

A Research Report on Compensation and Resettlement of Collective Land Exploration in Shucheng County of Anhui Province

【作者】 刘子洋

【导师】 刘少军; 金德元;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 法律, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 农村集体土地征收是指国家基于公共利益原则,通过法定的审批程序,将原来归农民集体所有的土地强制征为国家所有,并给予被征地农村集体经济组织及被征地农民个人补偿的一种具体行政行为。近年来,我国经济发展水平迅速提升,城镇化、工业化进程不断加快,城镇建设、工业建设等各项建设对土地的需求愈来愈强烈,集体土地征收现象也越来越普遍。但是,鉴于当前我国对农村集体土地征收补偿安置相关立法缺失和农村社会的复杂情况,集体土地征收补偿安置标准不合理、社会保障和权利救济体系等不完善;加之一些地方政府忽视集体土地征收补偿安置工作的重要性,执法行为欠规范,以强权压制私权,暴力征地、暴力拆迁的行为屡见不鲜,严重侵害被征地农民合法权益。集体土地征收补偿安置过程中权利与权力之间的博弈的失衡不再是个别的、孤立的问题,而已然成为一种影响范围广、涉及人口众多的复杂性社会矛盾,是当前主要社会矛盾来源之一。中国现阶段还是一个农业大国,农业人口众多,如果这个问题处理不好,农村的经济发展将受到影响,农村稳固的社会根基也将动摇。农村征地补偿安置问题也引起了党中央的高度重视,十八大报告中指出,改革当前征地补偿安置制度,大幅提高集体土地征收补偿标准,保障农民获得土地增值收益的权利。因此对集体土地征收补偿安置制度的探索研究显得尤为重要。不可否认的是,鉴于我国土地二元所有制的限制,集体土地征收补偿安置制度存在众多缺陷,难以应对我国农村复杂多变的社会现状。针对这个问题,本文以农村集体土地征收补偿安置为核心,通过对舒城县集体土地征收补偿安置情况进行实地调研,了解舒城县当前集体土地征收的基本情况,发现实务操作中存在的问题并分析其产生的原因,就具体问题及其原因分析提出针对性建议,进而为我国集体土地征收补偿安置法律制度的重构提供参考。作为调研报告,本文严格遵循提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的研究思路,对舒城县集体土地征收补偿安置现状展开论述。首先,根据实际调研情况,比较详尽地介绍了舒城县集体土地征收补偿安置的现状:舒城县集体土地征收补偿安置的法律依据;舒城县2007年-2011年集体土地征收面积及被征地覆盖面统计;舒城县2008年-2012年国有土地出让用途统计;舒城县集体土地征收补偿安置具体标准以及舒城县集体土地征收补偿安置工作取得的主要成就等。其次,根据调研所获得的数据,反映出舒城县集体土地征收补偿安置工作中存在的征地补偿安置原则缺位、补偿标准欠合理、补偿安置模式单一、社会保障和权利救济体系不完善等问题,并分析得出立法缺失和政府主导为该问题产生的主要原因。最后,结合舒城县农村实际情况,提出确定合理的集体土地征收补偿安置原则、完善补偿安置政策、开拓补偿安置新模式、建立参与性补偿安置程序、健全被征地农民权利救济体系等完善舒城县集体土地征收补偿安置制度的建议。

【Abstract】 The expropriation of collective land is a specific administrative action which based on public interest, the government imposes the land belonged to the township peasants’ collective economic organizations through the legal procedures and gives them compensation. In recent years, with China’s ecnomic level greatly promoted and the accelerating of urbanization and industrialization process, all construction like town and industrial construction needs more land than ever before. The phenomenon of expropriation of collective land is becoming more and more popular. However, in consideration of lack of legislation in collective land compensation and resettlement and the complicated situation in the countryside, there are many unreasonable phenomenon in the expropriation of collective land, such as the low standard of compensation and resettlement, the imperfect systerm of social security and right relief. Otherwise, some local governments ignore the importance of the work of collective land compensation and resettlement. Their enforcement actions are not standardized, they suppress private rights by public power and they even impose the land by violence, etc. These actions infringe on the legitimate rights of the landless farmers severely. The imbalance in the game between the rights and the powers is no longer a individual and isolated question. It has come to be a social contradiction which affects a wide area and a large number of population. Now, it’s one of the main resources of current social contradictions. China is still a agricultural country which has a large number of agricultural population at the present stage. If this question is not handled properly, it would affect the economic development and even shake the solid social foundation in rural areas. It also captures special attention of the Party’ Central Committee. The report at18th Party Congress raises that China will reform institution of collective land compensation and resettlement, increase the standard of land compensation and resettlement drastically and make sure that famers have the rights to get the benefits from increase in the value of the land. So, the research on institution of collective land compensation and resettlement seems to be particularly important. Admittedly, within the limitations of the dual ownership of land in our country, there are so many deficiencies in the institution of collective land compensation and resettlement that it can’t cope with the complicated situation of current social in rural areas. For the problem, this article focuses on collective land compensation and resettlement. Based on field research, we can have an idea of the basic situation of collective land compensation and resettlement in Shucheng, find out the problems in the practice and try to look for the causes. Then we can put forward specific recommendations and we hope it would be helpful for the reconstruction of legislation in collective land compensation and resettlement.As a research report, in order to relate and analyze the current situation of collective land compensation and resettlement in Shucheng roundly, this article strictly follows the research ideas of raising, analysing and solving problems. Firstly, the paper introduces the current situation of collective land compensation and resettlement in Shucheng according to the research, including legal basis, the area and coverage of the collective land imposed in Shucheng from2007to2011, the area of the State-owned land transferred in Shucheng from2008to2012, the specific standard of collective land compensation and resettlement in Shucheng and the achievements Shucheng made in the work of collective land compensation and resettlement. Secondly, based on the data got from the survey, we can find many problems in the work of collective land compensation and resettlement in Shucheng, such as the absence of the principle, the unreasonable standard, the single mode of compensation and resettlement, the imperfect systerm of social security and right relief. Then we can conclude by analysis that lack of legislation and the government-oriented are the main reasons for these problems. Finaly, in order to improve the institution of collective land compensation and resettlement in Shucheng, some suggestions combined with the actual situation in rural areas of Shucheng are proposed in the paper. These suggestions include formulating reasonable basic principles of collective land compensation and resettlement, improving the policy of the compensation and resettlement, developing new modes of compensation and resettlement, setting up participative procedure of collective land compensation and resettlement, completing the systerm of right relief for landless farmers, and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

