

A Study on Evaluation Method, Genetic Variation, and Developmental Process of Quality Traits in Genetic Resource of Summer-planted Vegetable Soybean

【作者】 韩立德

【导师】 邱家驯; 盖钧镒;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 菜用大豆(Vegetable Soybean,Glycine max),俗称毛豆,是一种重要的豆类蔬菜,只在我国南方和少数几个亚洲国家有其食用习惯。随着“国家大豆行动计划”的实施和大豆的保健作用日益被人们揭示和重视,国内外对毛豆需求日益扩大。除营养品质外,优良的感官品质是菜用大豆极为重要的育种目标性状。以往除营养品质有初步研究外,对于感官品质主要指标性状尚不明确,感官品质鉴定方法还未形成完整体系,感官品质性状与采收期之间的关系也缺乏系统研究。本文以夏播菜用大豆品种为材料,研究了菜用大豆感官品质鉴定方法、品质有种的主要目标性状、我国菜用大豆主产区品种资源的遗传变异特点和优异资源,并进一步探讨了感官品质有关性状的发育过程。 1998年从全国菜用大豆主产区各省份的2100份百粒重大于22克的大粒地方品种资源库中随机分层抽样,抽取400份品种,进行了200份品种的感官鉴定方法探索实验。1999年再从中随机抽取154份品种,按照研究制定的方法作进一步试验研究,所得结果如下: 1.初步确立菜用大豆品质感官鉴定方法,主要包括了4个步骤:(1)感官鉴定人员的考核,鉴别评定小组成员的判断能力;(2)采用生食样品、熟食样品两种烹调加工方法制备样品;(3)主观偏差检测,判断评价有效性;(4)感官模糊综合评价分析:①确立评价对象口感、口味、外观、色泽、香味、手感六个评价因素,②确立各评价因素的权重集,③确定五等级(低劣、较差、一般、较好、优良)评语论域及各评价因素的隶属等级标准,④采用合理品尝方式,⑤模糊综合评价分析。该鉴定方法应用在育种实例中,证明简单、方便、有效。 2.在进行菜用大豆品质育种过程中,感官品质鉴定应首先在外观、口味、口感、色泽、香味、手感六个一级性状综合评价的基础上进行选择,注重前三项性状的选择,然后结合荚长、荚厚、百荚鲜重、可溶性糖以及其他感官品质有关理化性状的选择。 3.运用上述鉴定方法对154份品种进行感官品质鉴定,其中低劣、较差品种14个,一般品种75个,较好品种60个,优良品种5个(南农大黄豆、台湾309、海系13、金湖大青豆、香水豆)。结合考察主要一级感官性状和感官品质有关的理化性状,筛选出:(1)适于市场销售的优良品种11个,宜兴六月黄、台湾309、香水豆等;(2)感官品质有关理化性状达到出口专用要求的菜用大豆品种11个,如皋荚荚三、海系13、香水豆等;(3)感官品质有关理化性状特异种质资源,包括荚长大的品种7份,荚厚大的品种9份,百荚鲜重大的品种10份,高可溶性糖的品种3份。其中比较优异的,荚长大的品种,如皋荚荚三和楚秀等;荚厚大的品种,楚秀、台湾309和海系13等;百荚鲜重大的品种,嵊县大豆、金湖大青豆和香水豆等;高可溶性糖的品种,金湖大青豆等。 4.对154个品种感官品质有关理化性状进行鉴定,结果表明:荚长、荚厚的遗传变异系数中等,分别为11.70%、10.07%:荚宽的遗传变异系数较小,为8.59%;荚长、荚宽、荚厚三者的遗传力中等,分别为73.59O、71.51O和76.86O。百荚鲜重、百粒鲜重、可溶性糖的遗传变异系数较大,分别为24石8%、25.41%和26.42%,遗传力较高,分别为87.93%、90.49%和93.65%。单荚粒数遗传变异系数较小,为8.95%,遗传力较低,为54.88%;选择高可溶性糖含量、百荚鲜重、百粒鲜重大的品种潜力较大。 5.以3个不同熟期组、6个不同菜用大豆品种通州豆、楚秀(熟期组*)、海系13、87C-38(熟期组IV)、南农大黄豆、黑皮绿仁(熟期组V)为材料,研究了它们的感官品质有关理化性状生长变化过程,结果表明:①单荚荚长、荚宽在开花后10-20天急剧增加,然后缓慢增长,大体上达到该品种特性具有的大小,荚厚的增长晚于荚长、荚宽的生长,大约在开花后25-40天左右快速增长,然后生长缓慢。荚长、荚宽、荚厚随时间的生长变化皆很好地符合LOgisti。变化曲线。②百荚鲜重、百粒鲜重积累量先缓慢增加,直至最大值,然后下降,皆符合二次曲线方程。熟期组*的品种百荚鲜重、百粒鲜重在开花后35-55天达到最大值;而熟期组IV、熟朋组V的品种百荚鲜重、百粒鲜重在开花后5570天达到最大值。③鲜荚出籽率逐渐增加,干基中可溶性糖含量开花后30-60天逐渐增加,在开花后6075天大部分品种略有降低,而仅熟期组*品种通州豆例外,可溶性糖含量略有上升,其变化符合四次曲线方程。总之,不同熟期组的品种品质性状生长发育过程无较大差异,菜用大豆适宜采摘期为R6(鼓粒饱满期>一R7生理成熟期)的前半期。

