

【作者】 李华萍

【导师】 陈德平; 高超; 蔡燕;

【作者基本信息】 天津工业大学 , 计算机技术及应用, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 现代交流电气传动系统通过对交流变频器的控制实现交流变频调速,由于其良好的调速性能和节能效果及其它诸多优点被国内外公认为最有发展前途的调速方式。本文主要论述了现代交流电气传动系统中微机通讯技术在开关磁阻电机调速系统(SRD)中的应用。本系统包括远程控制操作面板和上位机通讯两部分。 全文分为六部分。第一部分对国内外主要变频器的操作控制方式,进行广泛的论述,并简要介绍了SRD的构成和工作原理,进而提出本课题的研究内容。第二部分通过对微机间的通讯方式和协议的研究,特别论述了USS协议,在分析总结的基础上,制定了系统的通讯协议。第三部分在提出系统的设计方案之后,对远程控制操作面板和上位机控制系统进行了全面的软硬件设计,并较为详细地介绍了各功能模块的原理电路和软件流程及部分程序代码。第四部分叙述了系统的综合调试过程,并对实验结果进行分析总结。第五部分在分析系统干扰源的基础上,对系统设计时采取的软硬件措施进行论述。第六部分总结全文,并对SRD系统进一步的开发工作进行了有益的探索。

【Abstract】 The article mainly introduces microcomputer communicationin electric drive system of modem AC, which is applied in aSwitched-Reluctance Drive (SRD). The system includes twosegments:remote operating board and primary computer.In the paper six parts are described. The first part widelydiscusses operating control mode of frequency inverter at homeand abroad now and outlines the structure and principle of SRD.Then the content of research is put forward. In the second part,through studying control mode of communication and protocolbetween microcomputers, the communication protocol is broughforward. The third part, comprehensive design of software andhardware is made to remote operating board and primary computer,then partial program codes, the circuit and flow chart of everymodule is introduced in detail. In part four, general debugging iscarried through and results in experiment are analyzed andsummarized. In the fifth part, through analyzing the source ofhampering, many measures that are taken against hampering arediscussed. In part six, the whole article is summed up and thefuture work is looked into.

  • 【分类号】TM921.51;TP36
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】261

