

【作者】 张茹琴

【导师】 王生荣;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 植物病理学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 经研究证明,BTH是一种非常有效的植物系统性获得抗性诱导剂。①通过不同浓度BTH对黄瓜黑星菌孢子萌发率及菌丝生长速率影响的测试,证明0.125~2μg/gBTH对黑星菌孢子萌发及菌丝生长均无抑制作用,因此认为经BTH处理后黄瓜幼苗病叶率的下降及诱导效果的加强是由于BTH诱导了黄瓜对黑星病的抗性而引起的。②0.125~2μg/gBTH都可以诱导黄瓜对黑星病产生一定程度的抗性,并且随着浓度的升高诱导效果加强。诱导的最佳浓度为1μg/g。1μg/gBTH处理长春密刺、津研7号、津春3号后,平均诱导效果分别为91.17%、80.94%、97.07%。③1μg/gBTH对黄瓜黑星病的诱导效果远远高于0.1%水杨酸、0.1%苯酚、0.1%氯化钾。BTH处理对长春密刺平均诱导效果可达83.90%,而水杨酸、苯酚、氯化钾对其诱导效果仅分别为17.17%、32.42%、33.24%。津研7号和津春3号两个黄瓜品种上变化趋势与长春密刺的相似。④随着BTH诱导后时间的延长,诱导效果逐渐减弱,如1μg/gBTH处理长春密刺幼苗后,第1、2、3、4次调查所得的诱导效果分别为100.00%、94.36%、94.50%、75.83%。经其它浓度处理的黄瓜品种上也有上述变化趋势。⑤1μg/gBTH处理或接种病原菌都可以诱导黄瓜及小麦叶片内多酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)及苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性不同程度的升高,但BTH诱导后三种防御酶活性的升高在时间上比接种病原菌的上升速度快,且活性程度也高。经对长春密刺和陇鉴46号幼苗POD同工酶聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,结果表明:BTH处理或接种病原菌后,在黄瓜上可以诱导出3条新酶带,小麦上可以诱导 出2条新酶带,不论在黄瓜上还是小麦上,经BTH诱导或接种病原菌的处 理酶带颜色均较既不诱导也不接种的处理深。@10叶 s屹BTH处理或 接种条锈菌使铭贤 169感病品种严重度和病情指数略微有所降低,160 u g lgBTH处理后,严重度从对照的 33.33o降至 M .42o,病情指数从对照的 引.25%降至 32.22%,诱导效果为 42.76%。同样浓度的 BTH处理小麦白粉 菌高感品种陇鉴 46号后,病叶率和严重度均有所降低, 10 u g乍和 160 u g lgBTH处理后,严重度分别从对照的34.87%降至26.25%和5.ZI%,病叶率 分别从对照的100.00o降为93.75o和77.22o。

【Abstract】 Up to date, it has been proved that BTH can effectively induce SAR in plants to pathogens. In this research, the investigated results are as follows: 0.125 ig/gBTH had no significant effect on germination of conidia and mycelium growth of Cladosporium cucumerinum ,so the reason why the rate of disease plants and leaves reduced was mainly because of the BTH-induced resistance. BTH at different concentrations used in the experiment can induce some degree of resistance to C.cucumeirinum, and the effect of induced resistance was. increased with the increase of BTH concentrations, but the optimum concentration was lii g 1g. After being pretreated by I ii g IgBTH,the average effect of induced resistance in Changchunmici, Jinyan7 and Jinchun3 was 91.17%, 80.9% and 97.07%,respectively. 0.125 igIgBTH-induced resistance to C.cucumeirinum reduced gradually with the time development, for example, the observed data at the 1 st,2nd,3rd and 4th time was 100.00%, 94.36%, 94.50% and 75.83%,respectively. I i g/gBTH-induced resistance in cucumber seedlings was far stronger than that of 0.l%Salicylic Acid,0.l%Phenol and 0.l%KC1-induced,the average effect of BTH-treated resistance in Changchunmici seedlings was 83.90%,but after being treated by Salicylic Acid, Phenol and KC1, the average effect was only 17.1 7%,32.42% and 33 .24%,respectively. All peroxidase(POD),polyphenoloxidase(PPO) and phenylanine ammo- nialyase(PAL) activities in cucumber and wheat were increased differently after being treated by BTH or inoculation with pathogens, but BTH-treated enzyme activities were increased quickly and highly than those pathogen-inoculated. The isozyme patterns of POD on polyacrylainde gels showed that there was 2 novel isozymes induced by either BTH or C.cucutnerinutn in cucumber,in wheat, 3 novel isozymes induced, what’s more, the BTH-induced or pathogens-inoculated isozyme colour was more darker than that of neither BTH-treated nor pathogen-inoculated. 10-460 ii gIgBTH gave weak protection to susceptible variety of wheat- Mingxianl69 against Puccinia f.sp.tritici,l60 ig/gBTH-treated disease severity was reduced from 33.3 3% in the controls to 11 .42%,disease index was reduced from 51.25% in the controls to 3 2.22%. ft Treatment of susceptible variety of wheat-Longjian 46 by 10-460 g/gBTH also had some degree of effect on infection of Blutneria f.sp.fritici, eg., pretreatment by 10 or 160 t g/gBTH ,the rate of disease leaves was reduced from 34.87% in the controls to 26.25% and 5.2 l%,the rate of disease leaves was reduced from 100.00% in the controls to 93.75% and 77.22%,respectively.

  • 【分类号】S432.23
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】255

