

【作者】 李远超

【导师】 陈志云;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学论, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 学习迁移是数学教育的重要目的之一,“为迁移而教” 就是这一重要目的的充分表述。但是,许多文章或论著只是粗略地探讨了数学学习迁移产生的条件,对中学数学教学实践没有太大的指导意义。本文力图改变这一局面,第一部分从理论上详细地阐明学习迁移的一般概念,讨论了学习迁移的分类,论述了数学学习迁移的心理基础是概括。第二部分从数学知识技能、学生自身心智因素和教师的教学三个角度分析了影响数学知识与技能学习迁移的诸因素。第三部分结合数学教学实际从促进正迁移,克服负迁移和合理利用负迁移三方面提出了教法和学法上的建议。

【Abstract】 Study transfer is one of the most important aims of mathematics teaching. Teaching for transfer is just the profound explanation for it. But many articles and works only roughly inquire into the condition of the mathematical study transfer. They have not too much sense of guide to middle school mathematics teaching practice. In this article,I try to change this situation In the first part, I claiify the concept of the study transfer tbeoretically,discuss the category and expound that the psychological foundation of mathematical study transfer is generalization. In the second part, I analyse the factors that affects the transfer of mathematics knowledge and technique study in the three aspects of mathematics knowledge, students personal intellegence quotient factors and teachers teaching. In the third part, I put forward suggestions of the methods of teaching and studying that based on mathematics teaching practice and aimed to enhance the positive transfer prevent the passive transfer and make use of the passive transfer properply.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】547

