

Distance Tracking of α-β-γ Filters

【作者】 徐隼慧

【导师】 景占荣; 王成昭;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 航空工程, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,数字技术大大促进了雷达技术的发展。目标跟踪问题是雷达技术的一个重要问题,在军事和民用领域,如空防和空中交通管制中,可靠而精确地跟踪目标始终是目标跟踪系统设计的主要目的。α-β和α-β-γ滤波器作为卡尔曼滤波的简化子集,因其计算量小、精度较高、对机动的反应速度快等优点,在雷达跟踪系统中得到了广泛的应用。本文以机载脉冲多普勒雷达为背景,为了准确、有效、稳定地跟踪机动目标,研究了α-β-γ滤波器的应用问题: 第一、从机动目标模型入手,讨论了微分多项式模型、CV和CA模型、时间相关模型、半马尔可夫模型、Noval统计模型、机动目标“当前”统计模型等模型及其优劣。 第二、讨论了各种基本的滤波和预测方法,即线性自回归滤波、两点外推滤波、维纳滤波、加权最小二乘滤波、α-β和α-β-γ滤波、卡尔曼滤波和简化卡尔曼滤波等,并对上述方法进行了性能评价。 第三、就机动目标跟踪中的自适应滤波进行了讨论,介绍了检测自适应滤波、实时辨识自适应滤波、全面自适应滤波,得到了比较和总结。 第四、重点介绍了α-β和α-β-γ滤波器及其指标和参数选择。 最后、进行了计算机仿真实验并得到了相应的结论。 本文对数字处理系统与跟踪伺服系统的关系、跟踪坐标系的变换、多目标跟踪、数据融合等问题未能涉及。

【Abstract】 Recently, digital technology has greatly accelerated the development inradar technology. Tracking target is one of the important problems in radartechnology, in both military and civilian fields, for instance, in air defenseand in air膖raffic control, tracking target in a reliable and accurate modehas always been the main objective in the design of target tracking system.a ?P &. a ??y filters , as simplified Kalman filters, have been widely usedin radar tracking system because of its advantages of low computation, highprecision and quick response when target maneuvering. In this paper , forAirborne Pulse Doppler radar, and to state it succinctly, accurately andstably of tracking target, a ?P &. a ?P ?y filters and its applicationproblems have been studied:Firstly, starting with models of maneuvering targets, this paper hasdiscussed the following models and there advantages or shortcomings:differential polynomial model, CV and CA models, time腸orrelated model,semi腗arkov model, Noval statistical model and current statistical model;Secondly, various basic methods of tracking filtering and prediction havebeen discussed such as Liner Regression filter, Two膒oint Extrapolator,Wiener filter, Weighted Least膕quare filter, a ?~ &. a ?P ?y filters,Kalman filter, simplification Kalman filter as well. And their performanceshave also been evaluated;Thirdly, adaptive filtering problem of target tracking has been discussed,and detection adaptive filtering, real膖ime adaptive filtering, overalladaptive filtering have been introduced. Comparison and conclusion have beenmade;Fourthly, a ?$ &. a ?P ?Y filters and their specifications andparameters selection have been emphasized in this paper;Last, computer膕imulation experiments have been carried out, and thecorresponding conclusions are available.In this paper, the relationship between digital processing system andtracking servo system, tracking coordinate transformation, multiple targetstracking and data fusion are not involved.

  • 【分类号】TN713.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】554

