

【作者】 何君

【导师】 王化学;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2000, 硕士


【摘要】 海明威是20世纪著名的作家,他在创作过程中,逐渐形成了自己独具特色的创作内容和创作原则,尤其是对典型人物的塑造更是自成一体。其中,“硬汉人物”就是极成功的例子。在“硬汉”身上,不仅具有大无畏的精神、坚韧无比的毅力以及“向死而生”的勇气等“硬汉”特征,同时又有其早期作品中着力表现的迷惘、孤独心境,体现出丰富而独特的人格魅力。本文将通过对人物内心各层面的关照,分析人物的性格及其成因,体会从中表现出来的哲学、美学内涵。 海明威第一部长篇小说《太阳照常升起》被称作是“迷惘的一代”的代表作,描述了一群青年漫无目的而又无所事事的日常生活,迷惘情绪弥漫其中。“硬汉人物”是海明威后期创作的重点,虽然此时“迷惘”已不再是主要表现对象,但其主人公无一例外,都或多或少仍处在迷惘之中。本文第一部分力图通过对海明威作品的整体关照,寻找“迷惘情绪”在海明威作品中的延续,重点挖掘“硬汉人物”的特征及其迷惘表现。无论是老渔人桑提亚哥的爱鱼却不得不杀鱼,还是乔丹内心关于正义和杀人之关系的发问,无不体现着迷惘。而迷惘并不是软弱的表现,这种情绪的存在,非但没有损害“硬汉人物”的形象,倒是丰富了硬汉性格的内涵。以此,也体现出海明威创作道路的联系和发展。正是从“迷惘”开始,海明威走上了寻求生命意义的新征程。 20世纪是战争频仍、多灾多难的世纪,同时也是科技和理性高速发展的世纪。这导致了人类信仰的失落及一代人内心的孤独。本文第二部分试图从外部世界的影响和人物内心感受两个层面,探寻造成“硬汉人物”内心孤独的原因。世界的荒诞,人与人之间的陌生与对立,对上帝的证伪等,无不给人带来心灵的孤独。而海明威本人性格、思想上的原因,也注定了其笔下人物的艰难处境。海明威无论作为“硬汉”,还是作为作家,都是孤独的。而他本人并不将这看成坏事,因为他始终认为“孤独的人最有力量”。对他来说,孤独一方面带来了痛苦,另一方面,能否承受孤独也成为“硬汉”所必须经受的考验。 死亡——关乎人类的终极命运,几乎是所有作家的主题。本文第三部分主要分析“硬汉”对待死亡的态度。很长时间以来,死亡带给人的多是恐惧。而海明威笔下的死亡却一反常态。在他笔下死亡成了“一股气”,“一对骑自行车的警察”,或者是“一只乌”…… 死亡不再可伯,但死亡的存在是他们的一切努力都归结于失败,人类终究要死的命运使一切追求成为虚无。幸好,“硬汉”的奋斗与努力并非为了结果,而是“为了活着而活着”,为了实现自身的价值而活着。同时,死亡的存在也成为他们前进的压力和动力,成为他们更加珍惜生命、热爱生命的理由。就像花有开有落,人也有生有死,生命因此才更绚烂,人生因此才更有趣味。海明威超越了死亡,使“死亡”成为审美观照的对象,具有了深层次的美学意义。 厄内斯特·海明威通过塑造一系列孤独迷惆而又坚强的人物形象,展示了当时一代人的内心世界和尴尬处境,并试图为之寻找出路。面对“失败”和“死亡”作何选择,成为海明威作品关注的重点。他常将人物放在决定命运的生死场中,突现“生”与“死”的矛盾,让人物经历真正的生死考验。如将老渔人放在茫茫大海中,与整个自然界作斗争,将乔丹置于战场中,随时会死亡,让斗牛士与牛搏斗,让猎人与禽兽对峙,所有的人都如此地接近死亡。在这种情况下,“追求”比“收获”更重要,积极地把握现在,实现生存的价值,才是生命的意义所在。这是“硬汉”应持的态度,也是海明威本人的态度。 尽管他的这种态度从某种程度上说,是一种个人英雄主义,是小资产阶级思想,但还是一种给人以鼓励的积极探索。正因为如此,海明威的作品才会风靡一时,直到今天,仍被津津乐道。 1999年7月 21日,是海明威诞辰一百周年纪念日。作此文,以表达我对他的尊敬与怀念。

【Abstract】 Hemingway is a famous ~~riter of the 20th century. He forms his own unique writing contents and principles gradually , and his creation of typical characters is even more excellent. 揷old-hero?is fitting example of success .Not only do they the 揷old-hero攃haracters,such as fearless ,spirit matchless unflinching will , courage of life tends to be alive for sake of death and so on , but also have solitude , perplexity which mainly exprssed in his works of early stage . Both of them embody the abundant and unique personality fascination . I will present this thesis to pay close attention to the cold-hero抯 perplexity,solitude and their attitude to death, analyzing the figure抯 personality fascination to and realize the philosophis and aesthetic connotations expressed from them. The Sun Also Rise is the first novel of Hemingway ,~vhich records the everyday activities of a grounp of men who have no life goals and have nothing to do. This work is a representive of 搕he lost generation? and it抯 fuii of perplexed feeling. His writing focus on 揷old-hero?of later stage. At that time , perplexity is no longer the focused paied attention of the work, but without exception, the protagonists are still at a loss more or less. The first section of this dissertation trise to look for the perplexed mood in the Hemingway抯 major works,espcially on the 揷old-hero? Among them there are the old fisherman Santiago who loves fish yet has to killing them, Jordon 憇 puzzle of about justice and kill persons in his inner life . Both of them indicates that the protagonists are still at loss. This kind of feeling doesn抰 damage the images , on the contray it makes them more plentiful and moving . We can find the ralationship and -4.- development of Hemingway抯 works from it. Beginning with perplexity, Hemingway steps on a new journey of discovering the meaning of life. The 20th century is dogged by bad luck frequently, at the same time science and retionality develop quickly. All of these lead to the collapse of religion and the solitary of whole generation .The second section of this thesis deals with the analysis of the unyielding man抯 solitary through both external world and the figures?inner life. The wo~Jd 憇 abourd , the alienation between people and the false testimony of God and so on lead to persons?loneness . The trait of Hemingway抯 thoughts and character result in the doomed destiny of the figures he created. Hemingway, no matter as a 揷old-hero 搊r a writer, is solitude . However, he doesn抰 see it as a bad thing. For he always belives that ?The people who is solitude has the most powerful strength. 揙n one hand, solitary causes men?mental agony. On the other hand , whether or not they can endure , becomes an ordeal that the ?cold-hero 揾ave to endure. Death is interrelated with human抯 ultimate destiny , and becomes a major theme for writers such as Hemingway. In the third section I will touch unpon the cold-hero抯 attitude to death. For a long time , death has been related to terror . But in Hemingway抯 purporting of death , it ,, ,, becomes 揳 stream of air , a couple of policemen 搊r 揳 bird?. Death is no longer terrible. Because of the tatal destiny of death, man抯 efforts come to be noting . For all the ?cold-heros ?, all exertion just for 揕ive for the sake of living ?for making their val

  • 【分类号】I106.4;I712.074
  • 【下载频次】845

