

Study on the Efficiency of China’s Forestry Input-output And Policy

【作者】 许文立

【导师】 田淑英;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 财政学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 人类继农业文明和工业文明之后,正在努力向生态文明迈进,但是在这一过程中,生态环境保护成为全人类共同面临的主题。森林作为地球陆地生态系统的主体,在全球生态系统中扮演中重要角色。林业生态经济的可持续发展也自然成为各国建设生态文明的重要路径。不论是在世界林业大会,还是在联合国气候大会,林业生态经济的可持续发展都作为重要命题予以关注和讨论。中国从20世纪80年代就开始关注林业生态经济的可持续发展,尤其是在科学发展观的指引下,实现社会经济与生态环境的协调发展要依靠林业的有效发展。中国采取了诸如天然林保护工程、退耕还林等林业工程项目来促进林业生态经济的有效发展。中国的林业投入效率也受到学术界的广泛关注,但是现有的相关研究成果还没有从整体上反映中国林业投入效率及其变化趋势,更重要的是还缺乏对中国林业投入效率的影响因素的深入分析,并提出促进我国林业有效发展的政策建议。本文正是基于以上问题展开研究,以期为实践部门和理论研究提供相关的参考。本文从公共产品理论、外部性理论以及政府与林业的关系开始分析,指出与生态相关的林业因具有公共产品性质和广泛的外部效应而必须要由政府对其发展进行干预和支持,因此,林业生态经济的发展从理论上来讲应该由政府部门承担主要责任。从对中国1993年-2010年间的营林固定资产投资看来,营林投资表现出公共性,政府部门确实承担了主要职责。结合林业第一产业发展和森林资源的增长情况来看,虽然营林投资促进了林业经济的发展和林业生态的改善,但是其营林投资效率却呈现出逐年下降的态势,且凸显出公共投资的低效率。这些结论也在随后利用DEA模型和SE-DEA模型测算的林业投入产出效率中得到印证,中国的林业投入效率2002年之后出现无效的年份明显增多,且相比2002之前的平均效率有所下降,进一步研究发现营林投资利用率不充分、林业第一产业发展水平不高是主要的影响因素。更进一步的分析结合目前林业生态经济发展的现实问题发现林业财政体制不健全、林业投资监管不严以及林业投入上的缺陷是导致中国林业投入效率较低的深层次原因。针对上述分析结论与影响中国林业投入效率的各种因素,本文提出了以下政策措施来促进中国林业生态经济有效发展。(1)完善林业公共财政体制,按照公共财政的基本要求,首先应该加强林业相关法律法规的约束,明确相关法律法规的细节,增强其可操作性;其次,优化林业财政分级管理制度,地方财政负责地方性林业建设与发展,中央财政统筹全国林业发展与全国性林业产品与服务;再次,完善与林业相关的转移支付制度;最后,加强林业投资监督管理。(2)加大林业财政投入,尤其是侧重对技术人员和管理人才的投入,另外,林业发展相关的技术、信息等公共产品的投入也应加大。

【Abstract】 During the coming Ecological Civilization, the next profound period after the Agriculture and Industrial Civilization, none of our citizens living in world community can escape from protection of ecological environment. More importantly, forest, as the main colomn of terrestrial eco-system in the Planet, plays a key role in the global eco-system, which results that the sustainable development of forestry eco-economy becomes a valuable approach for governments to build eco-civilization. Besides, it’s always regarded as the core theme, or at least the main content, at both WFC(WORLD FORESTRY CONGRESS) and UNCC(UNITED NATIONS CLIMATE CONFERENCE). Since1980s, Chinese central government has concentrated on sustainable development of forestry economy. Realizing the coordinating improvement of social economy and ecological environment, particularly in recent10-year under the guidance of the Scientific Concept of Development, has to rely on efficient growth of forestry industry. To finally complete the target, several departments have taken a series actions such as National Forest Protection project and Farmland Returning To Forest project to promote the significant development of the industry. Positively, gross efficiency of Chinese forest development draws extensive attention to professors, current researches however can hard reflect Chinese present condition and future alteration. Further, lack of the full analysis of what factors impact efficiency and what methods can address puzzles is another remarkable barrier slowing Chinese amazing economic growth rate. Thus, this paper, based on these unsolved problems, is written for raising some possible approaches to clear the barriers, and then providing practice department and theory institute with reference.In the light of Public Product Theory, Externality Theory, and the relationship between governments and forest, this paper point that government must interpose the development of forestry eco-economy because of forestry public product and external effect. As a consequence, theoretically governments should be responsible for development of forestry eco-economy. Taking the fixed investment of silviculture from1993to2002as a case, investment activities present more publicity, and governments did shoulder most responsibility in these activities. Another one, combining the development of forestry industry and the growth of forest resources, the efficiency of silviculture investment went downward in recent years(since2002), amazingly similar to other kinds of public investment, though to large extent silviculture investment did promote the development of forestry economy and the improvement of forestry environment. These conclusions have been verified by DEA model and SE-DEA model. Besides, in respect to numbers of invalid year of forestry investment output efficiency after2002and decreasing efficiency compared to that before2002, insufficient utilization of silvicuture investment and low level of forestry industry development are two substantial reasons. Further study of realistic problems of current forestry ecological economy’s development show that unsound forestry financial system, loose supervision of forestry investment, and default of forestry investment policy are three essential roots leading to nowadays low efficiency of Chinese forestry eco-economy.For above reasons and problems, this paper has proposed following suggestions to improve the situation of Chinese forestry eco-economy.1. Perfect the public forestry financial system. According to the requirement of public finance, the restriction of related forestry laws and regulations need to be reinforces, and involved details should be perfected to make it more doable. Additionally, financial classification management system, for example, the construction and development of local forest are jobs of local department while central government focus more on national development of forest, forestry products and services, also need to be improved. Further, forestry-related transfer payment system need to be developed likewise. Strengthen the supervision of forestry investment.2. Rise the public budget for forestry input. Beside increasing input for relevant products like forestry techniques and information processing, more finance can be invested to talents training, exchanging and theory researching, etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】F223;F326.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】361
  • 攻读期成果

