

【作者】 李晓明

【导师】 韦生琼; 彭韶兵;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 金融学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 人寿保险欺诈的起源,可以追溯到保险业的草创时期,当时人寿保险从某种意义上来讲近乎于赌博,投机者专门给那些对自己不具有保险利益的人,如皇室成员、知名人士甚至罪犯投保短期生命保险,企图被保险人及早死亡,以谋取巨额保险金。据称,当时就发生了一些被保险人短期丧命、受益人获取保险金的惨案。事态的恶性蔓延导致了英国议会对保险业的干预,英国1774年的《人寿保险法》就是在这种背景下产生的,后人熟知的关于投机的法案亦同时得以生效。该法案强调,在一张保险单生效以前,投保人对作为保险标的的寿命或事件应当具有利益关系。在随后的二百余年中,确实发生过一些寿险欺诈事件,虽然渗透到了绝大多数寿险险种中,但仍停留在一个可控制的水平上。但是,在过去十几年里,情况发生了巨大的变化。商业性寿险欺诈给寿险公司带来的损失已经达到寿险公司保费收入的10%-20%,欺诈行为已经发展到十分猖獗的程度。到目前为止,中国对于一定程度上的人寿保险欺诈现象,还没有采取切实可行的措施,中国没有关于寿险欺诈方面的统计数据,也很少进行有关寿险欺诈及其防范方面的信息交流。当然,在过去的两三年中,中国已经意识到反保险欺诈的重要性,把反欺诈提到议事日程,并着手对理赔人员加以培训,已经识别出某些欺诈性案件,并在新闻媒体中予以报道。中国保险人越来越强烈地认识到,必须对保险欺诈问题进行全面、系统的解决,因为欺诈的存在影响了保险公司的盈利水平,更重要的是,欺诈导致诚实的保户必须为得到保险保障而支付额外的保险费。中国在1995年10月颁布实施的《保险法》中,对保险欺诈及其应追究的法律责任作出了明确的规定,重要的问题是必须将保险欺诈者绳之以法,但最佳的途径是将人们欺诈保险公司的念头消灭在萌芽之中。《人寿保险欺诈及其防范》成文的目的在于:总结国内外人寿保<WP=3>险反欺诈斗争的经验、办法,作出系统的归纳、概括,为国内寿险公司抵御和防范保险欺诈提供借鉴。本文介绍了寿险欺诈的现状、成因、危害;通过大量案例分析了其表现形式和相应的识别线索、标志;在充分总结了西方国家的反欺诈经验的基础上,提出了建立中国人寿保险反欺诈机制和措施的构想。本文的行文结构具体介绍如下。第一章 人寿保险欺诈概述本章包含了三大问题:即寿险欺诈的概念和特征、寿险欺诈的现状和寿险欺诈的危害及反欺诈的可行性分析。人寿保险欺诈可以从宏观经济学、微观经济学和法理三个角度进行定义。从宏观经济学的领域来看,寿险欺诈是地下经济;从微观经济学的领域来看,寿险欺诈是在市场经济制度下产生的一种特殊的“寻租”现象;从法理的角度来看,寿险欺诈符合一般欺诈行为的三大要件。在此基础上,寿险欺诈具有主观和客观两方面的特征。主观上,投保人、被保险人和受益人具有故意骗取保险金的目的;客观上,以各种各样的欺诈方式侵犯了复杂客体,即公私财产所有权和我国的保险制度。就全世界范围来看,寿险欺诈的现状是十分令人堪忧的。在欧洲共同体保险市场,据统计,保险公司开办的某些人寿保险险种因被欺诈而导致的给付支出最高可达保险费收入的50%,而在中国,90年代以来的数年中,我国人保公司的一年保费收入在4000万元的市级支公司,每年各种保险欺诈和不合理的支出在300万~400万元人民币之间,占保费收入的10%左右,而相应的防范措施却几乎没有。相对十几年前,现在我们拥有足够的条件进行反欺诈工作。其中包括人心所向,足够的法律和技术支持,以及一定的经验积累,我们可以通过努力,减少欺诈行为对寿险行业的严重危害。第二章 人寿保险欺诈的表现形式与寿险保险责任的变迁相适应,寿险欺诈的表现形式分为死亡模式和非死亡模式。寿险欺诈的死亡模式包括以下四种:第一,故意谋害被保险人;第二,恶意利用被保险人;第三,被保险人自杀身亡;第四,投保人或者被保险人违背告知义务,以达到骗取保险金的目的。<WP=4>非死亡模式主要包括以下三种:(1)利用第三者尸体,伪称是被保险人尸体;(2)捏造被保险人发生恶性事故,见不到尸体;(3)利用有关保险凭据进行欺诈。以上每一种欺诈模式都具有相应的特征而区别于其他,这为我们识别和判定欺诈行为提供了重要的标志和线索。根据这些特征总结得出的反欺诈方法由此成为科学。第三章 人寿保险欺诈的成因分析为什么会产生寿险欺诈?由外在社会大环境变迁带来的道德标准和规范的显著变化,是寿险欺诈产生的深刻社会根源。除此之外,保险业自身的因素也是导致寿险欺诈泛滥的内在原因。其中包括:保险商品的需求方--投保客户的原因,也有来自保险商品的供给方--保险公司的原因,还有保险业务的中介方--保险代理人和保险经纪人的原因。一个普通的保险客户,由于其对保险缺乏正确的认识,在某种因素的诱发之下,很可能实施保险欺诈来报复保险人或者发一笔横财。在这时候,如果社会法律对欺诈行为的惩治力度不够,甚至还有漏洞可钻,而寿险公司长期对欺诈行为重视不够,理赔人员素质偏低,理赔程序不科学,再加上保险中介人方面违规操作,欺诈行为就很容易得逞。可见,寿险欺诈今?

