

【作者】 张静

【导师】 罗珉;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 烟草行业是我国国民经济的重要组成部分。以1998年为例,烟草行业实现税利达950亿元,占当年国家财政收入的十分之一,烟草行业当之无愧地成为国民经济中的一个重要支柱产业。回顾1982年我国实行烟草专卖制度以来,烟草行业经历了几个重要的发展时期,“六五”、“七五”期间,卷烟生产总量有较大增长,生产规模明显扩大,从根本上改变了卷烟的短缺经济状态,走的是一条“产量、速度效益型”的发展路子。“八五”期间,大力推进企业技术改造,产品结构大幅度调整,同时为国家积累了大量资金,走的是一条“质量、品种、结构效益型”的发展路子。“九五”期间,一方面经过高速发展以后,我国烟草行业需要进行调整,另一方面受亚洲金融危机和国内通货紧缩等经济大环境的影响,也必须加以调整。应该说,这种调整对控制“两烟”(烟叶、卷烟)总量,优化品种、质量结构起到了很大作用。但是,近几年来由于市场态势和需求结构的变化,我国的烟草生产面临着新的严峻形势。主要表现为由于烟叶超计划种植、收购、库存积压严重;卷烟产销下降,烟价低迷;工商企业的利润下滑,亏损面扩大。面对这种不利的形势,我国烟草行业如何审时度势,充分利用有利的环境,规避不利因素的影响,再次调整发展战略,实现烟草行业的可持续发展,已事实摆在经济理论工作者和行业经营管理者的面前。论文先简单考察了烟草行业第一、二次战略转变的背景及过程。第一次战略转变前,烟草行业与整个国民经济一样处于短缺经济状态,卷烟产量供不应求。为此,烟草行业确立了扩大生产、满足消费、增加积累的发展思路,实现了第一次战略转变。第二次战略转变的现实背景是卷烟产大于销、供过于求,导致库存增加、市场疲软,烟草工商企业出现大面积亏损。在这种情况下,国家烟草专卖局适时提出了烟草行业要实行历史性转折的战略决策,从而实现了第二次战略转变。近几年来,我国烟草行业的产品结构、产业结构、企业组织结构方面的问题又比较明显地凸现出来。在产品结构上表现为高档产品盲目发展,而真正在价<WP=3>格和质量上满足广大消费者需求的中低档卷烟品牌偏少;产业结构不尽合理,呈“就烟论烟”的单一型结构。行业内形不成整体合力,资源得不到优化配置,严重阻碍了烟草优势企业的成长壮大和行业整体实力的增强。企业组织结构方面,生产集中度低,规模不经济,大量中小企业存在资源浪费严重,技术改造滞后,产品质量低劣的问题,并且与大企业争原料、争市场,使资源配置不合理。论文据此提出了实现烟草行业第三次战略转变的必要性。在此基础上,明确第三次战略调整的基本思路、原则和方面。作者认为推行烟草行业组织结构调整是当前战略调整的“重中之重”,并把这部分内容作为论文的主体之一,从理论和实践的角度分析了当前烟草行业组织结构方面存在的问题,明确了调整的思路,并提出了具体的对策和措施。在论文的最后一部分,作者联系自己多年从事烟草行业经营和管理的实际,联系四川的情况,对四川烟草行业组织结构调整进行实证分析,从而使本论文所研究的主题更具备实践价值和指导意义。第一章:先考察了我国烟草行业前两次战略转变。第一次战略转变的主要标志,是组建中国烟草总公司,确立了国家烟草专卖制度,实现了由小商品生产方式即以增加卷烟总量为重点的“产量、速度效益型”发展战略的转变。经过第一次战略转变,扩大了卷烟产量,极大地满足了消费者对卷烟的消费需求,但同时也导致了以“供过于求”为特征的供求不平衡。由此,产生了进行第二次战略转变的必要性。第二次战略转变的核心是卷烟生产的由“产量、速度效益型”向“质量、品种、结构效益型”的转变,从而使我国的烟草行业进入了更快的发展阶段。第三次战略转变是基于这样的宏观经济背景上,即卷烟的市场态势发生了明显的变化,买方市场已经形成;随着中国加入WTO,国内烟草业同国外的同业竞争已不可避免。据此,作者指出了第三次战略调整的必要性和紧迫性。第二章:先分析了国外烟草行业在经营管理上的主要成功做法即多元化经营战略和规模经营战略,同时考察了其富有效率的企业集团组织<WP=4>结构。进而,提出我国烟草行业第三次战略转变的基本思路、原则和方向。基本思路是,坚持用发展的办法解决前进中的问题,以结构调整和技术创新为重点,优化生产布局,增强企业竞争实力,提高经济增长的质量和效益,走出一条“技术、结构效益型”的发展道路,其核心是由粗放型经济增长方式向集约型经济增长方式转变,由依靠扩大外延增加效益向依靠丰富内涵增加效益转变。并提出了三项原则:既要积极又要稳妥的原则,宏观和微观相统一的原则,长远利益与当前利益相统一的原则。战略调整的方向是,生产要素由离散向集约转变,优化企业的组织结构;生产经营由“单一经营”向“多元经营”转变,优化产业结构;市场供求由“供求失衡”向“供求适应”转变,优化产品结构。第三章:先对我国烟草行业的组织结构状况作了一番考察,认为当前烟草行业组织结构具有“散、乱、低”的明显特点。“散”表现为生产分散、布点过多;“乱”表现为违规经营、行为短期;“低”表现为效?

