

The Construction of Archives Websites of Developed Countries and Its Enlightenment to China

【作者】 李文佳

【导师】 李财富;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 档案学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 网络信息时代,档案网站已经成为档案馆进行对外宣传推广、深化公共服务、实现资源共享的重要窗口与平台。网站资源作为网站建设的核心与基础,其建设质量与水平直接决定着网站的整体质量,影响着网站服务功能的发挥及网站未来的发展。然而我国档案网站往往是一建了之,不注重网站的资源建设与信息的深挖掘,严重阻碍档案信息的在线服务与资源共享,也使得档案网站建设徒有其表,沦为“形象工程”。与国内档案网站建设相比,发达国家档案网站建设起步早,水平高,对我国具有重要的参考价值和借鉴意义。因此,对发达国家先进的档案网站资源建设情况进行调查分析,有助于我们明确自身存在的不足与差距,分析成因,把握正确的发展方向,进而推动我国档案网站的建设与发展。本研究对论文中涉及的网站、档案网站以及档案网站资源的基本概念进行界定。对所要调查的四国档案馆网站即美国国家档案与文件署网站、英国国家档案馆网站、澳大利亚国家档案馆网站以及加拿大国家图书馆与国家档案馆网站进行简单的介绍,分析各自的发展历程与特色,这些都有助于对后文的资源建设具体分析进行更好的理解。本研究通过对我国档案网站的浏览与调研,分析总结出我国档案网站在资源建设中存在的不足。近年来,我国档案网站发展迅速,网站数量与日俱增。档案网站建设迅速,但建设质量却无法得到保证。随着档案学界对档案网站研究的深入,档案网站资源建设的问题亦随之暴露出来,并急需得到解决。不少档案研究者已认识到这一问题的重要性。我国档案网站建设中存在的问题主要体现在以下五个方面:第一是档案网站上缺乏有用的信息资源;第二是档案信息资源深加工程度不足;第三是档案网站上缺少特色信息;第四是档案网站更新时速较慢;第五足检索工具建设还不够成熟。本研究从资源建设影响因子的角度出发,选取网站资源、资源组织、在线资源查询以及在线资源展览这四个方面作为一级分析指标,其中一级指标之下包含有史为具体细化的二级指标,其中网站资源一级指标主要是从数据库建设、特色档案以及电子商务这三个方面进行分析研究的;资源组织这项一级指标主要是从区分用户类型和信息推送与更新两个方面来加以论述;在线资源查询这一一级指标着重从目录和全文数据、在线资源检索以及在线帮助这三个方面来分析研究。根据这些指标,对美、英、澳、加这4个国家的4个国家级档案馆网站资源的建设情况进行调查和分析,总结出先进发达国家档案网站资源建设的共性与先进经验,从而为我国档案馆网站资源建设提供发展建议。调查结果显示美、英、澳、加这4个国家的档案网站资源建设比较成熟,服务更加的人性化,是以需求为导向的,这样更加便于用户的利用,更大的发挥了档案的价值,除了提供档案利用之外,国外的档案网站的资源建设还延伸了服务的范围,使得网站建设更加多元化。我国的栏案网站发展建设与之还有一定的差距,基于调查结果,对我国档案网站资源建设提出了一些发展建议。本研究旨在引起学术界和档案机构,特别是各档案馆对档案网站资源建设的重视,推动档案网站资源建设在理论和实践方面的双向发展。此外,能对相关研究和实践提供一定的参考利用价值。

【Abstract】 The era of network information, archives websites has become an important window and platform for the archives to promote themselves, deepen the public service and sharing resource. As the core and foundation of the site construction, website resource directly determines the overall quality of the site, impact on the web service function and future development. Our archive sites are often built of not pay attention to the website resource construction and mining, a serious impediment to archival information and resource sharing, which also makes the website construction seems to be reduced to "image projects".In this study, involved in the paper’s website, archives website and archives website resources concept to define. Archives website to investigate the four countries that the United States National Archives and Records Administration website, the British National Archives website, the National Archives of Australia website, and the Canadian National Library and the National Archives website brief introduction, analysis of the course of development and features which have contributed to a better understanding of the specific analysis of the construction of resources later.In this study, on the website of China’s file browsing and research, analysis summed up China’s file website in the resource construction deficiencies. In recent years, China’s rapid development of archives website, the increasing number of sites. File website building quickly, but the build quality can not be guaranteed. With the depth of file of academic archives website research, the archives website resources construction has also come to be exposed and need to be solved urgently. Many files researchers have recognized the importance of this issue. The problems that exist in the file Website in China is mainly reflected in the following five areas:The first is the lack of useful information resources on the archives website; archival information resources insufficient level of deep processing; lack of features in the file on the site; file website update speed is slow; retrieval tool construction is not mature enough.Compared with domestic Archive website, foreign archives website construction started early, with high levels, have important reference value and the reference to China. Therefore, the Chinese and foreign contrast, help us to clear our own shortcomings and gaps, analyze the causes, to grasp the correct direction of development, thus promoting the construction and development of our archives website. This study constructs index system. The index system consists of resource base, resource organization and resource search function. Under the three index may contain two or even three of the more specific indicators (take the resources for example). A website resources indicators from the database construction, characteristics of files and e-commerce in three aspects analysis; resources to organize this level indicators from all types of users and information push with to update two aspects to be addressed online resource query-level indicators to analyze research focus on these three aspects from the catalog and full-text retrieval of data, online resources, as well as online help. Based on these indicators, the construction of the four countries of the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada4National Archives website resources investigation and analysis, summed up in common with the advanced experience of the advanced countries in the archives website resource construction, so as to archives website resources building development proposals.The results show that there is a big gap between the level of archives website resource construction in china and abroad in the scale of resources, resources organization and retrieval functions. According to research, the causes to the gap maybe contain site planning, funding, technical, legal protection and so on. Finally, this paper makes several recommendations to China archives website resources construction from the site construction plan, needs analysis, technology and other aspects.The purpose of this study was to draw the attention of the academicians and archival institutions, especially the archives on the construction of archives website resources, to promote the development of archives website resources in theory and practice, and could provide a reference for related research and practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

