

【作者】 刘文艳

【导师】 冯存元;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 随着网络技术和通信技术的迅速发展,基于Internet的网络远程教学作为教育技术的一个新的研究领域日渐兴起。网络远程教学充分利用了Internet的应用环境和资源,具有全球性、交互性、共享性、实效性和个性化等其它远程教学形式所无可比拟的优势。网络远程教学内容的组织多采取基于Web的方式,又称为Web课件。目前,由于受Internet传输速率的影响,Web课件的制作多局限于基于超链接的文本结构,而图象、动画、声音的应用较少,有些课件甚至是简单的将课本搬到了Web上,网络远程教学的优势未能得到充分的发挥。 根据建构主义的观点,学习是从对感觉经验的选择性注意开始的,学习成功的关键在于主动性、社会性和情景性。基于此,我们将虚拟现实技术作为一种新的媒体形式引入Web课件中,对教学情景、教学实验、技能训练等进行虚拟,利用虚拟现实场景交互性、沉浸性、多感知性和可操作性等优势来表现教学内容,解决教学中的重点、难点问题,以充分调动学习者的主动性和创造性,促进学习者知识的积极建构。 虚拟现实,英文全称为Virtual Reality(VR),是一门涉及计算机、传感与测量、仿真、微电子等技术的综合集成技术。该技术利用三维图形生成技术、多传感交互技术以及高分辨率显示技术,生成三维逼真的虚拟境界,使用者戴上特殊的头盔、数据手套等传感设备或利用键盘、鼠标等输入设备,便可以进入虚拟空间,成为虚拟环境中的一员,与之进行实时交互,感知和操作虚拟境界中的各种对象,从而获得身临其境的感受和体会[3]。目前,虚拟现实技术已大量应用于军事训练、游览购物及游戏娱乐等各个领域,将虚拟现实技术应用于教育尚处在探索阶段。 目前,由于虚拟现实硬件设备过于昂贵,在Web课件中应用的虚拟现实形式大多是桌面式虚拟现实。桌面式虚拟现实的实现主要依靠虚拟现实软件,虽然教学效果相对沉浸式虚拟现实较差,但足以满足远程教学中的一般需要。 基于虚拟现实的Web课件应是基于HTML的平面结构页面与虚拟现实部分的有机结合,虚拟现实部分是课件的精华所在,而平面结构部分则是与虚拟现实部分相辅相成的必要组成。基于虚拟现实的Web课件的制作,平面结构部分可采用象FrontPage等网页制作工具。虚拟现实部分我们选择了虚拟现实建模语言VRML。 VRML是一种基于WWW的实用化的、功能较完善的具有强大发展潜力的虚拟现实建模语言,它兼备虚拟现实建模语言和网络两方面的功能特点, 基于虚拟现实的Web课件的制作技术研究 应用于Web课件具有其它媒体形式所无可比拟的优势。VI:dTh在Web iK件 中的主要应用y:门虚拟教学实验;C)直观呈现教学内容中的难点问题;G) 培养学生的探索精神和创新意识;(4)创设教学情景;(5)建立虚拟教室。 基于虚拟现实的Web课件的制作流程与传统网络CAJ课件基本类似,不 同之处在于:它需要重点处理虚拟现实部分,并需要将其作为课件的有机组 成部分与平面结构进行合成。论文结合演示课件《光的直线传播》的制作就 基于虚拟现实的Web课件制作过程中虚拟现实部分与平面结构的合成及虚拟 现实场景制作过程中的几个重点问题进行了探讨。 基于虚拟现实的Web课件中虚拟现实部分与平面结构部分的合成主要有 两种方式:以平面结构为基本枢架和以虚拟现实为基本框架。其中采用平面 结构为基本框架的课件,虚拟现实部分可以以嵌入式或超链式组合到平面结 构中。 基于虚拟现实的Web课件的导航策略的设计与实现。虚拟现实部分的导 航设计是重点;其一,耍用简洁明了的语言让学。者了解该场景,即虚拟 实场景的剁览方式。其二,要为学习者测览场景提供导引,可采取的方式主 要有:O)用平面结构设置导航信息;(2)利用动画进行导航;(3)利用视点切换 进行导航;O坏用nchor节点的description域进行导航;O评用汉字贴图进 行导航。 虚拟现实场景交互性行为的编程实现。VRML 自身的节点、事件和域只 能实现简单的没有逻辑控制的交互性。要实现复杂的交互,需要在执行模式 中编写程序对VRML场景进行控制。常用的编程方式主要有:(1)用内嵌在 Script节点中的描述语言编程;o)在Script节点中引用外部的Java字节流; (3)通过VRML.ojkd览器外部编程接口 API进行编程。 虚拟现实场景建模优化措施。用VRML创建虚拟现实场景,必须兼顾考 虑场景的美观程度。文件的传输速度和执行性能三方面的因素。建模时应注 意:(1)建模要尽量考虑使用原语;(2)要注意与场景有关的多媒体文件的引用; (3)要充分利用VRML语言自身因素进行优化;(4)对复杂的场景进行分割或动 态删加节点;(5)注意场景中灯光的使用;(6)尽量少用编程语言进行场景的逻 辑控制。 在崭新的二十一世纪,虚拟现?

