

On the Legal Regulatory System of Small-loan Companies in China

【作者】 潘佳

【导师】 毕金平;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 法律, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 我国小额贷款公司在中小企业融资难、民间借贷活跃、地下钱庄盛行和金融监管严格的环境下诞生。从2005年全国七家试点的小额贷款公司,发展至今已达到六千多家的规模,我国小额贷款公司已经逐渐获得了社会的认同,它对于繁荣金融事业、弥补农村金融服务漏洞、促进金融机构间竞争、缓解中小企业融资难等问题有重大的意义。2009年银监会发布了《小额贷款公司改制设立村镇银行暂行规定》明确了小额贷款公司改制设立村镇银行的准入条件。2012年5月银监会又印发了《关于鼓励和引导民间资本进入银行业的实施意见》中允许小额贷款公司按规定改制设立为村镇银行,但相对于我国目前金融机构的状况,小额贷款公司应有其生存与发展的合理空间,原因在于小额贷款公司灵活便捷的小额融资契合了三农和中小企业的金融需求;有变通的利率定价机制和较高的利率水平;它使得民间借贷合法化;更重要的是小额贷款公司在目前情况下改制为村镇银行不现实,因此,小额贷款公司有其存设的必要性。构建完善的法律体系、制定适度的监管制度和健全的监管措施是小额贷款公司可持续发展的保障。目前我国对小额贷款公司的监管还处于比较混乱的状态,《关于小额贷款公司试点的指导意见》的权威性不足,各个省份自发的规范性文件差异很大,小额贷款公司在监管方面存在很多问题。面对机遇与挑战并存的环境,如何对我国小额贷款公司进行有效的法律监管,达到促进小额贷款公司健康、有序、持续性发展,维护我国金融市场安全稳定的目的,成为值得讨论的问题。从我国小额贷款公司的现实状况出发,采用理论和实际相结合、定量和定性相结合的分析方式,对我国小额贷款公司产生和发展的监管法律背景、监管措施内容、监管制度障碍进行系统的讨论,进而对我国的小额贷款公司进行客观的评价,并借鉴国外商业性小额信贷组织法律监管的成功实践,最后在此基础上提出促进我国小额贷款公司可持续性发展的监管法律制度和配套操作措施等相关方面的建议。包括以下内容:对小额贷款公司及其监管必要性的一般分析,明确小额贷款公司的性质为准金融机构,阐述我国小额贷款公司长期存设的价值以及对其进行法律监管的必要性。介绍了国外商业性小额信贷组织监管法律实践的成功典范。如美国有比较完整的小额信贷法律,以法律的形式来促进资本进入弱势群体。日本对小额信贷组织有统一的专职监管部门进行分类监管,并强调组织的信息披露和风险防范。孟加拉国乡村银行以小组联保的方式来降低小额信贷的风险。南非以专门的监督管理委员会对小额信贷组织实施合规化监管,并由其对借款人采取突击性检查以随时了解借款的去向和用途。印度尼西亚人民银行的乡村信贷部主要贷款资金来源于吸储,使其信贷收入完全覆盖其运营成本,并通过所获利润不断拓展业务的深度和广度。分析了我国小额贷款公司目前的监管现状和不足。从当前我国小额贷款公司的监管实践出发,导出我国小额贷款公司监管过程中存在的诸多问题和发展过程所遇到的“瓶颈”。第一,在监管法律方面,没有专门监管法律,属于部门规章的《关于小额贷款公司的指导意见》法律位阶低,原则性较强,同时各省市自行颁布的监管办法差异又很大。第二,在监管主体方面,主体不明确,存在监管混乱,导致多头监管,监管脱节,甚至无人监管的现状;监管主体的监管权和处罚权相分离,且监管权的设置有悖于法理。第三,在监管内容方面,涉及到小额贷款公司市场准入条件、利率范围,资金补充,经营限制、风险防控和市场退出等方面的不足。通过以上的讨论为完善我国小额贷款公司监管法律制度提出建议。首先必须确定我国小额贷款公司准金融机构的性质。其次通过制定专门针对小额贷款公司的监管法律、对现有相关法律规范的修改完善使监管具有相应的法律效力。然后从宏观和微观两个层面明确小贷公司的监管主体,宏观上由央行和银监会统一实施审慎监管,微观上由省金融办设立一个专门的小额贷款公司监督管理委员会实施非审慎监管,并构建省级监管信息系统随时跟进。最后完善小额贷款公司具体的监管法律制度和监管措施,并健全借款人信用制度、行业自律协会的等相关监管辅助制度以求小额贷款公司可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Small-loan Company was born under the environment of small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) financing difficulties, private lending activity, underground banks prevalence and strict financial supervision. From the establishment of seven pilot small-loan companies in2005, development has reached the scale of more than six thousand numbers. It shows that small loan companies in china have gradually gained recognition of the society. It is of great significance to the prosperity of the financial industry, make up the rural financial services, promote the competition among financial institutions and alleviate the SME financing difficulties.In2009, the CBRC issued the "Interim Provisions on Small-loan Company Restructuring into Village Bank", which clarifies the access conditions about small loan company restructuring into village bank. In2012May, the CBRC issued the "Implementation Opinions on Encouraging and Guiding the Private Capital Entering the Bank", which allows small loan company restructuring into village bank. But compared to the current situation of Chinese financial institutions, small loan company shall have reasonable space for its survive and thrive. The reason is that small loan company has flexible microfinance which can meet peasant and SME financial needs, and flexible interest rate pricing mechanism and high interest rates. It makes the private lending legalization, and more important is that it is impractical for small loan company restructuring into village bank, so it is necessary for its existence.The construction of legal system, the formulation of appropriate regulatory system and a sound supervision measures are the sustainable development of micro credit company’s security. At present, domestic regulations of small loan companies are still in the chaotic state,"Guidance on Pilot Small-loan Companies" lacks of authority and huge differences of self-published normative documents between provinces make things even worse. There are a lot of problems in supervision of the small loan companies. Facing to this society environment where opportunities and challenges