

A Study of Applied Algorithm of HVAC Control in Intelligence Buildings of China

【作者】 方海云

【导师】 施鉴诺;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 供热通风与空调工程, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题的研究主要包括以下六个部分: 1.背景研究 立足国际前沿技术,进行了大量的工程调查和资料研究,对国内智能建筑中空调设备及其自控设计中的情况,特别是在实际工程应用中在楼宇控制的核心——HVAC控制上出现的问题作了分析,并在智能建筑、楼宇控制系统和HVAC系统的发展趋势上提出了自己的见解。 2.楼控系统方案选择研究 HVAC的控制是集暖通空调、控制和计算机网络知识为一体,多学科交叉的领域。首先要解决的问题是控制系统的方案选择,它关系到控制策略的实施和控制系统集成、扩展的能力、随着DDC(Direct Digital Control)控制和网络技术的发展,HVAC的控制不再只局限于阻碍其发展的专有通信协议,开放式协议和系统成为主流和发展方向。本课题选取了对楼控领域产生深远影响、代表发展方向的BACnet和LonWorks技术,剖析了它们的基本思路、协议要点、以及它们的应用和典型产品——BACnet/ALC系统和LonWorks/Seachange系统,揭示了两种典型技术的特点以及二者相互竞争/依存的关系,对楼控系统方案选择有实际参考价值。 3.实验台模拟运行研究 本课题利用BACnet/ALC系统的软件、硬件搭建了实验台,实践了包括HVAC控制系统的设计、组态、安装及每一个I/O点、传感器和执行器调试的全过程。通过对BACnet/ALC系统的节能软件的分析,考察了BACnet/ALC系统的实际应用。利用实验台和仿真软件,探索了针对不同HVAC设备特点编制的控制算法,为实际工程应用打下了基础。 4.HVAC控制实用算法研究 结合我国目前HVAC系统的控制现状,通过对典型空调系统的控制要求的分析,提出了适合工程实施的实用算法,并采用EIKON图形化编程工具分别对新风机组、一次回风空调系统、二次回风空调系统、VAV BOX和VAV AHU的控制,具体编制了实用可行的控制程序。对常规冷源系统的整体控制也提出了符合工程实施的实用算法,针对冰蓄冷系统的控制特点设计了易于实施的负荷动态分配简易模型。 5.工程实践 经过一年多的工程实践,特别是在实施上海科技城(上海市政府重点项目)的楼宇控制系统的过程中,我作为技术骨干参与了从投标、答辩、考察、准深化设计、施工图设计到控制程序设计的全过程。将前面对楼控系统方案选择和HVAC控制算法的研究,应用于科技城项目的控制点表、控制原理、系统选择、控制设备选型等方面,受到了业主的好评和设计院的认可。 6.HVAC控制算法发展趋势的研究 通过对典型控制回路,分别采用热平衡方程式和简化的控制算法进行分析,比较两种算法的优缺点,探讨HVAC控制算法的发展方向。

【Abstract】 1.The Study of Background This thesis is based on the international forward of science and technology. And a large amount of engineering investigation and reference studying is made. I investigated and analyzed the conditions and problems of HVAC equipment and its automatic control systems in Intelligence buildings in our country, especially the problems in HVAC control, the center of Building Automation System, in projects. Furthermore, I put forth my opinions in the trends of the development of Intelligence buildings, Building Automation System and HVAC system. 2. The Study of the Selection of Building Automation System Design HVAC control is the field of mixing several knowledge, the knowledge of HVAC, the knowledge of control, the knowledge of computer science and network. The first problem to solve is the selection of Building Automation System design, which is related to the completion of control strategies and the capability of system integration and expansion. I-IVAC control is not limited in the proprietary communication protocol with the development of Direct Digital Control and Distributed System. So the open protocols and systems become the developmental orientation. I selected BACnet and LonWorks technique, which have far-reaching effects on Building Automation field and represent the developmental orientation. The competed yet dependent relationship of BACnet and LonWorks and their technical characters are unveiled by analyzing their train of thoughts and methods, the main points of the protocols, the application and the applied productsACnet /ALC system and LonWorks/Seachange system. It worthy to refer on the selection of Building Automation System design in projects. 3. The Study of the Simulative Running of Experimental Set The experimental set was founded with the hardware and software of BACnet /ALC system. I practised the whole process of system design, configuration, installation and adjustment of I/Os, sensors and actuators. I research the application of BACnetIALC system by analyzing the energy saving software of BACnet /ALC system. I tested the algorithm according to different I-IVAC equipment by using the experimental set and simulation software, which built a substructure for the application in projects. 4. The Study of the Applied HVAC Control Algorithm I try to put forth a set of applied algorithm by combining the situation of HVAC control systems in our country and analyzing the control requests of typical HVAC systems. I designed the control programs for the control of FAU, AHU, AHU with secondary return air, VAV BOX and VAV AHU with the graphic programming tool, EIKON.I also set forth the applied algorithm for the whole control of typical chiller plant system and design the simple model for dynamic distribution of loading according to the characteristic of the thermal storage system control. 5. The Practice in Projects After more than one year practice in projects, especially in the process of executing the Shanghai ScienceLand project, I did the work of bidding, answering the owner questions, studing, the drawing for arrangement and for construct and design of control programs, as the main technician. I practise the study of the selection of Building Automation System design and HVAC control algorithm in completing the design of control points, the theory of control, the selection of control system and equipment of the Shanghai ScienceLand project. The work what I did has been praised by the owner and recognized by the Shanghai Institute of

  • 【分类号】TU831.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】408

