

【作者】 韩夫苓

【导师】 韩宏飞; 孔祥铸;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 摘要 由于体育系教学改革的深入发展,体操普修课教学计划也进行了儿次修订。新计划总的任务没有改变,基本要求未降低,但其学时却明显减少。因此,为了圆满地完成体操教学的任务,有必要对教材和教法进行改革,以提高教学效果。本人对教材和教法的改革遵循以下三条原理:1、联系原理。世界是普遍联系的,联系是物质世界本身所固有的根本属性,在物质世界这个有机统一体中,任何一个事物或现象的存在都表现为它内部诸要素之间,此一事物和它事物之间的相互比较,相互作用和相互影响的关系。2、系统论的整体原理。系统是指由两个或两个以上相互作用相互影响的要素所构成的具有特定功能的整体。整体由部分构成,但并不是各部分的简单相加,而是有机的结合,具有不同于各个组成部分所具有的特殊的属性、功能和规律。亚里士多德也曾经提出“整体大于部分的总和”这个命题。3、运动技能迁移原理。学习迁移是学习心理学上的一个专门术语,也叫“训练迁移”,是指一种学习影响另一种学习,也可以说是将学得的经验(包括概念、原理原则、技能技巧、技术方法以及态度等等)变化地运用于新情境。桑代克通过大量的实验,提出了共同原素说这个迁移理论,他认为只要当两种心理机能具有相同要素时,一种心理机能的改进(或变化)就能引起另一种心理机能的改进(或变化)。他强调客观刺激(知识客体和技能动作)间有无共同原素,认为相同因素或共同成分是促使不同知识、技能迁移的条件。贾德通过实验也提出了自己的理论“类化说”,他认为只要一个人对他的经验进行了概括,那么从一个情境到另一个情境的迁移是可以完成的。他强调主体对知识经验的概括。认为对两种知识,技能之间的类似点、原理。规则和规律的精确概括,是实现迁移的基本条件。本人又从运动生理学角度上论证了运动技能的迁移。1、枢神经系统具有高度的可塑性,它能在现有经验的基础 1上恰当地完成新的运动任务。2、通过连续多次进行同样的技术动作,可以在皮层运动区记下该动作的痕迹,这一运动痕迹可使固定的一组肌肉按照特定的运动程序来实现某一技术动作。 体操教学以掌握技术为中心,技术寓于动作之中。通常情况下,一个动作不是只有一个关键技术,而是在动作的各阶段的固有程序上有数个关键技术,组成一条“技术链”。现代体操许多不同结构类型的动作之间存在着一至数个相同或相似的起关键作用的技术或技术环节。高校体育教育专业体操普修课教学大纲中竟技体操实践内容包括:技巧、单杠、双杠、支撑跳跃四项近60个动作。在传统教学中,主要根据动作难易程度制订各个项目的教学进度,较少考虑各项目之间的联系及备种动作在运动技能迁移方面的互相影响。本人通过对教学大纲的动作进行系统的分析。研究,发现其中有许多用力方法相似、动作结构雷同的动作,在遵循循序渐进的原则、运动技能迁移原则的基础上,把这些相关的动作一即用力方法相似、动作结构雷同的动作划分为十五个子系统,组成一个立体的教材框架。本人把这个教材框架称为“体操相关动作教材体系”。这个教材体系打破了各项目之间的界限,最大限度地利用运动技能迁移原理以加速学习进程。为在教学中贯彻执行这一教材体系,又提出相应的教学法一体操相关教学法,即把用力方法相似、动作结构雷同的动作组合在一起进行教学的方法。本人在查阅大量的资料、访问有经验的体操教师的基础上提出的体操相关教学法有以下几个优点:1。每个教材的学习周期缩短,减少学习间隔时间,有利于运动条件反射的建立。2、在教材的搭配方面充分利用动作间的运动技能迁移,加速建立运动条件反射。3、教材之间在动作技术要素的内在联系方面更具有系统性。4、新旧教材的内在联系更加紧密。 体操相关动作教材体系与体操相关教学法在理论上是有科学依据的,为了验证其在教学实践中的效果,本人在山师大体育系98级进行了为期一个学期* 周)计56学时的教学实验。实验班的教学进度是根据体操相关动作教材体系,在遵循循序渐进原则。运动技能迁移原则的基础上,打破各项目 2 之间的界限而制订的,教学中运用体操相关教学法。对照班采用原教学进度, 教学中运用传统的教学方法。实验班与对照班教学条件相问。实验结果表明, 实验班比对照班期中考试成绩与期末考试成绩均高并有显著性差异。因此可 以认为,体操相关动作教材体系及体操相关教学法能够促进体操的教学,提 高教学质量与教学效果。

