

【作者】 邢彬

【导师】 卢松;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 国际法, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济从计划体制到市场体制的转变,保险这一经济制度得到了越来越多的认知。无庸质疑,保险这种将不幸集中于一人的风险分散给多数人的制度设计,在风险日益增多的现代社会,具有极大的意义。然而,作为一种制度,保险并非是完美无缺的。从保险产生的那一天起,它就存在着其固有的弊端。由于保险具有射幸性,以及潜在的收益性,它容易诱发赌博行为和道德风险。这不仅与保险的意旨相悖,而且如果不加控制的话,可能会反过来摧毁保险制度本身。保险利益制度的产生,便是为了适应这种需要。 保险利益原则是现代保险法的四大基本原则之一,其重要性不言而喻。然而,保险利益原则要比保险法的其它三大原则复杂的多,而且在其适用上争议也很大,特别是在涉及人身保险的情况下,大陆法系和英美法系的作法更是绝然不同。大陆法系不承认保险利益原则在人身保险上的适用,而采用所谓的同意主义。本文试图通过介绍西方国家,特别是英美法系国家的立法和理论,结合我国的法律,对人身保险上的保险利益进行全面的探讨。文章首先对保险利益进行基本介绍,阐明了保险利益的定义、特征和功能。然后,集中讨论在人身保险上适用保险利益原则的优越性和特殊性,以及人身保险上保险利益的性质,并进而探讨了保险利益的主体、范围、存在的时间要求及保险利益与被保险人同意的关系。接着,文章还就保险利益原则适用的相关问题作了一些讨论。最后,鉴于我国保险利益立法存在一定的缺陷和不足,笔者在上述讨论的基础上,对我国保险立法的重新构建,提出了自己的建议。

【Abstract】 Insurance is an economic system intending to distribute risks. Its social meaning is to distribute the risk of accident centered on an individual unfortunately among the general public. The creation and development of insurance had a fundamental effect on social development. But insurance inevitably has its side effects, that is the inducement of gambling and moral risks. If a person can take out insurance policy on the life or property of another person, for which he has no interests at all, the conduct of intentional destruction of property or murder of the insured will be inevitable. This kind of result is certainly inadvisable. It is against the purpose of insurance itself. If it is not controlled properly, it can even bring the whole system of insurance down. To meet this requirement, insurable interest is created. Nowadays, insurable interest has become a fundamental principle of the insurance law. Nearly all the countries take insurable interest as a precondition of the validation of property insurance contract. However, when it comes to life insurance contract, there are some differences, especially between the common law countries and the civil law countries.. China has adopted the principle of insurable interest in its insurance law. However, the result of application of China抯 insurance law more resembles that of the civil law countries. In this thesis, the writer tries to give a general introduction of the laws and practices of western countries, especially that of the common law system. By this introduction and by comparing the two different kinds of practices, the writer wants to point out the advantages of the principle of insurable interest and to put forward some suggestions on the reform of China抯 insurance law at the same time.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】D922.284
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】280

