

【作者】 刘红梅

【导师】 高更生;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 形容词的主要功能是作谓语、定语,何时能够作宾语,与前面充当述语的动词的性质有很大关系。我们以《现代汉语词典》为主,参考其他词典,并通过大量语料验证,从中确定了271个形宾动词。通过定量分析,细致考察了动词与形容词性宾语在搭配上的句法、语义特点,以及形容词性宾语的特点,以求对形宾动词有一个全面的认识。 形宾,指单个形容词和以形容词为中心语的具有跟形容词相同的语法功能的短语充当的宾语。充当宾语的形容词短语主要由形容词前加状语或后加补语构成。能够直接带形容词性宾语的单个动词,称为形宾动词。 根据宾语性质的不同,分为名词性宾语、动词性宾语、形容词性宾语和小句宾语。按照这四种宾语形式考察形宾动词,形宾动词分为七类。其语义类型首先分为持续性动词和非持续性动词,然后又各自分为小类,讨论各小类动词本身的特点,例如能否单独作宾语、能否重叠等。 汉语语法研究中,朱德熙首先提出了陈述、指称的概念,并且指出谓词性宾语可以分成指称性宾语和陈述性宾语两类。我们考察了271个形宾动词所带形宾的表述功能,一共有四种情况。我们分别讨论这四种情况中形宾动词的特点,找出它们的区别所在。形宾的表述功能主要与前面的形宾动词的性质有关。 形宾既可以是单个形容词,也可以是形容词性短语。有的形宾动词既可以带单个形容词,也可以带扩展后的形容词性短语。有的形宾动词只能够带单个的形容词,形宾不能够再进行扩展。本文从此角度,研究形宾的扩展形式与形宾动词的关系。 在现代汉语中,动词音节个数对其搭配功能、充当句法成分等功能都有影响。我们着重考察了一下单双音节形宾动词与形宾之间的选择搭配特点。我们发现,在搭配形宾的音节选择上,单音节形宾动词比较自由,双音节形宾动词受到某些限制。 形容词性词语在整个句子中作宾语的句子,我们称之为形宾句。形宾句绝大多数是陈述句,有的是疑问句和感叹句,但不能构成祈使句。 “把”字句和“被”字句都表示广义的处置意义,一般情况下,形宾句不能直接转换成“把”字句和“被”宇句,有极少数例外。 形宾句的主语构成也有其特点,一般由表示处所、人、某一动作行为等的词语来充当。

【Abstract】 The main function of adjectives is to be predicate and attributive. But sometimes the adjective can act also as object according to the nature of the predicative verb. We mainly make use of Modem Chinese Dictionaxy together with other dictionaries to test and ascertain 271 adjective-as-object verbs. The author examines meticulously the syntax and semantic characteristics of the collocation of verb and adjective object, along with the characteristics of adjective-as-object clauses, in order to have a comprehensive knowledge of adjective-as-object verbs.Adjective object refers to each individual adjective and the phrases with adjectives as key words and grammatically adjective function. Adjectives as objects are mainly formed by adverbials before or complements after adjectives. Each verb that can have an adjective object directly is called an adjective-asobject verb.Objects are classified as noun objects, verb objects, adjective object and clause object in accordance with the nature of the objects. Thus adjective-asobject verbs are made up of all together seven types according to the above four kinds of objects. First of all these verbs are classified semantically as continuous verbs and incontinuous verbs, and further, both kinds are classified respectivety as subclasses. The thesis goes on to discuss the characteristics of each subclass. For example, whether it can function alone as the object, or whether it is repeatable.In the student of Chinese grammar, Zhu Dexi is the first to define the terms 揹eclaration?and 搑eference? pointing out that predicative objects consist of declarative objects and referential objects. The author also examines the descriptive function of the adjective objects of the 271 adjective-as-object verb, concluding that there are four kinds of adjective-as-objects verbs according to different objects, and then the thesis deals with the features of these four adjective-as-object verbs to find out their differences. The descriptive function of an adjective object defends on the nature of the verb before it.An adjective object could be an adjective alone, or an adjective phrase. Some adjective-as object verbs could be followed by an adjective or by an extended adjective phrase, whereas some others could only be followed by an adjective. From the point of view, the thesis studies the relationship between the extended fonns of adjective objects an4~adjective-as-object verbs.1In modem Chinese, the number of verb syllables has certain influence upon the collocation function of the verb and its function as a syntax element. Emphatically, the author studies the selectively collocation feature between adjective-as-object verbs of one and two syllables and adjective objects. We find that so for as collocation adjective object are concerned, adjective-as-object verbs of single syllables are more unrestricted, while those of double syllables are restricted to some extent.The sentence where the adjective plays the role of an object is called an adjective-as-object sentence. Most of this sort of sentences are declarative sentence, some of them interrogative sentence, but no exclamatory and imperative sentences, to be sure.Sentences with ?w.?and 搤i?all have the meaning of disposition. Generally, few adjective-as-object verbs can be transformed directly into sentences with 揈?and 揾? most of them can not.The subject of an adjective-as-object sentence has its own characteristics, namely, it is undertaken by the words that represent place or person or action.

  • 【分类号】H146.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】239

