

Study on Early Growth of Bluegrass Root

【作者】 马进

【导师】 曹致中;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 饲料科学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 通过对11种所供试早熟禾根系早期研究结果表明:11种供试早熟禾初生根数为3-5条,第一条初生根于播种后9-12d出现,在播后23d内初生根全部出现,初生根上一级侧根一般在播种后14d开始出现。初生根一般在播后23-29d开始退化,其初生根作用逐渐退化为次生根所代替,其中天祝草地早熟禾出现侧根较晚。11种所供试早熟禾在苗期不同时间内地下部分根系性状(P<0.05)大部分存在着一定差异显著性,同样在播后同样时间内不同品种地下根系性状大部分也存在着差异显著性(P<0.05)。11种早熟禾苗期根系性状最优生长动态拟合方程有所差异,拟合模型有三种QUB(Y=b0+b1t+b2t2)、和CUB(Y=b0+b1t+b2t2+b3t3)模型。苗期早熟禾根系发育是一个动态过程,地上部分和地下部分各性状具有一定相关性,苗期早熟禾可以根据单株绿叶数、株高和单株茎叶干重作为判断苗期根系是否发达重要参考指标,其地上部分指标顺序:单株绿叶数>株高>单株茎叶干重。通过聚类分析可知冷地早熟禾根系发育最强,Fylking草地早熟禾、波伐早熟禾和Wabash草地早熟禾发育中等,其余最弱。通过早熟禾早期地下部分分层分析,冷地早熟禾根系很强,在西北干旱地区可以作为护坡草坪草,Fylking和Wabash草地早熟禾为很好的地被植物。野生早熟禾中绿茎早熟禾和天祝青海扁杆早熟禾根系发育较好,是两个很好的野生草坪草和牧草原始材料,有极大开发和利用价值。

【Abstract】 The observation on the sample of cultivating method of fields and pot show primary root numbers of 11 different bluegrass are 3-5. The first primary root appeared alter 9-12 days. All priniaiy roots appeared within 23 days. The first lateral roots appeared after 14 days. Yianzhu bluegrass appeared the fist lateral roots later than others did. Most of root characters had significant difference within the early of growth of 11 different bluegrass (P<O.05). Within the same time of early of growth most of 11 bluegrass had significant difference on the root characters (P<0.05). The growth dynamics of root characters were studied with the mediod of mathematical model that was a little different The results showed that root characters of early growth showed QUB (Y=b0+b1t+b) S (Yo+biIt~)andCUB (Y=bo+btt+bzt+b3t3) curve patter. This experiment was focused on the evaluation of root regeneration ability of 11 different bluegrass by using cluster analysis method .The results showed that: root regeneration ability of bluegrass of engdi?was high. 慒ylldng? ofa?, and abash?had moderate level, the others were low Early growth of 11 bluegrass were dynamics. Systematic analysis of early growth status between root system and top in 11 bluegrass that for single plants there existed correlation’s. The green leaf numbers, plant height and top dry weight for single plant which related closely to activity of root system during early growth of 11 bluegrass. Its order was green leaf for single plant> plant height> top dry weight for single plant Rnot regeneration ability of engdi?bluegrass was high which may be acted as turfgrass for water and soil conservation. ylking?and?Wabashluegrass may be acted as good turfgrass ?bjing?and ianzhu?wild bluegrass were original material good turfgrass

  • 【分类号】S544.9
  • 【下载频次】131

