

【作者】 石争浩

【导师】 李长河;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 结合实际课题一西安理工大学《计算机组成原理》多媒体CAI课程建设,研究了集成CD/DVD与Web的混合体系结构在多媒体CAI课件中的应用,设计了学生认知模型,构建了能够支持本地教学与远程教学的多媒体课件结构,较好地解决了CAI课件对个别化自主学习与课堂整体教学的施教和管理。 在CAI实现过程中,深入探讨了《计算机组成原理》多媒体课件的需求分析、教学设计、系统设计,研究了组件对象模型COM (Component Object Model)技术、虚拟现实 VR(Virtual Reality)技术、多媒体动画技术在教学软件设计中的应用。 论文还基于知识流(Knowledge Streaming)技术,研究了《计算机组成原理》多媒体课件在网络环境下的应用,并给出了解决思路和实现方法。

【Abstract】 Based on a factua1 research work——the multimedia courseware ofCmputer Strycture Principle for Xi’an University of Technology, thethesis discusses the application of a mixing architecture whichintegrated CD/DVD and Web used in Multimedia CAI (Computer AssistedInstruction) coursewire, designs a cognitive student model, modelsa multimedia coursewae architecture which is not only suitable forlocal teaching, but also is the same with distance learning. As aresult, management and tutor for both learning by oneself and teachingin class are well carried out in a sane courseware. During the CAI being carried out, systems analysis, teachingdesigning and systems designing for the multimedia courseware ofCmputer Slerture Mcjple are deep discussed. Application of COM(Component Object Model ) technology, of VR(Virtual Reality)technology and of multimedia animation technology for multimediacourseware designing are also explored.At the last, according to Knowledge Streaming put forvard byMacromedia corp., the thesis studies the application of thecourseware based on the network. And also, A corresponding designingmethod is presented.

  • 【分类号】TP399;G434
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】568

