

Study on the Predicament of Chinese Petition System and Legal Regulation

【作者】 张勇

【导师】 陈颖洲;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 法律, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 信访制度作为一项具有中国特色的政治参与和权利救济制度,作为我国特有的一项社会主义政治制度,一种民意表达的机制,信访制度在现实生活中发挥着权力监督、权利救济等重要作用。早在中国古代就以一种独特的形式存在。在经历了近代的发展与完善,信访制度正逐步得以确立,并在维护社会稳定、调和矛盾、促进社会发展等方面发挥着积极作用。但是近年来,随着我国经济的迅速发展带来的利益冲突的不断加剧、体制转轨时期所特有的规则缺失所引起的腐败、社会不公等现象的出现,越来越多的社会深层次矛盾大量的通过信访渠道反映出来,特别是近年来连续出现的信访高峰已严重影响了社会稳定,信访制度陷入了前所未有的困境之中。面对如此局面,信访制度改革已势在必行。基于此,笔者结合自身工作感受,从分析信访的基本概念、历史渊源及信访制度的基本功能入手,阐述了我国信访制度目前陷入的历史困境,并在把握我国信访制度的历史、现状与功能的基础上,剖析了现阶段信访制度陷入困境的基本成因,诸如信访制度功能错位,与法治发展相背离;信访制度的立法位阶较低,信访机构过于庞杂;信访制度法制理念淡化,人治色彩浓重等原因。并介绍了域外类似的制度,如瑞典的议会监察专员制度,英国的议会行政监察专员制度,日本的苦情处理制度,德国的行政申诉制度,我国台湾地区的陈情制度。结合我国的政治经济环境等,从法学的视野中寻求信访制度走出困境的途径:制定《信访法》,建立人大信访制度,不断革新体制机制,有针对性的提出了我国信访制度摆脱困境的法律规制。

【Abstract】 The petition system with Chinese characteristics as a political participation and rights relief system, as a characteristic of a socialist political system in China, a public opinion expression mechanism, the petition system plays an important role in the powers of supervision, the right to relief in real life. The petition system exists in a unique form as early as in ancient China. After a recent development, the petition system is gradually established, and in the maintenance of social stability, playing a positive role in reconciling contradictions and promote social development. After a recent development, the petition system is gradually established, plays a positive role in maintaining social stability, reconciling and promoting social development. But in recent years, With the rapid development of our country’s economy bring the growing conflict of interest, system transition rules which are caused by lack of corruption, the emergence of phenomena such as social injustice, More and more social deep-seated contradictions reflected through the petition system, Especially in recent years, the consecutive peak of petition has seriously affected the social stability, The petition system has fallen into an unprecedented predicament.Faced with such situation, the petition system reform is imperative. Based on this, according to my own experience, starting from the analysis of the basic concepts of the petition, the historical origins and basic functions of the petition system, Further expounding the historical difficulties for the petition system in China at present, and on the basis of grasping the history, the current situation and function of the petition system in China, analyze the reasons which make the petition fall into troubles deeply at the present stage, Such as the function dislocation of the petition system, deviated from the development of the rule of law; Legislative status of the petition system is lower, the petition institutions is too complicated, the concept of Legal system is fading, the role of man plays an great role and so on; Besides I Introduce the other foreign similar systems, such as The Swedish ombudsman system, the British Council Chief Ombudsman system, the Japanese affliction processing system,the Germany’s administrative complaint system, the Taiwan’s petition system, I combined with the China’s political and economic environment, seeks the way to help the petition system get the rid of the dilemmas from the view of jurisprudence:firmly establishing the authority of judicial, drawing up the "Petition Act", establishing the system of the National People’s Congress petition, Innovative the mechanisms of institutional, bailing out the legal regulation to help the petition system get out of dilemmas.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D922.182.1;D632.8
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】210

