

Research on Teacher Performance Pay System in Primary and Secondary Schools in Tongling City

【作者】 宋囡

【导师】 丁先存;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 行政管理, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 教师绩效评价是加强教师队伍建设的重要举措,能够促进教师队伍整体素质的提高,是义务教育学校管理中的重要组成部分。现阶段我国教育事业的发展必须依靠强大的教师队伍,因此,改善中小学教师的工资待遇,稳定教师队伍,吸引更多优秀的人才长期从教就变得尤为重要。实施中小学教师绩效工资,首先,能够优化教师资源配置,促进教育的均衡发展;其次,能够保障和改善现有教师工资水平,提高教师地位,激发教师的工作热情,更有利于建设一支高素质的教师队伍,促进教育教学水平的提高。再次,有利于学校加强对教师的管理。最后,教师水平的提高,能够使使学生拥有高水平、高质量的教学环境,有利于人才的培养。2008年12月国务院常务会议审议通过了《关于义务教育学校实施绩效工资的指导意见》,人力资源和社会保障部、财政部、教育部针对在全国范围内实施义务教育教师绩效工资政策这一问题,召开会议并联合部署,并由教育部下发了《关于做好义务教育学校绩效考核工作的指导意见》,至此,我国从2009年1月1日起,全面实施义务教育阶段教师绩效工资制度。《意见》下发后,各地各级政府、教育部门高度重视,纷纷结合当地的实际情况,陆续出台了本地区的关于中小学教师绩效工资的实施意见和办法。教师绩效工资分为两个部分,其中,绩效工资总量的70%为基础性绩效工资,主要包括岗位津贴和地方补贴两个部分,由县级政府、财政、人事等部门按照当地经济发展水平等按月打入教师的个人工资卡上,目前这一部分各个地方都已基本兑现。奖励性绩效工资占30%,由各中小学根据教师的超额工作量、实绩贡献和教育教学成果等,按照学校制定的规则办法进行自主分配。在实施中,各地对一线教师、骨干教师以及农村偏远地区的贫困教师都做了适当的政策倾斜,并确保中小学教师的平均工资水平不低于当地公务员平均工资水平。本研究在分析中小学教师绩效工资制度的过程中主要采用了文献研究、调查研究、案例分析的方法。研究共分为五个大的部分。第一部分主要介绍了研究中小学教师绩效工资的目的和意义、国内外研究综述以及研究方法与思路。第二部分介绍了我国中小学教师绩效工资实施的背景,主要分析了其产生的必要性、中小学教师工资制度的历史沿革,先后经历五个阶段:供给制和工资制并存的制度、职务等级工资制度、以职务工资为主的结构工资制、职务(技术)等级工资制和绩效工资制度。同时介绍了各地区开展教师绩效工资的具体情况以及绩效工资实施后取得的初步效果。第三部分首先介绍了铜陵市事业单位绩效改革的情况,然后选取了铜陵市某校作为研究对象。铜陵市从2006年起通过取消重点学校、均衡资源配置等学校建设措施,已基本实现城区义务教育均衡发展,中小学教师绩效考核在此基础上也取得了相当显著的成绩。因此,对选取的学校进行实例调查,分析该校的教师绩效考核指标以及考核所取得的成绩。第四部分主要通过对铜陵市某校的具体分析,发现教师绩效工资实施中仍然存在一些问题,如绩效评价主体的选择问题、考核评价指标的设计问题以及考核中过多的体现奖惩性评价,评价结果得不到充分有效运用等问题。并分析这些问题存在的原因,主要是由于绩效评价的理念有待进一步强化、缺乏充分的评价准备工作、评价反馈监督机制不完善等原因。第五部分主要介绍为了使铜陵市教师绩效工资更好的发挥作用,针对现有的不完善的地方,提出问题解决的对策,主要包括落实各项法律、政策,加大财政支持力度;强化正确的绩效考核理念;构建科学、合理的绩效考核体系;运用科学的绩效评价方法;加强对教师绩效评价的反馈和监督制度的建设。

