

【作者】 秦勉

【导师】 梁成华;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 电子商务是以电子信息技术为基础的商务运作,是信息技术的发展对社会经济生活产生巨大影响的一个实例,也是网络新经济迅猛发展的代表。电子商务的核心内容是网上交易,尤其是通过公共的因特网将众多的社会经济成员联系起来的网上交易更是成为发展的热点。由于交易与支付的不可分性,网上支付成为电子商务的重要组成部分。在国内关于电子商务的讨论中,网上电子支付一直是讨论的核心,并被公认为是制约目前我国发展电子商务的主要障碍之一。我国目前商务管理理念落后,信用关系脆弱,信用危机频频发生,严重影响了网上支付系统的建设。同时,网上支付的工具品种较少,覆盖面窄,使用不灵活,各种工具间不通用,银行跨行支付困难等问题又严重影响了电子商务的普及与发展。尤其是适合国情的网上支付系统的整体框架的缺乏,使得各银行和商家都各自为政,开发的系统难统一,不兼容,这必将造成事倍功半的后果。因此,本文在收集、归纳与总结目前理论界对电子商务网上支付系统的诸多讨论的基础之上,致力于梳理出一个较为规范的网上支付体系理论模型框架,并设计了一些网上支付系统的业务流程、组成部分、以及每种支付系统所能提供的业务,以期对电子商务网上支付系统作一定的规划。<WP=3>本文共分三个部分。第一部分概括介绍了电子商务的概念、模式极其发展现状。目前对电子商务的认识还不完全统一,最通常的理解就是通过因特网进行的商贸活动。电子商务的模式包括BTOB模式、BTOC模式、公共服务模式和CTOC模式四种。每种模式对网上支付系统都有不同的要求。电子商务的发展已有一段时间,从总体上看,还处于发展的初期,但从其发展过程中可以看出,它推动传统商务以及人类社会的变革的趋势是明显的。电子商务最大的优点是节省了交易费用,降低了交易成本,加快了交易节奏,提高了交易效率,给企业带来了更大的赢利空间,给消费者带来了更大的福利空间,也给政府机构带来了更大的管理空间。电子商务对社会经济活动更深层次的影响则表现在它促进了市场机制的完善。它通过带来更多的信息和更低的信息获取成本,促进了自由竞争市场的繁荣;通过整合供应链,提高了整个社会经济运行的效率。电子商务目前在中国还处于起步阶段,尚有许多不如意的地方,制约着它的发展。但电子商务在中国的发展潜力十分巨大,选择电子商务将是大势所趋。中国的企业应看到这个趋势,在电子商务的领域中积极探索,脚踏实地,迎接挑战。本文的第二部分讨论电子商务系统的技术构成。实现一个电子商务系统最重要的四种技术分别为网络技术、安全技术、身份认证技术和网上支付技术。网络是电子商务的基础。早期的电子商务多采用专用网络技术,如EDI。目前流行的是九十年代兴起的因特网技术,互联网技术以其全球开放性突破了专用网络的封闭性,以其物美价廉的大众化特点突破了专用网络的高价专用性,并在网络速度、网络连接结构以及安全性等方面日益完善,拥有了越来越明显的优势,是电子商务理想的网络平台。在公共的互联网上发展电子商务,还必须解决的一个问题是保护交易中的敏感数据的安全技术问题,包括密码技术、接入控制技术、防火墙技术、网络病毒防范技术等。在因特网上进行<WP=4>的电子商务有一个很大的特征就是其广泛性,要在这个无边界的虚拟交易空间中建立维持交易进行的信用,就要用到身份认证技术,即要建立公钥证书体系(PKI),通过权威机构CA颁发的公钥证书来确认参与者的身份与信用。CA的建设十分重要,应当通过竞争让消费者来选择谁有资格担此重任。电子商务在将贸易网络化的同时,不可避免的提出了支付网络化的问题。同时,随着经济与技术的不断进步,人们对支付系统运行的效率和服务的质量的要求越来越高,也促进了支付系统向电子化、网络化方向的发展。网上支付系统的构建就是本文第三部分的内容,也是本文着力讨论的问题。本文的支付指的是支付结算。结算是结清债权债务的经济行为,是商品经济的伴生现象。随着结算的发展,它分别采取过货币即时结算和支付结算两种方式。支付结算是以银行信用为中介的结算,也是目前最主要的结算方式。支付与信用的关系十分密切,一个成熟的网上支付系统必需要有一个成熟的信用体系作支撑。建立与完善信用体系会涉及到支付承诺制度、违法惩罚制度、信用积累制度、身份认证制度等具体制度的建立。支付系统包括上层资金清算系统和下层支付服务系统。电子商务网上支付系统是下层支付系统的电子化系统以及向公共网络延伸发展的创新系统,是融网上购物流程、电子支付工具、安全技术、认证技术、信用体系以及现存的金融体系为一体的综合大系统。以现有的支付系统为基础,目前已初具形态的网上支付系统主要有三种,即信用卡网上支付系统、电子支票网上支付系统和电子现金支付系统。这三种系统分别在不同程度上模拟了传统的支付方式,各有特色,满足了不同领域的需求。本文针对三种网上支付系统,设计了其业务流程并建立了相应的模型。在信用卡支付系统中,持卡人凭借发卡银行提供的信用,能够实<WP=5>现"先消费,后付款"的交易方式。信用卡的使用一方面不涉及现金的授