【Abstract】 With the fast development of network and communications technology, the Internet-based distance education, as a new research field is rising gradually. The Internet-based distance education is superior to the other distance education forms, which is global, interactive, shareable, actual effect and characteristic with making the best of the Internet resource and application environment. Because of the content usually organized on Web, the Internet-based distance education also intitules Web-based courseware. At present, the forms of the Web-based courseware, influenced by the lower transmission speed of the Internet, are limited to hype text with little use of images, videos and audio. It depressed the advantage of the Internet-Base instruction. By the viewpoint of the constructivism theory, study comes from the selectivity attention of perceivable experience, and go-aheadism, sociality and scene are the hinge of study. Considering that, we introduce Virtual Reality (abbr. VR) to be used as a new media in Web-based courseware to simulate scene, experiment and skill training according to the study requirement. It will solve the emphases and difficulty of teaching by taking the advantage of VR nteractivity, immersion, multi-apperception and operationlized character. And it will so move the learner creativity and go-aheadism and advance the learner episteme construction that it will be helpful to completing the instructive objective. We name this kind of Web-based courseware for Web-based courseware with VR supporting. VR is a kind of integrative technology related to computer, sense passing and meterage, simulation, microelectronics. Employing the three-dimensional graphics creating technology, multi-sense interactivity technology and high-resolution display technology VR will create true to nature three-dimensional scene. Users with the help of data gloves, head mounted displays or the simple keyboard and mouse can touch, operate every object in the scene, go anywhere they want and do everything they like, as if he was personally on the scene. By now, VR has been widely used in drilling, sightseeing, shopping and gaming. The using of yR in education is being studied. Presently, the form of yR mostly used in Web-Base courseware is desktop VR. The desktop yR mainly depend on VR software to be carried out with a little requirement to yR hardware which are too costly to be used in distance education. There is some difference between desktop VR and other more advanced forms of yR. But the desktop yR is good enough to meet the instructive demand. The Web-based courseware with VR supporting should be composed of VR scene and HTML Web pages. VR scene is the soul of the courseware, and the HTML Web pages are the supplementation. To develop VR-Base courseware, we need HTML page developing tools such as FrontPage98 and VR software, here, we elect Virtual Reality Modeling Language (abbr. VRML). VRMIL is a practical, ability and standardized format for describing three- dimensional objects. In addition, VRML incorporates one of the most powerful attributes of HTML, and that is the linking component. In Web-based courseware, VRML can be used to 1) Simulate experiment. 2) Present difficult question intuitively. 3) Help to bring up the learner exploring and innovative sprint. 4) Create teaching scene. 5) Build up virtual reality classroom. The developin~ process of the Web-based courseware with VR supporting is similar to the tradii{ional Web-based CAl courseware. The difference betw~en them is that the Web

  • 【分类号】G436
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】972

