

【作者】 徐玉娟

【导师】 王殿卿; 赵军华;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 儒家心性修养论是儒家德育思想的精髓和核心。它产生于我国古代早期的人文主义思想萌芽,又进一步奠定、深化了我国的人文主义传统。它充分体现了我国古代德育对人本身的关注,及对人的主体性、能动性的肯定。儒家以心性论为基础形成了其独特的德育思想和丰富的个体道德修养方法,其中有许多优秀的思想,对今天德育实践仍有积极的价值,值得我们研究开发和继承。 本文分三部分,第一部分首先对儒家心性修养论进行了历史的考察与分析,旨在对儒家心性修养论有一个较全面、系统的把握,包括理论基础、心、性的内涵、发展历程和理论特点四部分。我国古代以人为本的人文主义思想萌芽和儒家以道德为本的思想是儒家心性修养论得以产生的理论渊源和历史文化基础。儒家的心与性内涵丰富、心兼有主体意识、宇宙本体、心理和道德观念四层涵义,性有四种界定:性善、性恶、性有善有恶和性无善无恶。儒家心性论的发展经历了先天心性论、性三品论、心性本体论三个时期。其理论特点可以概括为:心性本体论的思维模式,内在的自我超越,把生理、心理与道德有机的结合在一起,内修与外修的辨证统一。 第二部分分析考察了儒家心性修养论在古代德育中的价值和作用。从内、外两方面来论述,首先,外在道德教化本于心性。儒家的教化思想以人性论为基础,对性的不同界定形成儒家各派的教化思想也各有侧重,分别论述了性善论、性恶论和性有善有恶论的教化思想。同时,儒家的教化思想注重依据受教育者的心性与心理特点进行教育,表现在:因材施教、激发情感、启发诱导三方面。其次,儒家的个体道德完善依赖于心性修养,个体道德完善的过程就是心性修养的过程,分别从立志、有恒,养心、制欲,为己、自省,诚意、慎独四方面来论述。 第三部分是在对前两部分考察、分析的基础上,初步提炼出其中有价值的思想,为当代德育实践提供借鉴与启示,针对当代德育实践中存在的问题,提出以下四点:以学者为己为道德教育的导向,以主体自觉为自我教育的起点,以心性与心理为道德教育的基础,以情感与意志为道德信念的前提。

【Abstract】 Confucian culture theory of mind and natural instincts is marrow and kernel of Confucian moral education, which is based on the early antiquity humanism of Chinese. It have established and deepened Chinese humanism tradition. It indicate that Chinese antiquity moral education has paid great attention to human itself, and affirmed the importance of human抯 consciousness. The special Confucian moral education and the abundant means of self-cultivation are based on Confucian culture theory of mind and natural instincts, which have many excellent ideas to today抯 moral education, and is worth studying and inheriting by modr~n Chinese.There are three parts in the thesis. In the First part. the theory basis, the ~connotation of mind and natural instincts, the course rif th~~ development, and the characteristic of the theory are studied in order to understand Confucian culture theory of mind and natural instincts conIpIetr~y ~nd systemically. The theory is based upon antiquity humanism ~f 2抜inese and Confucian idea of moral. The mind means subject consciou..~ecs. 憂iverse. mentality dnd moral. Four kinds of natural instincts exist, which is that natural instincts is good, natural instincts is bad, natural liistinct~ is both good and bad, natural instincts is neither good nor bad. The development of the theory has passed through three periods, which is congenital theory, dipartite theory. arid ontologyn. Characteristics of the theory are the thought model regarding mind and natural instincts as ontology, self-exceeding in one抯 mind, the combination of physiology, mentality and moral organically, and internal-cultivation and external-cultivation being parts of an organic whole.In the second part, the value of Confucian culture theory of mind and natural instincts in antiquity抯 moral education is studied. The first, external moral education is based on mind and natural instincts. Different kinds of knowledge of natural instincts form different means of moral education. Confucian moral education is based on the special characteristics of students?mentality, which lie in teaching students in accordance of their aptitudes, inspiring students with emotion, moralizing students by enlightenment. The second, Confucian self-cultivation is dependent on mind2and natural instincts. The course of self-cultivation is just the course of mind and natural instincts cultivation, which is the research conclusion of the following parts: marking up one抯 mind, persevering, preserving one抯 health, continence, self-improve, self-examine, sincerity, being cautious while being alone.Through studying the two parts above, the valuable ideas have been extracted from Confucian culture theory of mind and natural instincts. Today, the practice of moral education still has many problems. Chinese people should benefit from Confucian marrow to get rid of these problems. I have four suggestions. First, moral education should aim at improving students?morality at last. Second, self-education should seek the cause in oneself instead of somebody else. Third, moral education should be based on the culture of the mind and mentality. Finally, the premise of moral belief is students?moral emotion and perseverance.

  • 【分类号】D648
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】450

