

New Theory of the Power of Investigation

【作者】 宋婷婷

【导师】 王圣扬;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 诉讼法学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 日本学者田口守一教授认为,广义的侦查,包括侦查的开端、侦查的实行、侦查的终结等整个侦查活动。狭义的侦查,是指其中的实行侦查部分。与广义和狭义的侦查定义一样,侦查权也可以分为狭义的侦查权和广义的侦查权。狭义的侦查权与警察权同义,广义的侦查权对应的是日本学者田口守一教授所定义的侦查定义,也就是贯穿在侦查开始、实行和终结等整个侦查活动的侦查权力。笔者认为,侦查权是法定的侦查机关在侦查活动中,为查明案件真相,抓获犯罪嫌疑人,而依法定侦查程序运用特定的侦查手段的一种国家公权力。对于侦查权的性质,学界争议由来已久,主要有三种学说:侦查权属于行政权、侦查权属于司法权、侦查权兼具行政权和司法权。笔者认为,从权力运行的要求和规律来看,侦查权仅仅是一种在侦查程序中运行的具有强制执行性质的行政权而已。任何一种权力的存在都有其正当依据,侦查权也不例外。侦查权存在的依据就是国家运用侦查权查明案件真相,抓获犯罪嫌疑人,惩罚和打击犯罪,进而维护社会秩序的正当性。从宏观的角度上来讲的,侦查机关使用侦查权可以弘扬社会正义,有利于社会主义和谐社会的建立。本篇论文的写作是在刑事诉讼法再修改及相关司法解释的基础上,就我国侦查权的立法新发展进行分析和概括,主要是包括侦查手段与侦查措施的变化、侦查权的监督及其制约、侦查程序的规范与监督三个方面,在此基础上进一步阐述侦查权新规定对于我国刑事司法实践产生的影响,主要包括:一是刑事诉讼中对抗性因素增强,这种对抗性的增强具有非常进步的意义,但同时给侦查机关也带来了巨大挑战;二是侦查取证的难度加大,主要是因为我国的侦查机关长时间形成的一些思维定式和侦查模式,如侦查机关长期依赖口供本位的诉讼证明方式、侦查机关借助羁押犯罪嫌疑人来获取证据等;三是侦查权的行使受到较大的监督,从检察院、律师以及其他辩护人对侦查权行使的监督上完善了对侦查机关侦查权行使的监督的范围与体系,而且侦查程序的相对封闭将转向侦查程序的一定公开。鉴于侦查权新规定对我国司法实践产生的影响,我们必须采取有效措施保障侦查权的行使。关于我国侦查权行使机制的完善,笔者认为主要是要完善相关法律法规以保障侦查权的合法、有效行使,同时也要对侦查权的行使加强监督和制约,以期侦查权能在刑事诉讼的制度框架内有效的行使,立法方面主要是完善《国家赔偿法》、《证据法》等先关法律法规,同时要进一步细化刑事诉讼法再修改的相关内容,切实做到有法可依,而对侦查机关而言,主要是要从自身做起,转变诉讼观念,树立并强化人权意识、程序意识和证据意识;同时,要发挥专业优势,拓展新的侦查手段,合理使用技术侦查措施;建立健全刑事诉讼的信息共享系统;国家也要加强对刑事诉讼的人力、财力和物力的投入。

【Abstract】 Japanese scholar Taguchi Mochi think the general investigation, including the investigation of the beginning and the end of the practice of investigation, etc. It contains all the investigation activities. The narrow investigation refers to the practice of these parts. Like the general and narrow definition of investigation, the power of investigation also can be divided into general sense and narrow power of investigation.The narrow power of investigation synonymous with police powers, the general power of investigation is referred to the Japanese scholar Taguchi Mochi’s general investigation.The author thinks that the power of investigation is legal investigation authorities in the investigation, to find out the case truth, capture the criminal suspect, and determine in accordance with the investigation procedure by means of specific detections.It is a national public power. For the nature of the power of the investigation, academic circles dispute has a long history, there are three main theories:the investigation belongs to administrative power, the investigation to the judicial power, the investigation as executive power and judicial power. The author thinks that, from the perspective of the requirements and rules of power operation, the investigation is a run in investigation procedure in the nature of enforcement of the administrative power. The existence of any kind of power has its legitimate basis, the power of investigation is no exception. It exists according to national use of investigation is to find out the truth case, captured the criminal suspect, punishment and crime, and the legitimacy of maintaining social order. Terms, from the perspective of macro investigation organ using indictment can promote social justice and is conducive to the establishment of a socialist harmonious society.This paper is writing in the new modification of the criminal procedure law and relevant judicial explanation, on the basis of legislation of investigation in China is the new development are analyzed and summarized, including changes in detection methods and detection measures.investigation of supervision and restriction, supervision and standardize the investigation procedure three aspects, on the basis of further indictment new rules for the impact of criminal judicial practice in our country, mainly includes:one is that the increase of the antagonistic factors in the criminal proceedings of this confrontational enhancement very progressive significance, but at the same time to investigation organs also face a great challenge; Second, it is difficult to collect the investigation evidences, mainly because of the investigation organs in our country for a long time formed some mind-set and detect patterns, such as the investigation organs long relied on testimony standard of judicial proof way, the investigation organs with detain suspects to obtain evidence, etc.; Third is the exercise of the investigation was enhanced than before, from the people’s procuratorate, lawyers and other defenders of investigation exercise supervision on improving the scope of the exercise of supervision over investigation organs investigation and system, and relatively closed investigation procedure will turn to investigation procedure must be public, new regulations given the investigation to our country the impact of the judicial practice, we must take effective measures to guarantee the exercise of the investigation.On investigation exercise mechanism perfect in our country, mainly to perfect the relevant laws and regulations to safeguard investigation of legitimate and effective exercise, but also exercise the supervision and restriction of investigation, in the hope of investigation power in the criminal litigation system within the framework of effective exercise, legislation to further refine the change of the criminal procedure law and relevant judicial interpretations of the contents, and for the investigation organ, mainly is to start from oneself, changing litigation idea, set up and strengthen human rights awareness, awareness of procedure and evidence; At the same time, to play a professional advantages, develop anew methods, the rational use of technical investigation measures; To establish and perfect the information sharing system of criminal procedure; Countries should strengthen the criminal proceedings of manpower, financial and material resources.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

