

The Research and Design of Project Management Software of Mine Construction Based on Component Technology and Windows Presentation Foundation

【作者】 余昳超

【导师】 邹海;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 矿井建设工程因其工程量大、建设周期长、资金投入多、施工过程复杂等特点,使得传统的人工管理方法无法满足需求,运用工程项目进度管理软件可以有效解决数据传递速度慢、处理效率低、信息滞后所带来的一系列问题。避免了矿井建设工程项目超预算、进度失控、质量失控等问题,使得项目在规定的时间内、既定的质量要求和有限的资源条件下最优地实现项目的目标。本文结合潘一东矿区的建设实例研究并设计了矿井建设工程进度管理软件,实现矿井建设工程项目的规范化、标准化管理,实现工程子项目之间的统筹规划、计划管理、项目进度的跟踪、工期影响计算等一系列功能。本系统基于.net平台,运用.net framwork4.0组件技术,结合设计模式的思想,将单例模式与工厂模式运用到系统的实现中,在层面上将整个系统分为表示层、业务逻辑层、数据层三层结构,功能上又将整个系统分解至各个功能模块,使各个模块高内聚,模块之间低耦合,不仅使系统的逻辑结构清晰明了,也为日后系统的维护与功能扩展提供了极大的便利。系统同时运用微软最新的图形渲染技术——WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), WPF技术的诞生彻底改变了传统windows窗体应用程序的开发模式,摆脱了User32与GDI/GDI+的限制,给设计人员提供了更大的发挥空间,同时它作为Windows下全新的图形界面设计引擎,其底层运用DirectX技术来进行图形渲染,渲染速度与效果都有大幅提升。WPF引入了XAML,对2D/3D、控件元素、媒体和文档提供统一的描述,使设计人员与开发人员可以分工协作。本系统充分运用WPF的众多新特性,如:无外观控件、)(AML标记语言、布局系统、依赖项属性、DirectX图形引擎、样式表、模板、触发器、值转换器,在介绍这些特性的同时,结合实例来完成系统的各个功能模块。重点介绍了基于摘要与约束关系的时标甘特图控件的研究与设计。本文在结合组件技术与WPF技术的基础上进行了以下工作:1、传统的甘特图,任务仅仅是被罗列出来,之间毫无层次关系,当任务数量较多时,就会给查阅带来一定的困难,而矿井建设工程,其任务数量更是多达成百上千,因此本文设计的甘特图是基于摘要任务的,在任务之间添加了层次关系,方便用户从整体上把握项目的进展情况,同时摘要任务的相关数据是根据其子任务计算出来的,当录入数据时,将整个工程设为最高级的摘要任务,就可以实时查看整个工程的起止日期、工期、成本等相关数据。2、传统的甘特图任务之间不存在约束关系,而矿井建设特别是井巷工程中,任务之问关系复杂而且存在严格的前后置关系,只有当前一阶段的项目完成之后才能开始下个阶段项目的建设。因此本文设计的甘特图是基于前后置约束关系的,设置了约束关系后,后置任务的开始时间不得早于前置任务的结束时间。并且基于这种约束关系还实现了工期影响的智能提示功能。3、在甘特图组件的基础上,设计并研制了矿井建设项目进度管理系统,结合矿井建设过程中的实际需要,实现了计划排队、设置比较基准、任务的实时跟踪、工期影响智能提示、任务筛选与分级预览、图表的打印导出等功能。

【Abstract】 The traditional manual management can not meet the demand of Mine construction project because of its enormous quantities, long construction period, huge investment and complex construction process. With the project management software can effectively solve a series of problems brought by the low speed of data transmition, inefficient processing, information lag and avoid over budgeting, progress out of control and quality out of control of mine construction project. It can make the project achieve the goal within the stipulated time, the established quality requirements and limited resources excellently.There have been many project management software, but there almost no one for mine construction project, So this paper research and design a project management software for mine construction combined with the case of the construction of the Pan Yidong mine. It achieve the standardization management of mine construction, the over all sub-project planning, management of planning, the track of the progress of the project, calculation of impact of the duration and so on.This software is based on.net platform with the component technology of.net framework4.0. It combining of the design pattern idea such as the singleton pattern and the factory pattern. The software can be divided into three layers of presentation layer, business logic layer and data layer. It can also be divided into various functional modules with high cohesion and low coupling. This can not only make the logical structure of the system clear, but also provides a great convenience for system maintenance and expansion in the future. What’s more is the using of the latest graphics rendering technology of Microsoft—WPF(Windows Presentation Foundation), the birth of WPF completely changed the pattern of development of the traditional Windows Forms application. It get rid of the limit of User32and GDI/GDI+and offers designers more space to play. As the brand new graphical interface design engine, WPF uses DirectX technology for graphics rendering, with which can greatly enhance the rendering speed and effectiveness. WPF uses XAML to provide a unified description on2D/3D, control elements, media and documents. In a word, WPF enables developers and designers to create rich-media applications with more dazzling visual effects, better user experience. This system uses many new features of WPF such as no appearance control, XAML, layout system, dependency property, DirectX graphics engine, style sheets, templates, triggers, value converter, during the introduction of these new features we complete various functional modules of this system with examples. This paper focuses on the research and design of the Gantt q chart control based on the summary and constraint relations.This paper carried out the following work based on component technology and WPF technology:1、The traditional Gantt chart, there’s no hierarchical relationship between certain tasks, just list the tasks, so that when the number of tasks is much, it’s difficult for users to view a certain task. Especially for the mine construction project, the number of tasks is thousands of hundred, so the Gantt Chart designed in this papers is based on the summary task, there a clear hierarchical relationship between tasks, it’s convenient for users to grasp the progress of the project as a whole, and the data of summary task is calculated based on the children tasks, when the first level task is the whole project, users can view the start date、end date、duration、cost and so on.2、There is no constraint relationship between traditional Gantt chart, and in the mine construction project, the relationship between tasks is complex and strict, only when a phase of the project have finished the others can start. So the Gantt chart designed in this paper is based on a strict constraint relationship, when the constraint relationship has been set, the start date of the task after is not allow to set before the end date of the task in front. And it realized plan queue, time effect of intelligent prompt functions are based on this constraint relationship.3、The Gantt chart component is the core of the whole mine construction project schedule management system, based on the Gantt chart component the system has realized the set of baseline task, real-time tracking, task query and grading preview, and the graph print and export functions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

