

Study on the Enzymic Hydrolysis of Protein of Silver Carp By-product

【作者】 赵玉红

【导师】 孔??;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 食品科学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 鲢鱼出肉率低于40%,使鲢鱼制品成本高,利润低。本课题首次以鲢鱼副产物鱼头、 鱼皮、鱼骨刺为原料,加酶水解制备鱼肽。 脱脂除去副产物中的脂肪,不仅使脱脂后水解物的风味大为改观,而且脱脂后酶解 产物的水解度(DH)、蛋白回收率(NR)和三氯乙酸氮溶解指数(TCA-NSI)均高于脱 脂前酶解产物。 采用三因素二次转正交回归设计,研究水解反应中酶-底物浓度比([E]/[S])、pH、 温度(T)三个因素对蛋白回收率的影响,建立了回归模型,通过F检验,t检验和应用 验证,证明通过二次旋转正交回归设计建立的模型,不仅较好地反映了蛋白水解反应体 系运行的真实规律,而且与实际清况吻合较好,三个因素对蛋白回收率的因子贡献率是: T>pH>[E]/[S]。得出最优水解条件为:[E]/[S]=3.33%、pH=8.54、T=58℃、水解时间 为 90min。 不同水解度水解产物肽分子量测定表明,随着水解度的增加,肽平均分子量降低。 其中小肽分子占相当大的比例,而未水解的鱼蛋白或大肽分子和氨基酸只占少数。 氨基酸组成表明副产物第一限制氨基酸是异亮氨酸,水解物、鱼肉第一限制氨基酸 是含硫氨基酸。 与母本蛋白相比水解产物具有很好的溶解性;具有优良的热稳定性和冷藏稳定性; 粘性较母本蛋白急剧下降,粘度不受温度的影响;水解产物泡沫体积可膨胀到原始体积 的3.4至4.3倍,但泡沫稳定性在酸性条件下极差;水解产物无苦味、无鱼腥味。 动物试验表明:小鼠服用蛋白水解物一定时间后,运动后血乳酸水平及血尿素氮含 量明显降低,运动后恢复期血乳酸恢复速率加快,游泳时间明显延长。可见鲢鱼副产物 蛋白水解物具有抗疲劳作用。 采用正交试验设计,研制鱼肽饮料,最佳饮料设计的基本配方为酸量=0.04%、糖量 =8%、β-环糊精=0.6%。

【Abstract】 The ratio of meat of Silver carp was less than 40%, made the product of Silver carp highcost and low profit. In this thesis,firstly, we utilized the by-product of Silver carp such as fishhead. fish skin and fish bone and researched the proteolysis peptide of by-product that werehydrolyzed.The sample was defatted by extraction. This made DH. NR and TCA-NSI were better thanhydrolysates that before degrease.We adopted the regression model of three factors five levels two time rotaion pependicularregressive design.By F-inspection and Tinspecion and applied inspection, the model wasverified tha it reflected theoretically the intrinsic law on protein hydrolysis of by-product ofSilver carp, and coincided well with the practice. It could reflect the intrinsic relationship ofhydrolysis process and protein yield really With the design of rotaion regression, we verifiedtha three factors namely [E]/[S], pH-value and temperature were the main factors whichaffected the fact tha Alcalase hydrolyzed the protein of Silver carp by-product. Thecontribution of thee factors to protein yield was temperature > pH-value > [E]/[S]. Theoptimum hydrolysis condition of hydrolyzing the protein of Silver carp by-product byAlcalase was: [E]/[S]=3.33%,pH=8.54, T=58℃,time=90min.We also determined the distribution of the molecule weigh of peptide of hydrolysate bydifferent DH (degree of hydrolysis). With the increasing of DH, average MW (moleculeweight) of peptide of hydrolysate decreased, and the unhydrolyzed proteins or big peptidemolecules and amino acids were in the minority and the number of small peptide moleculesincreased.Composition of amino acid indicated tha by-produc was deficient in isoleuine,hydrolysates and meat were deficien in methionine and cysteine.Hydrolysates had excellent solubility Which better than the originals; Had fine heat stabilityand chill stability;Wiscosity was not affected by temperature;The bubble volume was 3.4~4.3times as that of initial’s;The foam stability was decreased at acid condition;Hydrolysateswere no bitter and no fish flavor.Anti-fatigued test of little mouse suggested the following: After the little mouse drunk theprotein hydrlysate of by-product of Silver carp, the content of bloody lactic acid aftersporting decreased remarkably the content of bloody urea nitrogen decreased, time ofswimming test of the little mouse with weigh increased remarkaly, thus the resultS aboveilluStrate that the protein hydrlysate had the nOallle ani-fa tiped function.The optndum recipe of PePtide drink was the following: cOntent of acid 0.04%,content ofsugar 8%, fl -cyclodextrin 0.6%.POstgraduate: Zhao YuhngSpeciaIity: Food ScienceSuPendor: vice-pro f Kong Baohua

  • 【分类号】TS254.9
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】603