【Abstract】 Electronic commerce (EC), on the basic of the information technology, has been influencing the face of the world. It’s the sample of the New Net Economy. Electronic business, especially trade over the Internet, is the core of the EC. And because of the unseparatability between the trade and the payment, payment over network is also an important part of the EC. So this article devotes to discussing the payment system over network in EC.This dissertation includes three parts.The first part discusses the conception, model and development of the EC. More and more electronic commerce applications are appearing on the Internet and other network. EC reduces the trade expenses, decreases the trade costs, quickens the trade steps and promotes the trade efficiency. EC creates more profit chance for company and more welfare for consumer. EC has four models, includes Business to Business model, Business to Consumer model, Government Service model and Consumer to Consumer model. Each model has some special needs for payment system over network. Now in China EC is in its first step, there still some factors to prevent its development. But we should also notice the immense potential in China, recognize the trend of EC, and bring every positive factor into promoting the EC to a higher grade.The second part discusses the technical components of the EC system, <WP=8>including network technology, secure technology, identification technology and network payment technology.Network is the foundation of the EC. In the early days, some special value added network is often applied in EC, special network has the shortage of high cost and low velocity. So Internet technology becomes the main network technology of EC. Internet covers the whole world with lower cost and higher speed, just meets the needs of EC.There is another important question when developing the EC over public network such as Internet, that is, security. Public network means opening to everyone. TCP/IP (Transfer Control Protocols/Internet Protocols) could lead the strangers to your home when it leads you travelling freely over the Internet. When we trade over the public network, we need to transfer some confidentiality information such as PIN (Personal Identification Number), the account number in a bank, the cipher, etc. The private information should not be revealed to other people. So we have to apply some enhancing security technology to protecting these information. Cryptography is the main solution. It involves scrambling a message so that it is unintelligible to anyone who does not know the key to unscrambling it. Cryptography enables all parties in a trade to ensure privacy of data routed over an unsecured medium such as Internet. The two prevalent forms of computer-based cryptography are secret-key cryptography and public-key cryptography. Use of either assures privacy of the communication. Some protocols use both methods in its encryption process to enhance the effect, such as SET (secure electronic transaction) protocol. Commerce depends upon security, trust and relationships. Electronic commerce over the Internet poses a unique set of security challenges because the parties are often faceless and voiceless, known only to each <WP=9>other through their presence on the network. When the other party is totally unknown, how do we determine whether it is safe to do business? Without secure commerce protection, opportunities for frauds abound. So before business transaction occurs, certain conditions of trust need to be in place and certain protocols are adopted to put them in place. To this end, a Certification Authority, or CA, is built. A CA is a trusted entity that has the primary responsibility of users. Because the users each share a trusted relationship with a common third party---CA, they could implicitly trust each other even though they have not previously established a personal relationship. The function of a CA is to create and distribute digital certificates (digitally signed messages for authenticating the identity of users) for consume

  • 【分类号】F713.36
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1518

