LONWORKS智能网络控制技术;最后,介绍了轮机模拟器实验中心监控系统的软、硬件设计及其调试与运行情况的分析。基于本人在毕业设计过程中所做的工作,本人在本篇论文中主要详细介绍轮机模拟器实验中心监控系统的调试及其运行情况的分析。

【Abstract】 Technological advance, especially in progressing of electronic technology, will probably influence the human movement, and also the building treatment. Either a whole building, or its part or a system of equipment, abides by the same rules. Architects must face the most rapidly progressed of techniques and handle the relationship between technical and architectural design. Intelligent building forms under the background. Building Automation System (BAS) is the most important role in the intelligent building, and the level of BAS determine the working state of whole building. The designing of BAS involves the data gathering, the driving of electronic facilities, the data exchanging and the result showing. The designing work includes making the facilities on the spot intelligent, the designing of hardware for gathering, exchanging, transmitting the data, and the designing rational, distinct, excellent software. BAS should have the capability of powering, environment regulating, communication, and safe guard. There are still a lot of work to be done in intelligent building area. To the system engineering of intelligent building, construction of computer network is the important component. Lonworks technology is the new generation of the control networking technology, As an open, flexible system, it becomes the best choice of Building Automatic System (BAS). The paper, under the background of fieldbus modem laboratory monitor and control system, describes the typical application of Lonworks control network technology on laboratory monitor-control system and some items which should be paid attention. There are more and more applications of Lonworks technology in FCS ( Fieldbus Control System ). It briefly introduces the intelligent building and the current situation of intelligent buildings in our country, the technology of control networks in the early period and its defects, and discusses the requirements of examination and control networks of machines arid equipment in the future in the introduction of this paper. And then the article presents a kind of Fieldbus-Lon works technology, which supplies its requirements. Finally, it describes the software and hardware design of monitor system of Marine Simulator LAB Center and its adjustment, and analyzes its running statement. It mainly describe the adjustment of monitor system of Marine Simulator LAB Center, its running statement, and the analysis of the running statement in details on which I have done in my graduation project.

  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】237