coexist, we still have a lot of work to do to figure out how to conduct legal supervision and achieve the goal of promoting the healthy, orderly and sustainable development of microfinance companies and preserving our financial stability.From the reality of Chinese small loan companies, using the way of combing theory with practice, quantitative and qualitative to systematic analyze and discuss the generation and development of the supervision legal background, regulatory measures, and regulatory barriers on small loan companies, then learn form the successful legal supervision practices of foreign commercial microfinance organizations, and finally put forward some suggestions on supervision legal system and related measures to promote the sustainable development of small loan companies in China. My paper includes four parts:The general analysis of the small loan company and the necessity to supervision, then take an explicit notice about the nature of small loan company and understand the value of its long-term deposit and the necessary legal supervision.Mainly lists the successful model of foreign commercial microfinance organization about the supervision legal practice. Such as the United States has a relatively complete microfinance law, in the form of law to promote the capital into vulnerable groups. Japan has a special supervision department in classification of supervision, which emphasizes the information disclosure and risk prevention of the micro credit organizations. Grameen Bank in Bangladesh adopts the group of UNPROFOR to reduce credit risk. South Africa has the special supervision and management committee to implement regulatory supervision of microfinance organizations and takes assault check to borrowers to explicit the usage of loan. BRI-UD has credit loan funds from savings, make its credit income to cover its operating costs, and through profits continued to expand the depth and breadth of its business.Fragment the regulatory status and deficiencies of small loan companies in China at present. Starting from the regulatory practice in China, it can find a lot of problems and difficult in the development of small loan companies. First, the lack of the special legal,"Guidance on Pilot Small-loan Companies" is just a principle guidance which has a low rank of legal, and huge differences of self-published normative documents between provinces make things even worse. Second, regulatory body is not clear, there is regulatory confusion, leading to multiple regulatory discontent, and even the unattended situation. It sets against the law on the separation of supervision and punishment from regulatory body. Third, in the supervision content, related to the problems about its market access conditions, interest rate range, additional funding, management limit, risk control and the market exit approaches.Through the above discussion to put forward suggestions for perfecting the small loan company supervision legal system in China. We must first determine the nature of the company. Secondly, make the law that specifically for the small loan companies, then revises and improves the relevant supervision regulations to let the supervision has the corresponding legal effect. From two levels to clear the supervision body of small loan company, the central bank and the CBRC adopt uniform implementation of the prudential supervision at the macro level, and the province financial office set up a small loan company supervision and management committee which adopts the implementation of Non-prudential supervision at the micro level, it also can build a provincial supervision information system for the first time to understand the dynamic of the company. Finally, improve the small loan company special legal system of the supervision and regulatory measures; perfect the credit system and structure relevant industry regulation and self-discipline association to promote the sustainable development of small loan companies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