【Abstract】 Vegetable Soybean (Glycine max), also called as 揗aodou? has been being an important Vegetable legume. Only southern China and a few of Asian countries have the tradition to eat it as vegetable food. With its important nutrition value, the requirement for vegetable soybean was increasing rapidly. In addition to nutrient quality, excellent sensory quality was an important object for vegetable soybean breeding .The major component traits of sensory quality have not been clearly understood. A sample of summer-planted vegetable soybean were used to study the evaluation method of its sensory quality, to reveal the major component traits of sensory quality, to evaluate the genetic variability of the sampled population, and to screen out elite accessions for breeding purpose. In addition, the developmental process of the quality traits was also studied. In 1998,a stratified random sample of 400 vegetable soybeans was taken from 2100 varieties with 100-seed weight more than 22g from main vegetable soybean regions for a preliminary study to explore the sensory evaluation method. Further study was carried out on 154 from the 400 varieties by using the procedure suggested in I 999.The results were as follows: I .A system of sensory quality evaluation of vegetable soybean was preliminarily established, including four main processes:(1) Checking the member of sensory assessing panel;(2)Preparing the specimens of non-cooked and cooked soybean with appropriate processing procedure;(3) Estimating the validity of assessment ; (4)Sensory fuzzy synthetic assessrnent:QDestablishing six main sensory factors (mouth feeling, taste, color, odour, hand feeling, appearance);@~determining rationale weight of each factor;甦etermining content and criterion of each factor in five grades (excellent, better, ordinary, worse, inferior); ? appropriate tasting methods;~sensory fuzzy synthetic analyzing. The sensory quality evaluation system was proved to be simple and valid in a vegetable soybean evaluation program. 2.During the process of vegetable soybean quality breeding, quality appraisement and 3 breeding should be emphasized on comprehensive assessment of appearance, taste, mouth feeling, colour, odour, hand feeling, of which the most important ones were appearance and mouth feeling and taste. Furthermore variety抯 quality breeding objective should be also concerned with 100-pod fresh weight, pod length, pod depth, soluble sugar content etc. 3.The quality of 154 varieties were evaluated with sensory organs, the result was that: the worse or inferior was 14 varieties, the ordinary 75,the better 60,the excellent 5 (Nannongda Huangdou, Taiwan 309,Haixi 13,Jinhu Daqingdou, Xiangshuidou). Among the special genetic resources whose sensory quality was related to physical and chemical property, there were 3 varieties that contained higher portion of soluble sugar, 10 ones whose 100-pod fresh weight was heavier, 9 ones whose pod depth was thicker and 7 ones whose pod length was longer. 4.The result showed that the coefficient of heredity variation for pod length, pod width, pod depth, number of each pod, 100-pod fresh weight, 100-seed fresh weight, soluble sugar content (dry weight basis) was 11.70%, 8.59%, 10.07%, 8.95%, 24.68%, 25.4 1% and 26.42% respectively, and the heritability for them was 73.59%, 76.86%, 71.5 1%, 54.88%, 87.93%, 90.49% and 93.65% respectively. 5.Six vegetable soybean fro

  • 【分类号】S565.102.4
  • 【被引频次】6
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