

【作者】 马德生

【导师】 王振汉;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 许浑是晚唐诗坛最受褒贬毁誉的一位诗人。他一生专攻近体,尤以七言律诗成就最高,影响最大,但迄今尚未有对其七律进行全面系统的专题研究。本文仅为抛砖引玉。全文共分四部分:一、概述许浑生平事迹、人生理想和诗歌创作。特别指出历代对其诗既褒贬不一、又被唐诗选家所重视这一耐人寻味的现象。二、按题材分类,从时事、怀古、边塞、隐逸、离别等方面论述其七律创作的主题内涵。三、着重论述其七律创作在偶对、声调、结构、风格等方面所表现出的艺术特色。四、通过梳理七律发展演变过程,结合晚唐诗坛实际以及历代唐诗选本情况,论述其七律的地位和影响。最后结论认为,许浑的七言律诗题材广泛,内容较为深刻,形成了诗律纯熟、属对精密的艺术特色;为七律的成熟、发展、完善做出了自己的贡献,在唐代律诗发展史上占有重要地位,影响久远。许浑亦可允为唐代七律一大名家。

【Abstract】 XuLlun, a poet of the late Tang Dynasty, has been receiving both praise and criticism for his poems, He devoted all his life to the creation and study of the modem style poetry, characterized by his high achieve- ments in QiLu , for which he was most influential. As yet no complete and systematic study to his poems has been done. This thesis is to offer a few commonplace remarks by way of introduction so that valuable opinions will spring up. The whole thesis is divided into four parts. In the first part, Xullun?s life experience, his personal ideal and his poetic creation are generally in- troduced. It is especially pointed out that throughout the post Tang dynas- ties, his poems received conflicting comments of both good and bad, yet were adopted and given importance to by the Tang Dynasty poem selec- tions . According to different subject matters, the second part expouds the deep implications of his poetic themes in the aspects of great events of his day , meditation on the past, battles on the frontiers, life in seclusion and separation from kins and friends . The third part relates and discusses the artistic features of his QiLU in even line rhymes, tone, structure and style . The fourth part deals with the developments of QiLu , the state of the late Tang Dynastys poetice creation and his adopted poems in the Tang Dynasty poem selections . Based on the above description, his literary posi- tion and influence of his QiLu are expounded and given special attention. At last, the thesis concludes that XuHuns QiLu have the following antistic features wide subject matters, profound contents , mature tonal patterns andprecise thpoes.Xu Hun did his contribution to the maAnt, JoveloPment and perfec-tion of the and he was well established in the TangDynasty poetry. His in-fluence is deep and wide and he is wOmp of a celebrity among the QiLtiinthe Tang Dynasty.

【关键词】 晚唐许浑七律创作
【Key words】 the Late Tang DynastyXuHunQiLuCreation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】305

