

Research on Spread of Chinese Medicine by Mass Media from the Perspective of Science Communication

【作者】 张广宁

【导师】 梅笑冬;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 新闻学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 科学传播是提高我国公民科学素养的必经之路。大众媒体在科学传播的过程中扮演着举足轻重的作用。医学传播是科学传播的分支,中医学传播又是医学传播的分支。当下,关于中医养生的话题成为媒体报道的热点,但大众媒体在对我国传统医学的传播却存在着一些问题。本文首先对中医的传播进行历史性的梳理,同时,以《健康报》和《合肥晚报》对中医报道的文本为研究对象,以科学传播理论和新闻框架理论为理论基础,来考查当前我国纸媒在中医传播的现状。接着,笔者又对合肥地区的受众进行问卷调查,以期了解合肥地区受众对中医的认知态度和对两报的评价,从中总结出两报在中医传播过程中的一些问题。通过深入分析,发现两报的问题主要有关于中医药的报道数量偏低,中医报道的片面性和异化,中医报道的效果缺乏反馈和中医报道者医学素养低下等问题。本文从外在的社会环境和媒介因素以及内在中医自身和传播者的因素,对这些问题进行深入分析,探讨影响中医科学传播质量的原因。笔者得出的基本结论是:影响中医科学传播质量的外在的社会环境包括政治和经济原因;影响中医科学传播的媒介因素是传媒界和中医界不同的话语体系所造成的;影响中医科学传播质量的内部原因是中医自身的因素包括它与原始巫术、传统文化和宗教的密切关系;传播者的因素是因为从事医学传播的人员科学素养低下或是缺乏中医方面的医学知识。针对这些影响因素,本文最后提出解决问题的策略。主要从政府和中医从业者、大众媒体以及受众三大方面进行论述。其中政府要加强中医方面的行政法规建设和加大媒体科学传播经费的投入,科学从业者要积极参与到科学传播的过程中并善于和媒体进行沟通;大众媒体要加大中医传播的数量和深度,要树立社会责任感和提高科学素养,要转变中医传播的方式以提高传播效果;受众要与大众媒体进行反馈,提高自身的科学素养,更要积极地参与中医传播的活动。

【Abstract】 Science communication is the only way which must be passed of civic scientific literacy improvement of China’s. In the process of science communication,mass media play an important role. Medical communication is a branch of science communication, traditional Chinese medicine is the medicine branch of media communication. At present, traditional Chinese medicine has become a hot topic of the media reports, but the mass media in the dissemination of Chinese traditional medicine there exist some problems.This paper first spread of Chinese medicine is a historic review, at the same time, in order to "health" and "evening news" reported on the Hefei Chinese text as the object of study, the science of communication theory and the news frame theory as the theoretical basis, to examine the current our country media in Chinese communication status.Then, the author carries on the questionnaire survey to the audience in Hefei,Hefei area in order to understand the audiences’cognitive attitude of Chinese medicine and the two report evaluation, summarizes some problems in the traditional Chinese medicine in the process of transmission of two newspaper from. Through in-depth analysis, found two major problems on the reported numbers are low, Chinese Medicine reported one-sidedness and alienation, lack of feedback and traditional Chinese Medicine reports reported the effect of low literacy problems. Factors from the external social environment and media factors and internal medicine and disseminators, in-depth analysis of these problems, explore the factors which influence the quality of TCM science communication. The basic conclusion is drawn:effect of traditional Chinese medical science communication quality of the external social environment including political and economic reasons;influence factors of TCM science communication media is caused by the media and the Chinese traditional medicine of different discourse system;internal factors influence of Chinese science communication quality is the factor of Chinese own including its close relationship with the primitive witchcraft the traditional, cultural and religious factors; communicator is because science accomplishment is low, personnel engaged in medical communication or lack of medicine, medical knowledge.In view of these factors, the paper finally puts forward the strategy to solve the problem.Mainly carries on the elaboration from three aspects of government and TCM practitioners, mass media and audience.The government should strengthen the construction of administrative regulations of traditional Chinese medicine and the increase of media communication of science funds, science practitioners,to participate actively in the process of science communication and good at media communication; mass media to increase the quantity and depth of the spreading of Chinese medicine, to establish the social responsibility and enhance the scientific literacy, to change the spreading of Chinese medicine in order to improve the communication effect; the audience to feedback mass media, to improve their scientific literacy, but also to actively participate in the activities of Chinese communication.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】G301;G206;R2-03
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】598
  • 攻读期成果

