

【作者】 何成群

【导师】 李丽云; 梁君儿;

【作者基本信息】 广州中医药大学 , 中医妇科学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 念珠菌性阴道炎(candidal vaginitis),它是仅次于细菌性阴道病的最常见的阴道炎。HURLEY等报道,约75%的育龄妇女至少有一次发病,临床表现为严重外阴阴道瘙痒和白带量多,而且极容易复发。西医认为本病是由念珠菌(主要是白色念珠菌)引起的一种妇科感染,其具体发病机理尚不清楚,近年来学者们认为可能与念珠菌毒力因素、宿主抗念珠菌防御机制等有关,妊娠、避孕药、糖尿病、服用抗生素等因素可诱发本病发生,对于其治疗尚无疗效统一的药物。在祖国医学中,认为念珠菌性阴道炎属于“带下”、“阴痒”的范畴,运用中医药治疗此病,有着疗效好、副作用小、价格低廉等优点。本研究制造大白兔白色念珠菌阴道炎模型和其它急慢性炎症动物模型,以香荷药条为治疗组,达克宁栓作为有效标准,了解香荷药条治疗念珠菌性阴道炎的安全性和有效性。 实验研究 我们首先对香荷药条及其基质进行皮肤刺激试验,以确定实验的安全性及可行性。建立了健康大白兔的白色念珠菌性阴道炎模型,和其它急慢性炎症动物模型,用达克宁栓及其软膏做为有效标准,选择白色念珠菌的转阴率、阴道粘膜的病理变化、以及药物对小鼠耳肿胀和豚鼠搔痒的影响作为观察指标。结果显示香荷药条能有效地抑制白色念珠菌的生长,纠正阴道局部炎症的病理变化,对二甲苯所致小鼠耳肿胀及组织胺所致的豚鼠皮肤搔痒,亦有明显抑制作用,表明香荷药条具有明显的杀菌消炎止痒作用,具有安全性和有效性,为临床应用提供了依据。

【Abstract】 Candidal vaginitis is the second most common vaginitis in clinic following bacterial vaginits diseases[1]. According to Hurleys report , about 76% of the women of child bearing period are supposed to have at least once attack of this disease manifesting in severe vulvovaginal itching and excessive leukorrhea[2]. It is generally considered to be a gynecological infective disease caused by monilia(majorly candida albicans ). Although the concrete pathomechnicm is still uncertain , current researchers intend to associate it with factors including the virulence of monilia and the defense mechnism of host to it , etc . What’s more , pregnancy contraceptive drugs , diabetes, intake of antibacteria , these kinds of factors can also give rise to the onset . There is still not a standard or consistent-in-effect medicine in western medicine for the treatmect , while in traditional Chinese medicine, candidal vaginitis defined as “Daixia”(leukorrhea) and “YinYang” vaginal itching) is well settled by the traditional way which displays an impressive result with little side--effect and is less money consuming. My research set up a vaginitis model of candida albicans on rabbit along with some other acute and chronic inflammatory animal models to assess the safty and effecticity of vaginal stick of "Xianghe"as the treatment medicine compared with a control medicine of Miconazoli nitras suppository. 2 Experimental Research Skin allergic test was first carried out to confirm the related safty and feasibility of “Xianghe”stick and the marrix. A candida albicans vaginitis model on healthy rabbit and other acute and chronic inflammatory animal models were applied in the experiment , with suppository and ointent of Miconazoli nitras ,being used as effective standard Indicators such as candida albicans negative conversion , pathological changes of vaginal membrane and the influence on mouse ear tumefaction and guinea pig pruritus were selected for observation . Results show that “Xianghe”stick can effectively suppress the growth of candida albicans and modify the local inflammatory lesion and also performed significant inhibition to the xylol-inducing mouse ear tumefaction and the histamine-inducing cutaneous pruritus on guinea pig This research provides a scientific basis for the clinical application of “Xianghe”stick by menifesting that “Xianghe”stick possesses obvious bactericidal, anti- inflammatory and anti-itch and is safe and effctive as well.

  • 【分类号】R271.9
  • 【下载频次】241