【Abstract】 generalized his experiences. He emphasized that subject should generalizeknowledge experiences, and thought that precise generalization of similarities.principles. regulations and laws between two knowledge or skills is basic conditionwhich realizes transfer. I also demonstrated movernent and skill’s transfer frornexercise physiology’s ang1e. l \ Central nervous system has high fiexibility, it canbase on studied experiences to cornplete new movement tasks proper1y. 2. Man canremember this movement’s mark through successive. many times’ \ same skills incortica1 motor area, which can make a group of fixed muscle rea1ize certain skillaccording to specific movement procedures.Gymnastic teaching and learning regards technique as center, movement ismade up of techniques. In general, one movement contains several key techniquesin innate procedures of each phases of movement which form one "techniquechain". There is one to several same or similar technique which has key functionsamong many different structure type’s movements in modern gym-nastics. Thepractice contents of ath1etic gymnastics of teaching program of general gymnasticscourses in educational major of PE of colleges and universities include;technique. horizontal bar\ para11el bars. vault four items Which aPproach sixtymovements. In traditional teaching, the teaching plans of each items are mainlybased on the degree of difficulty and easy of movements, the contacts of each itemsand each other’s influences of various movements in transference of movement andskill are few considered. ThIough the systematic analysis and research ofmovements of teaching programs, 1 fOund that there are many movements whosenlethods of strength of use and movement structures are a1ike, and based on theprinciple of advance in sequence\ the principle of transference of movement andskill, I divided these re1evant movements whose methods of strength of use andmovement structures are alike into fifteen child systems which fOrm a stereoscopicteacli1ng material frame, 1 ca1l this stereoscopic teaching material frame as"gymnastic re1evant teaching material system". This teaching material systembrealcs the boundary of each items and takes full advantage of the princip1e oftransference of rnovement and skill to accelerate the study. In order to implementthis teaching materia1 system in teaching, I put fOrward the gymnastic relevantteaching method, that is the method which puts the movements whose methods ofstrength of use and movement structures are alike together to teach. Gymnasticrelevant teaching n2ethod wl1ich l have put forward through looking up a greatquantity of data and visiting experienced gyn7nastic teachers has the fOl1owing>strong points f 1 \ The decrease of study period of each teaching material advantagesthe estabIishment of movement conditioned reflex. 2. Take full advantage oftransference of movement and skill among movements in order to accelerate the. establishment of movement conditioned reflex in the collocation of teachingmaterials. 3. The internal connections of rnovement technique elements amongteaching materials have more systematization. 4. The inierna1 connections of newand old teaching materials are c1oser.The teaching material system and the teaching rnethod of gymnastic relevantmovements are based on science. 1n order to check the effect in teaching practice, Ihave done a teaching experiment fOr one term (fOurteen week) which added up to’forty-six periods in the institute of PE of 98 class of Shandong teacher’s university.Experirnenta1 class use new teaching p1an which was based on gymnastic relevantteaching material system, fOllowed the principle of advance in sequence\ theprinciple of transference of movement and ski1l, broke the boundary of each itemsand gymnastic re1evant teaching method in teaching, compared classes use oldteaching p1an and traditiona1 teaching method in teaching. The teaching conditionso

  • 【分类号】G807.4;G832
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】454