【Abstract】 Teacher performance evaluation is an important measure to strengthen the construction of teachers, can contribute to the improvement of the overall quality of teachers, is an important part of compulsory school management. Must rely on the powerful teachers at this stage of the development of education, to improve primary and secondary school teachers’wages, stability teachers from teaching for a long time it becomes particularly important to attract more talents. Implementation of primary and secondary school teachers’pay for performance, First, to optimize the allocation of resources of teachers, to promote the balanced development of education; Second, to protect and improve the existing level of teachers’salaries, improve the status of teachers, to stimulate enthusiasm for the work of teachers, and more conducive to the construction of a high-the quality of teachers, and to promote the raising the level of education and teaching. Again, help to strengthen the management of teachers in schools. Finally, raise the level of teachers, for students to bring a higher quality of teaching, which is conducive to the cultivation of talents.In December2008, the State Council executive meeting examined and adopted the "compulsory education schools guidance in the implementation of pay for performance", Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education for the implementation of compulsory education nationwide teacher performance pay policymeetings and joint deployment,"on good compulsory education schools, performance appraisal guidance issued by the Ministry of Education, to this point, from January1,2009, the full implementation of compulsory education teachers pay for performance system."Opinions" issued throughout all levels of government, the education sector attaches great importance to have combined with the actual situation of the local, have been put forward ideas and approaches of the region on the implementation of the primary and secondary school teachers pay for performance. Teachers pay for performance is divided into two parts, which70%of the total pay for performance as the basis for pay for performance, including post allowance and local subsidies in two parts by the county government, finance, personnel and other departments in accordance with the level of local economic development monthly into the teachers’personal wages card, and this part have been basically fulfilled. Incentive pay for performance accounted for30%of each primary and secondary school teachers’workload, work performance and teaching achievements own allocation, in accordance with the schools to develop rules approach. Implementation around the front-line teachers, key teachers and remote rural areas poor teachers have done the appropriate policy tilt, and to ensure that the primary and secondary school teachers, the average wage level not less than the average wage level of local civil servants.This study contains a literature studies, research studies, case studies. The study is divided into five major parts. The first part introduces the purpose and significance of research teacher performance pay, at Home and Abroad and research methods and ideas. The second part describes the background of the implementation of China’s primary and secondary school teachers pay for performance, the history of its necessity, primary and secondary school teachers wage system, has gone through five stages:the supply system and the wage system coexistence system, job classification wages system structure based wage system job wages, duties (technical) grade wage system and pay for performance system. The initial results achieved after the implementation of the various areas of teacher performance pay and pay for performance. The third part selected Tongling City, a school as a research object, through the cancel key schools and balanced allocation of resources, such as school construction measures the city since2006, has been the basic realization of urban balanced development of compulsory primary and secondary school teachers’ performance appraisal based on also made quite a significant achievement. Therefore, the school selected instance surveys, analysis of the achievements of the school teacher performance assessment indicators and assessment. Part IV mainly through specific analysis of Tongling City, a school, there are still some problems, such as the choice of the main issues of performance evaluation, the evaluation set too many defects, and assessment reflects the incentive evaluation found that the implementation of teacher performance pay The evaluation results are not valid use. And analyze the reasons for these problems, did not establish a correct concept of performance evaluation, the lack of a full evaluation of the preparatory work, the evaluation feedback oversight mechanisms are inadequate. The fifth part in Tongling City teacher performance appraisal on the basis of the existence of the problem, come out of the primary and secondary school teachers across the country pay for performance problems, this raised the problem-solving countermeasures, including the implementation of laws, policies, and increase financial support; establish a correct concept of performance appraisal; performance appraisal system to build a scientific and reasonable; performance evaluation of the use of scientific method; strengthen the construction of feedback on teacher performance evaluation and supervision system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

