

【作者】 张海华

【导师】 张贞爱;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 本文拟运用语篇理论和翻译理论,通过分析学生的英译汉译例,证明语篇应该成为翻译过程中的翻译单位。并且只有把语篇作为翻译单位,才能达到翻译的标准——忠实、通顺。 语篇作为结构与意义的统一体,在语法上具有衔接性,在意义上具有完整性,它是语言的交际单位。翻译作为语言交际的一种形式,实质上是用一种语言的语篇材料代替与其意义对等的另一种语言语篇材料的过程。把语篇作为翻译单位是指根据原文语篇的语言语境、情景语境、文化语境以及文体风格,从整体上理解原文语篇的内容,形成一个“整体概念”,再将此概念用译文语言表达。翻译的实际操作过程是一种自上而下的认知过程,译者以语篇为单位的整体翻译过程遵循的正是这种自上而下的认知过程,自然能传达出原文的真正意义,从而达到翻译的标准——忠实、通顺。 只有把语篇作为翻译单位,综合分析原文的语篇衔接手段、语境和语体,才能忠实地再现原文。也只有把语篇作为翻译单位,从整体上分析原文的逻辑关系和语篇结构,才能使译文通顺地再现原文,这是以词、词组或句子作为翻译单位进行翻译难以做到的。 全文共分三部分。第一部分为绪论,论述研究本课题的目的和本课题的研究现状。第二部分为正文,共分三章。第一章是翻译概述。第二章是语篇以下翻译单位的局限性。第三章是论文主体,论述把语篇作为翻译单位,才能达到翻译标准。第三部分为结论。 当前语言学界对语篇的研究取得了很大成就,也开始把语篇理论应用到翻译中。本文把语篇理论运用于翻译之中,通过分析学生的译例,论证把语篇作为翻译单位才能忠实、通顺地再现原文,旨在能对今后的英汉翻译课教学有所启示和帮助。

【Abstract】 This article analyses the examples of the English?Chinese translation done by the students to prove that discourse should be the unit of translation in the translating process ,and only by doing so can we realize the criteria of translation faithfulness and expressiveness on the basis of discourse theory and translation theory.Discourse is an integration of structure and meaning . It is cohesive in grannnar and integrated in meaning . It natually becomes the communicative unit of a language .As a form of language communication , it is in fact a process of using discourse of one language to take the place of that of another one . It must be meaningful equivalent . Taking discourse as the unit of translation means understanding the contei~1t of the source language as a whole and forming a whole concept according to the linguistic context, situational context , cultural context and styles of the source language , then expressing it in the target language . The real translating operation process should be a cognitive process of topown The overal translation of taking discourse as the unit of translation follows this kind of cognitive process , so that the translator naturally can express the real meaning of the original text and realize the criteria of translation aithfulness andexpress1veness.0n1y by taking discourse as the unit of trans1ationand anaIysing the cohesive devices, contexts and stylesof the origina1 texts can you faithfu11y trans1ate it.And on1y by taking discourse as the unit of translationand making an overa11 ana1ysis of the 1ogica1 re1ationshipand discourse structure can you expressive1y ref1ect theorigina1 text. We cannot do this by taking word, phraseor sentence as the unit of translation.This artic1e has three parts: the first partintroduces the purpose of doing this study and researchon this study. The second part is the sain body of thethesis. 1t has three chapters: the first chapter is thesurvey of translation, the second chapter dea1s with the1imitations of the translation units be1ow discourse; Thethird chapter and the most substantial part is ontaking disourse as the unit of trans1ation can we realizethe criteria of translation. The third part sims up andconc1udes the study.Great progress has been achieved in studiesof discourse, and discourse theories have begun to beused in trans1ation. This article uses discoursetheories in trans1ation. By analysing the exmples of thetranslation done by students, the article putsforward its view on taking discourse as the unit oftrans1ation can faithful1y and expressivelly ref1ectthe origina1 text - It is hoped that it wi11 bringen1ightment and benefit to the Eng1ish--Chinesetrans1ation teaching.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】793

