

Research on a multimedia platform for special use of power system

【作者】 刘向军

【导师】 曲和南;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在WINDOWS环境下,以Delphi 4.0为主要创作工具、以Authorware Professional 5、Dreamwaver等软件工具为辅助手段,针对电力系统的特点,对用于电力系统的多媒体专用平台进行了研究,完成了平台中知识原理子系统的设计与实现。 作者根据对仿真人员上岗培训的要求和多媒体的特点,建立了科学合理的知识原理数据库,为学员提供了几种知识表现的方式,为教师提供了简单超媒体系统编辑器、文本编辑界面和其它多媒体文件的链接接口,实现知识查阅、在线帮助、知识库的维护等功能。为实现资源共享、适应网络技术的发展,除单机应用外,还利用WEB数据库技术开发了网上培训模块,可在网络环境下,通过浏览器进行知识查询,并通过答疑室进行学员和教师之间的交流。 由于本文是用多媒体技术来描述电力系统的,因而具有界面生动、交互性强等特点,由于程序的结构模块化设计使系统具有一定的开放性和可扩展性。多媒体技术与网络技术的相结合是仿真培训的发展方向,本文在这方面也做了一定的探索和研究。

【Abstract】 This thesis studied on establishing a multimedia software platform for special use of power system and realized knowledge and principle subsystem in view of peculiarity of power system. It is accomplished by taking Delhi 4.0 as its basic development tool, taking Authorware Professional 5.. Dreamwaver as its assistant means under the Microsoft Windows 98 environment. The author established a scientific knowledge principle database, based on the multimedia characters and the requests of stimulation training for personnel before working in a power plant, provided a few of ways of presenting knowledge for students, provided a simple super text edited system.. text edited system and the interface linked with other multimedia files, realized some functions such as search.. help online, maintenance of knowledge database. At the same time the author developed the train model on web with WEB database technology, users can search knowledge with Microsoft Internet Explorer, can discuss their problems with teachers or with other users. It made the sources shared, adapted itself to the development of internet technology. In this platform, described power system with multimedia technology, so the platform has features of making simply, operating easily, stronger interaction, friendly and interesting interface. Its structure is modularized, so it well prepared for future scaling up to a two-tiered or multi-tiered database application. It supports enough multimedia and secondary software developing. In terms of Multimedia connected with internet being the trend of training simulator, this thesis made some search and study on it.

  • 【分类号】TM769
  • 【下载频次】115

