

A Study on Farmer Cooperative Dilemma in the Transition Period

【作者】 王璇

【导师】 范和生;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 社会学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 伴随着改革开放以来经济社会的迅猛发展,中国在政治、经济、文化、社会等各方面也随之发生了巨大的变化,以经济体制转轨为出发点的中国社会进入了一个漫长的转型期,市场经济体制替代计划经济体制成为转型期最显著的特征。面对市场浪潮的强烈冲击,农村社会传统的自给自足的小农经济显得势单力薄,在这种情况下,合作成为摆在农民面前的必然选择。自1982年起,中共中央已连续14年出台了以“三农”为主题的中央“一号文件”。当前我国大力推行的新农村建设也彰显了国家对农村发展的重视。在此背景下,农村主体,即农民的发展成为社会关注的重点。农民合作作为农民现代化的途径及农村自组织化的发展方向,在学术界已受到多学科领域的广泛关注,并取得了一定研究成果,针对“农民合作困境”的研究更是引发了学术界的广泛讨论,然而农村实际社会生活中却依然存在合作难的问题。本研究则是基于当前学术界存在的“农民合作困境”的争论及农村合作面临实际困难这两方面因素所做的思考。本文以探索农民合作困境的原因为切入点,通过社会转型——社会结构——社会行动的分析框架,对比不同社会结构中影响农民合作的因素,概括这些因素在当前呈现的新特点,并以皖北X村为例,考察得出农民合作作为一种社会行动本质上是受其所处社会结构影响,社会结构的变化影响合作的构成要素,使其呈现出新特点,而这些新特点却没有得到合理对待,从而导致当前农民合作面临困境的结果。中国传统社会中,农村以自给自足的小农经济为主,村民之间关系亲密融洽,以血缘、地缘为基础的合作行为较易产生,且主要以政权推动、村庄精英带领、血缘纽带的方式进行。人民公社化时期,中央政府对农村实行公社化的管理方式,在“政社合一”和“党政合一”的制度形势下,公社控制村民几乎全部生产、生活资料,村民只独立拥有少数生产工具,对集体形成严重依赖,再加上集体主义思想的深入人心,合作行为比比皆是。到了市场经济时代,货币成为人们衡量事情的重要标准,村民间的关系逐渐冷漠,除此之外,家庭联产承包制的施行,使得农民个体或家庭摆脱了对集体的依赖,合作面临种种阻碍。通过对不同社会结构背景下合作因素的考察,并结合X村的个案,得出转型期农民合作面临政府职能转变,农民合作的组织基础弱化、市场经济体制下农民合作资金无保障、农村人口结构变迁,农民合作主体缺失及合作中的意识障碍等困境。并从原因分析入手,提出基层政府要加强与村民的沟通、提高为民服务的意识,以政府主导为基础、探索多渠道筹集合作经费,建立信息共享平台、大力拓展村庄劳动力的区域合作,提高村庄教育水平、加强村民素质教育等对策。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of economy and society since the reform and opening up, China in political, economic, cultural, social aspects along with significant changes, based on transforming into a lengthy transition period. Market economy replaced the planned economy in transition to become the most important distinctive feature. In the face of strong shock wave of market, traditional rural society of the self-sufficient small-scale peasant economy is weak. In this case, cooperation has become a inevitable choice in front of farmers.Since1982, the CPC Central Committee has introduced the“Sannong problem”(agriculture, rural and farmers) as "document No.l" for14consecutive years. The construction of new countryside which is pushing currently in China also highlights the country’s focus on rural development. Under this background, fanners as the subject of rural have become the focus of attention of the society. Farmers cooperation as a way to farmer’s modernization and the development of rural organizations, academia has been widespread concern in the field of multidisciplinary, and there has been some research results. Among them, for the "farmers’cooperative dilemma" research was triggered a broad discussion of the academic community.This study is a thinking from two factors based on the current academic "farmers ’cooperative dilemma" controversies and practical cooperation in rural areas difficult. This article to explore the reasons for the plight of farmers cooperative as the starting point, through social transformation—ocial structure—ocial action of analysis framework, contrast different social structure factors that affect farmers’ cooperative. General these factors in current rendering of new features, and to X village in northern of Anhui for cases, by observing that fanner cooperation as a social action essentially by the influence of social structure, changes in the social structure influence elements of cooperation, showing the characteristics different from the past, together with the new changes have not received proper treatment, leading to the current farmer cooperative dilemma results.In the traditional Chinese society, dominated by self-sufficient peasant economy in rural areas, close harmony among villagers, based on cooperative behavior by blood, geography are more likely to produce, and mainly with the regime, the village elite led the way, blood ties. During the people’s communes period of the country, the Central Government implemented the management of rural commune, in a "political one" and "party unity" system context, commune-controlled villagers, nearly all production, means, villagers only independently owned a few productivity tools, on the formation of collective relies heavily, coupled with ideas of collectivism enjoys popular support, cooperative behavior abound. To the era of market economy, money become an important criterion for measuring things, ties indifference among the villagers, in addition, as a result of the implementation of the household system, enabling farmers to get rid of an individual or family relies on collective, cooperative faced obstacles.Through the investigation of cooperation factors under different social structure background. combined with X Village Case, come to farmers’cooperative in transition face transformation of government functions,based on farmers’cooperative organizations weakening of the market economic system of rural cooperative financial insecurity, rural structure changes, farmers cooperative body missing and cooperation of consciousness and other problems.Analysis from the start. we propose to strengthen grass-roots government to communicate with the villagers, improve public service awareness, government-led, based on multi-channel cooperation to explore various channels to raise funds cooperation.the establishment of information-sharing platform, to expand regional cooperation in the village labor force improve the village education level, to strengthen the quality of education of villagers countermeasures.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

