

【作者】 凌翼

【导师】 王谊;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 中国是食品生产和消费的大国,食品工业在国内制造业中各项指标都占领先地位,工业食品的营销更是涉及广大消费者和众多企业的经济活动。自改革开放以来,由于食品工业较早的市场化和一些跨国公司的进入,食品行业竞争越来越激烈。在这样的环境里,许多国内的食品工业企业在营销上表现出明显落后、被动的情况,在流通渠道的策略上这种情况也显得较为严重。如何通过渠道创新提高企业竞争力,这是食品行业普遍关注和研讨的重要问题。本文研究重点就放在工业食品的流通渠道策略上,探讨更有竞争力的渠道策略,使工业食品在流通过程中的交易成本降低,交易效率提高,最终给消费者带来更多利益的渠道策略——渠道逆向重构策略。传统的渠道策略一般具有“顺向”的特点,渠道结构是金字塔形。制造商在组建自己的渠道体系时,是“顺向”去建设的,即通过总代理(总经销商)-- 一级经销商——中盘商(直接向小型零售商供货的批发商)——零售商层层的级数放大,将商品最终送到他的顾客——更多的目标消费者手里。产品集中从渠道金字塔的塔顶(总经销商)进入流通,“顺向”流下,分散到更广的渠道基础层面上的小批发商和零售商手中。渠道逆向重构策略不同于旧的策略模式,它与传统建立渠道体系方法最大区别是建立渠道的"顺序"相反--"倒着做渠道"。即:建立渠道体系不是从建造塔顶(选总经销商)开始,而是围绕基础层(零售商)开始;整个渠道建立的顺序是:零售商--批发配送型中盘商--控制批发市场的总经销商,从下到上层层逆向疏通渠道;最后,通过总经销商控制批发市场,将产品辐射到周边卫星城市,从而形成完整的渠道流通体系。本文从五个部分对工业食品渠道逆向重构策略进行论述:第一部分,一方面从中国工业食品的批发业和零售业的变化来分析渠道逆向重构策略产生的背景;另一方面从工业食品的消费特征及消费者的内在需求来探讨渠道逆向重构策略的必要性。<WP=3>第二部分,详细阐述渠道逆向重构策略的含义、原理;以批发市场主导型渠道模式和密集型渠道模式为参照,分析企业实施渠道逆向重构策略后,产品流通的平均交易成本的变化,此基础上对渠道逆向重构策略的价值进行评价。第三部分,系统阐述逆向重构策略的渠道管理、策略实施的具体方法和要点,重点讨论零售终端的促销工作问题。第四部分,实际案例——广东太阳神集团公司1996年到1999年在四川市场进行纯净水和矿泉水营销中,实施渠道逆向重构策略的具体情况。第五部分,结论,阐述渠道逆向重构策略的现实意义。渠道逆向重构策略是在渠道建设方法上创造差异化的竞争策略,由于对其进行深入研究和实际导入的企业还很少,所以有人称它为“开拓市场的秘密武器”。它的确能使企业更好的接近目标市场,使制造商以更低的交易成本建立自己的渠道体系,更快地占领市场;它强调直接针对零售商的服务,减少流通环节的转移费用,从而使消费者受益。本文通过探讨渠道逆向重构策略实施的具体方法、标准、管理措施和管理技术,力求形成一套可以给企业提供解决方案的策略系统,使其具有较强的现实价值。另外,本文结合的实际案例和一些实际材料给渠道逆向重构策略提供了直接的实证,增强了本文的借鉴意义,相信文中观点能为国内食品制造企业,特别是西部企业提高竞争力有良好的启迪。

【Abstract】 China is a giant in terms of food production and consumption, and food industry takes a lead among the entire domestic manufacturing industries. As an economic activity, the marketing of processed food is relevant to both consumers and manufacturers. Since the implementation of the policy of reform and opening-up, competition has become increasingly intense due to the early marketization of processed food and the presence of MNC(multi-national companies). Under such circumstances, many domestic manufacturers of processed food lag far behind in marketing and play a passive role. The structure of the marketing channel is backward, too.The main concern of this paper is the marketing channel strategy of the processed food. This paper will propose a new, more competitive channel structure, which will decrease the transaction cost, increase the transaction efficiency, and benefit consumers a lot.The traditional channel structure is a pyramid. Goods are distributed through such wholesaler-levels as general agent, secondary agents, small wholesalers and retailers. Each level is greater in number than the previous one. The goods flow features a downward movement and at the end are the consumers.The "inverted structure of the marketing channel " is totally different from the old one, as the order in the construction of the channel is reversed. In the new structure, we first deal with retailers instead of the general agent. Then we choose the wholesalers, finally, based on the former levels, we select the general agent who can control the wholesale market. As a result, a new channel structure is set up. This paper is composed of five parts: In the first part, we will first introduce the background of the proposal by analyzing the changes taking place in both the wholesale market and the retail market of <WP=5>China’s processed food. And then we will discuss the indispensability of the reconstruction of the marketing channel by analyzing the consumption features of processed food and the demand of consumers.In Part Two, we will introduce in detail the meaning and theoretical bases of the reconstruction of the marketing channel. In Part Three, we introduce the management of the reconstruction of the marketing channel, and propose the methods of putting the reconstruction of the marketing channel into practice. Part Four will be devoted to a case study which deals with Guangdong Apollo (Group) Co LTD employment the inverted structure in the marketing of purified water and mineral water in Sichuan Province in 1996-1999.In the last part, Part Five, We will come to a conclusion.The "inverted structure ", that proposed in this paper is strongly practice value. We are keen to put it into practice, discussing the methods of enforcement, the criteria, the managerial measures and techniques. Furthermore, this paper will conduct a case study and use some real materials which will support our proposal and add to the practical value of the new structure .We believe that our proposal will serve as a good reference for China’s food manufacturers, and particularly, for those in west China.

  • 【分类号】F426.82
  • 【下载频次】232

