【作者】 李国立;
【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 比较教育学, 2000, 硕士
【摘要】 苏联作为世界上第一个社会主义国家,它的建立和解体都对世界产生了巨大的影响。苏联解体前的高等教育经过多年的改革和努力,达到了相当高的水平。从1991年底苏联解体至今,自成体系的俄罗斯继承了前苏联的大部分主权,成为在政治、经济、军事等方面都与过去截然不同的主权国家,其在动荡和危机中已经走过了八年多的历程。在这八年中,俄罗斯的高等教育发展也经历了重大的变革。 本文通过展示与分析前苏联及现俄罗斯高等教育改革与发展的基本状况,通过对苏联解体前后俄国高等教育改革与发展的比较研究,对俄国高等教育改革的历史、现状、发展趋势、存在的问题有了一个较为全面的认识,并结合我国正在进行的高等教育改革提出了几点笔者认为值得借鉴的经验和启示。 本文共分为以下四个部分:1)苏联解体前的高等教育改革;2)苏联解体后的高等教育改革;3)苏联解体前后俄国高等教育的比较;4)值得借鉴的经验和启示。
【Abstract】 As we know, the Soviet Union was the first socialist country in the world, and either its establishment or the disintegration had a great influence on the whole world. In the light of the reform and effort for many years, the higher education in the Soviet Union reached quite a high level. Since the end of the year 1991 when the Soviet Union was disintegrated, the Russia, who had its own system, inherited most of the dominion of the pre- Soviet Union, thus made the Russia become a dominant country who completely distinguished than before in the field of politics, economic and military etc. It has experienced eight years of upheaval and crisis. During the eight years, the development of the higher education in Russia experienced a grave revolution as well. In this paper, the author gave a comparative all-round realization on the problems of the history, the present, the existence and the trend of development of the reform of the higher education in Russia, showing and analyzing the general conditions of the reform and development of the higher education in Russia and in Soviet Union, comparatively studying the reform and development of the higher education fore and after the disintegration, cooperating the undergoing reforms in higher education of our country, supplied some experiences and enlightenments from which one could draw lessons. This paper includes the following four parts: 1) The higher educational reform before the disintegration of the Soviet Union; 2) The higher educational reform after the disintegration of the Soviet Union; 3) The comparison of higher education fore and after the disintegration of the Soviet Union; 4) The experiences and enlightenments could be learned.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
- 【分类号】G649.512
- 【被引频次】5
- 【下载频次】524