

The Construction of Community-based Network Interpersonal Communication on Wechat

【作者】 张长乐

【导师】 吕萌;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 新闻学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以微信为研究个案,分析网络人际传播由初始状态到社区化网络人际传播的形态转变,网络技术对人际传播的延伸和拓展,社会个体在社区化网络人际传播中的信息共享、互动、交换及社区化网络人际传播对现实人际传播的回归与超越。从网络媒介形态的发展、社会关系网络化、网络人际关系的确立、网络人际传播情境、传播主体的心理情境、网络信息传播形式及渠道、网络社区的形成和发展、社区化网络人际传播的建构和对现实人际传播的影响等方面进行详细论述。本研究关注的第一个问题是网络技术发展引起网络媒介形态变化,探究网络媒介形态的变化对网络人际传播产生的影响。具体的逻辑思路是网络技术的发展导致网络人际传播媒介形态转变,传播功能日趋多样化,满足社会个体传播需求,将个体的社会关系网络化,促使现实社会交往与网络交往融合,并将现实社会中人际传播情境植入网络空间,聚合网络情境与现实社会生活情境。其次,社区化网络媒介对网络人际传播的延伸和拓展是本研究关注的第二个问题。网络人际传播的社区化转变过程与媒介形态演变有密切关系。处于不同发展阶段的网络人际传播形式各具特色,研究不同的发展阶段的网络人际传播形式和内容,解析网络人际交往和网络媒介的社会属性。再次,以微信为个案分析社区化网络传播效果和作用机制。包括微信发展历程、微信传播特点、微信人际交往、微信用户群体形成、微信人际传播的类型、微信的信息传播方式、微信人际传播情境、微信人际传播对象获取、社区化人际交往的网络与网络关系的深化。并且分四个维度对微信人际传播对现实人际交往的影响进行分析,分别是:微信使用情况和用户体验、微信用户人际交往范围、微信用户人际交往形式、微信用户的网络人际交往空间。结论包括:微信扩大人际交往的范围、微信是一种有效的互联网通讯工具、微信是社会个体展示自我和人际交往的网络空间、微信人际传播通过技术手段模拟现实人际交往情境。最后,分析网络人际传播在网络技术发展和网络媒介形式演变的驱动下,对现实世界中人际传播的回归与超越。网络人际传播是依赖网络媒介建立起来的社会个体之间的传播,社会个体处于不同物理环境,传播语境与现实人际传播不同,随着网络技术和网络传播媒介的发展,网络人际传播媒介塑造与面对面的人际传播相类似的传播情境。一方面,与现实人际交往一样传播信息与获得反馈;另一方面,将处于不同地域的用户联结并逐步构建社区化传播网络空间,促使用户间建立更加密切的私人关系和更加频繁的公共交往,为社会个体创造依存现实世界且又相对独立的网络人际交往空间和信息传播渠道。综上所述,网络人际传播在网络技术发展和网络媒介更新换代的双重作用下,其传播功能和传播效果均显著增强,社会个体通过网络人际传播媒介分享、互动和交换信息更加便捷,网络社区在信息传播活动中逐步形成,网络人际传播的内涵更加丰富。主要表现为:网络人际关系泛化、网络群体聚合与扩张、社会关系向网络空间转移、网络人际传播情境模拟现实人际交往情境,网络人际交往拓展现实人际交往范围,为社会个体创造与陌生人网络交往的机会。

【Abstract】 The study takes a new type of community-based networks media WeChat as a research case. Analyze the evolution of Interpersonal Communication Network from the original state to the community-based network; the extension of interpersonal communication which caused by network technology; the behaviors of social individuals in the communalization of community-based interpersonal communication, such as information sharing, exchanging and interactions. The imitation and transcendence based on the reality of interpersonal interaction of community-based network interpersonal communication. From the development of media’s form networked social relations, the establishment of interpersonal relationship on the network, context of community-based interpersonal communication, psychological situations of the participators, the form and channels of information dissemination and the formation of network communities, construction of community-based network and the impact on interpersonal communication in realistic society.Firstly, the development of network technology caused the transformation of network media, explore the transformation of network media on the impact of the Interpersonal Communication Network, this is the first task of the research. To achieve the above ideas, this paper made the following specific ideas:the development of network technology results in media of network interpersonal communication from junior to senior., functions on information spreading are maturing.It meets the requirements on information spreading of social individual and takes the social relations of individual to network, build seamless connection between social communication and network communication. Network media embeds the context of interpersonal communication in realistic society in cyberspace and combines network-context, reality social life situation and past experience. It builds a rounded and effective interpersonal communication process.Secondly, the development of network media leads to extension and expansion of network interpersonal communication; this is the second question the study concerns. The transformation of the network interpersonal communication reveals in the process from original state to the community-based interpersonal communication. This transformation is concerned to be the highest in relation to the variation of network media’s form. In each stage of development network interpersonal communication, the form and characteristics of the network interpersonal communication are different. The study about the form and characteristics of the network interpersonal communication in each stage can make a more thorough understanding to the network interpersonal communication and properties of the network media and establish the theoretical basis of the research about community-based network interpersonal communication.Once more, take WeChat as a study case; analyze the communicating effect and functional mechanism of community-based network media. Including the course of development of WeChat, characteristics of WeChat communication, interpersonal communication on WeChat, the formation of WeChat groups, the type of interpersonal communication on WeChat, the communication way of interpersonal communication on WeChat, context of interpersonal communication on WeChat, achieve interpersonal communication object on WeChat, the formation of network community-based WeChat interpersonal and forming of network community Analysis interpersonal communication on WeChat influences the interpersonal communication in realistic society through four dimensions. Include status and user experience of WeChat, range of interpersonal communication, way of interpersonal communication, frequency interpersonal communication. The conclusion include: WeChat expand the scope of interpersonal, WeChat is an effective communication tool, WeChat is a fashion space for show ourselves, WeChat is an interpersonal communication media with leisure functions.Finally, analyze the network interpersonal communication is double influenced by the evolution of network technology and network media forms, its regression and excess to interpersonal communication in realistic society. Network Interpersonal Communication set up among people rely on network media, they are not in the same geographical environment. Compare with interpersonal communication in realistic society. Network interpersonal communication has different context, but with the development of network technology and the network media, Network Interpersonal Communication has achieved similar communicating effect as face-to-face interpersonal communication does. Moreover, the user can get more convenient and fast access to useful information. On the one hand, just like a face-to-face interpersonal communication to achieve real-time communication and feedback, get information and generate cordial feeling. On the other hand, it can get the people in different regions together, spread information conveniently; promote friendly relations, establish a broader relationship. Community and social network interpersonal communication provides a wider range of communication channels between people. Enrich people’s lives, also changed their media consumption condition.To sum up, the functions and effect of network interpersonal communication get significant changes. This performance enhancement in network interpersonal communication participants can share, interact and exchange information more convenient, network communities gradually formed in this information dissemination activities, and connotation of network interpersonal communication becomes more abundant, as demonstrated by the construction of relationship in the network. The establishment of the network group, reunification of network identity and the real identity, convergence of social relationships and networks relationships, the context of network interpersonal communication "interpersonal returning" and network interpersonal communication extends the interpersonal communication in realistic society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