【Abstract】 The tobacco industry is a vital component part of our national economy. For example, in 1998, with total output of tobacco leaves of tobacco 30 million tons and cigarette output 33.49 million boxes, the tobacco industry has achieved a great profit before tax of 95 billion RMB, which was 10 percent of the whole national financial revenue. therefore, the tobacco industry fully deserves to be the mainstay of the national economy. Since 1982,by establishing of the tobacco monopoly system, the tobacco industry has experienced several developing periods. During "the Sixth Five-Year Plan (1981-1985)" and "the Seventh Five-Year Plan (1986-1990)"period, the shortage in production of the tobacco industry was thoroughly changed by increasing cigarette output and expanding production . It was the way that amount output made benefit. During "the Eighth Five-Year Plan (1991-1995)" period, the tobacco industry has devoted its major efforts to the technical innovation and product structure regulation, therefore accumulated a great deal of funds for our country. It was the way that varied product made benefit. During "the Ninth Five-Year Plan (1996-2000)" period, on the one hand, after the high-speed development, the tobacco industry needed regulation, on the other hand, suffering the economic harmful effects, such as, Asian Financial Crisis and national deflation, the tobacco industry has to be regulation. This kind of regulation took great effort on controlling the total output of leaves and cigarette, and bettering the product structure. However, in recent years, owing to the market situation and changes between supply and demand, the tobacco industry faces a new severe situation, epitomized as: over-planned tobacco leaves-plant and purchase; serious overstocking of production; decreased cigarette production and marketing; gliding profits of <WP=6>businesses or even big losses. Facing so many disadvantages, how to make full use of the advantages to accomplish the strategy transformation of becoming the first important problem of the industry.Firstly, the thesis gives us a brief introduction to the first two strategy transformation. When the tobacco industry was in shortage economy, as well as the national economy, with excessive demand, it started to expend production in order to meet people’s demand. That is the first transformation. During the second change, so many production caused overstocking and weakening market, and great loss occurred in the enterprise. Under such a situation, State Bureau of Tobacco Monopoly carried out the strategy decision to achieve the historic transformation. That is the second transformation. In recent years, problems on production structure, industrial structure and enterprise structure have obviously arisen. As for production structure, it manifests that high-grade product has blindly developed, while the medium and lower grade cigarette which actually meet the consumer’s demand in price and quality, have small variety. Unreasonable industrial structure causes a lot of contradictories and resources wasted, which hinder the growth of the tobacco and strength of the unit. In terms of the enterprise structure, Small workshop with low-concentrated manage. A great deal of these small factories with backward technique and inferior quality, scramble for materials and markets with large enterprises, which causes unreasonable disposition of the resources. Then the thesis points out the importance of the third transformation, also the principle, direction and basic thought of this regulation. The author believes that the regulation of the enterprise structure is the vital part of the current strategy regulation, which the author considers as the main body of this thesis. In theory and practice, author analyzes the current tobacco situation, clearing the thought of this transformation and sending out the specific policy and plan. In the <WP=7>last part of this thesis, by relating the personal experiences on tobacco management and Sichuan tobacco industry, the author analyses the structure regulation in S

  • 【分类号】F426.8
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】527

