

The Study of Women’s Daily Life Space During the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Huizhou

【作者】 刘平平

【导师】 胡中生;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 中国史, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 明清时期徽州地区宗族盛行,宗族势力严格控制着族内妇女的日常行为,对妇女的日常生活空间进行了严格地限制,规定“男子不得入内室”,“妇女无故不出大门”,欲将妇女限制在家门之内。然而,在商品经济发达的徽州地区,大批男子外出经商使老弱妇孺成为当地的主要留守群体。在无人主外的家庭中,如何维持家庭、社会的正常运转?夹在宗族势力和社会需求之间的徽州妇女,她们如何踏出家门,参与社会生活?这都是本文需要探讨的问题。本文从家庭生活空间、经济活动空间、交往休闲空间与信仰祭祀空间等四个方面入手对明清徽州妇女的日常生活空间进行探讨。第一章主要通过描写妇女在后堂、厨房、院落花园等地方的主要活动来勾画妇女的家庭生活空间。第二章主要通过考察妇女所参与的田间劳作和商业经营等经济活动来阐述徽州妇女的经济活动空间:田间、商场、市场、教场等。第三章通过梳理徽州妇女的日常交往对象和日常休闲活动,论述了她们的交往与娱乐空间:娘家与姻亲、宗族与邻里、青山绿水间、祠堂庙宇内。第四章主要描述徽州妇女的信仰与祭祀空间。明清时期徽州妇女对宗教及祖先的信仰和崇拜体现了妇女的信仰空间,由家庭到寺院、道观,形成了徽州妇女的外神信仰空间;由家庭到祠堂构成了妇女的内神信仰空间。在明清时期的徽州地区,无论是上层妇女还是下层妇女,除了要承担家庭内部的分内事外,还参与到社会生产生活的各个领域,通过各种途径展开日常活动和交往,从而形成了以家庭为核心的,不断向外延展的日常生活空间。

【Abstract】 In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Huizhou clan prevailed, the clan forces strict control of the daily behavior of the women in the family, and the women’s daily living space were strictly limited.The clan provides that “man shall not enter into the inner chamber”,“women have not out the door without reason”, want to limit women within the house, however, in the Huizhou area, with the developed commodity economy, a large number of men go out to do business, so the elderly, children and women become the main left-behind group. Without one manage the family, how to maintain it normal operation? The Huizhou women sandwiched between the clan forces and social needs, how to stepped out of the house, participate in the social production and life? This is the paper will mainly dicussed.This paper mainly discussed the Huizhou women’s daily living space in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, discussed from four aspects:the family living space, economic space, communication and recreation space, religion and sacrifice space. The first chapter mainly description the women’s main activities in the back hall, the kitchen, the courtyard and garden to delineation the Huizhou women’s family living space. The second chapter mainly discusses the women’s participation in the field work, business management and other economic activities to generalize the Huizhou women’s economic activity space. The third chapter through carding women’s daily contacts and daily leisure activities, summarizes the Huizhou women’s daily communication space and entertainment space:her parents and in-laws, clan and neighborhood, green mountains and rivers, the clan halls and temples. The fourth chapter describes Huizhou women’s faith and worship space. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties Huizhou women worship their ancestor and the religions reflect women’s belief space. From home to temple, formed the Huizhou women’s outside God belief space. Form home to the clan hall, formed the Huizhou women’s God belief space.Huizhou in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, both the upper or the lower women, not only to do the family internal business, but also actively participate in the various fields of social production and living. They through a variety of ways to expand the daily activities and interactions, thus formed the family as the center, constantly outward daily living space.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