【Abstract】 In its early days, life insurance was more or less a form of gambling. Speculators with no insurable interest in other people’s lives took out short-term policies on members of the Royal family, notable people and even criminals. The hope was early death and substantial profit. It is believed that in some cases death was "hastened" in order to collect the sum insured. The widespread abuse led to the United Kingdom Parliament intervening and passing the Life Assurance Act 1774. This is still in force and is commonly known as the Gambling Act. The Act made it necessary for there to be an interest in the life or event assured before an insurance policy could be taken out. Over the next 200 years it was realized that there existed a small amount of life insurance fraud. Most classes of life insurance were affected but it was at manageable levels. But the situation has changed significantly in the last 20 years. Research indicates that the problem of life insurance fraud has increased significantly these days. In some markets fraud is estimated to be costing honest policyholders an extra 10% to 20% on their premiums for some classes of life insurance. Up till now, there has been very little work undertaken in China about the extent of life insurance fraud. There are no statistics and there has been very little sharing of information about the problem and ways to combat it. Over the last two or three years in China there has developed the view that fraud is important and could be approaching the levels of European insurance markets. Some fraudulent cases are being identified and there have been reports of these in the press. Increasingly it is being recognized that fraud must be tackled more thoroughly and systematically because it does affect the profitability of the industry and, above all, leads honest policyholders to have to pay more for their insurance protection. There are <WP=7>strict regulations relating to fraud and how it is pursued and there are set out in Chinese insurance law. We must ,however, first catch the fraudster, but even better is to deter people from trying to defraud life insurance companies. The aim of writing the 《Life insurance fraud and its prevention 》is to sum up the international anti-fraud experiences and measures in life insurance and to provide reference for dominant life insurance companies. The present situation, causes and harm of life insurance fraud are covered in the dissertation. A lot of cases are listed and analyzed to find life insurance fraud’s manifestation and its important symbols. Based on the experience of western countries ,the new life insurance anti-fraud system of China is suggested at the end of the dissertation. Its main structure is listed below.Chapter 1: The survey of life insurance fraud This chapter includes three topics . They are the concept and feature of life insurance fraud, the present status of life insurance fraud, the feasibility of life insurance fraud. We can define life insurance fraud from three angels: macro-economics、micro-economics and the principle of law. Behind the concept life insurance fraud has features both on subject and on object. Subjectively, buyers, insured, and beneficiaries cheat the insurance funds intentionally. Objectively, the public’s property rights and the insurance system of the country sustain heavy losses. The situation of the international life insurance fraud is very serious. No matter in Europe or in China, insurers are suffering big losses. Now we will and we can do our best to prevent life insurance fraud. The forces such as public will, law and technical support , experience of practice can be used to do it well. Chapter 2: The manifestation of life insurance fraud Life insurance fraud can be divided into death mode and non-death <WP=8>mode. The former includes murdering insured, maliciously cheating insured, suicide, and disobedience of the principal of utmost good faith. The non-death mode includes insured’ s body fraud, no accident fraud and policy fraud. Every life insur

【关键词】 人寿保险 欺诈 防范
  • 【分类号】F842.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】965

