

Study on Synthetic Assessment System of Turf Quality

【作者】 张珍

【导师】 曹致中;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 饲料科学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对6O个草坪草品种(其中高羊茅26个品种,多年生黑麦草17个品种,草地早熟禾17个品种)的试验研究,制定出一个草坪质量评价的简明扼要的评价体系。其中包括以下几个主要方面: 1.选择比较合理、恰当的、能综合反映草坪特点和表现的评价指标是进行草坪质量评价的先决条件,故本试验选择密度(Density)、质地(Texture)、颜色(Colour)、均一性(Uniformity)、盖度(Covering)、回弹性(Rebounding)作为质量评价指标。 2.本体系中采用单位面积(cm~2)上的分蘖枝数来测定密度;通过游标卡尺用叶宽法来测定质地(mm);用POC-1型数字显示叶绿素测定仪来测定叶绿素含量;用针刺法测定草坪盖度;结合密度(D)、颜色(C)、质地(T)的测定数据,利用统计公式计算出均一性;以回弹系数来表示回弹性。以上测定办法,尤其是在叶绿素含量和均一度的测定过程中,很大程度上避免了以往要么是经过繁琐计算所得数据,要么是主观性很强的肉眼评估打分的数据来源,从而提高了数据精度,为准确评价草坪质量奠定基础。 3.比较合理、科学地确定评价指标在质量评价中的权重值。几乎所有前人评价指标的权重值均是根据专家评估的经验值所得,为克服此不足,本体系用层次分析法(AHP)中T.L.Satty的1—9尺度方法,通过构造权重比值矩阵,计算出该矩阵最大特征值所对应的特征向量,得到一致性检验后,将具特征向量作为满意的可接受的权重值。 4.将60个草坪草品种建植成坪后质量的评价结果与本体系的质量标准进行对照,结果表明草坪质量的定量化综合评价的数学模型,具有灵敏度高,数学处理运算过程简单的优点,能简明直接地数量化地反映出草坪的质量等级,并可以进行草坪质量之间的定量化比较。

【Abstract】 In this paper, sixty varieties of three cool-season turfgrass species including Tall Fescue , Perennial Ryegrass and Kentucky Bluegrass were tested for assessment of turf quality by using the synthetic judgement of fuzzy mathematics A brief and to the point assessment system for turf quality were given. Main results were shown as follows: 1. The indexes of assessment system were selected as density, texture, colour, uniformity, covering ,rebounding. 2. In this paper, the value of every index is got from experiment or calculation, so it can improve the accuracy of the result of the turf quality. 3. Through T.L. satty?s method of 1-9 scales of Analatical Hierarchy Process (ATP), the weight ratio of matrix were got and it can calculate the maximum characteristic solution, then it can be regarded as the satisfying value of weight. 4. According to the value of experiment or calculation, the value of synthetic judgement were gained through the synthetic judgement of fuzzy mathematics. Last, contrast the quality standards of turf, the grade of turf quality were defined.

  • 【分类号】S688.4
  • 【被引频次】29
  • 【下载频次】671

