

The Impact of Media Use on Socialization of Left-behind Students

【作者】 赵宁

【导师】 邬盛根;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 传播学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 中学时期是个体逐渐走向人生成熟成型的蜕变时期,是其社会化发展的关键时期。这一时期的青少年敏感、脆弱、叛逆,注重自我发展,期待社会认同。生活在留守情境里的农村中学生比非留守中学生的社会化环境要恶劣许多。承担个体社会化的载体主要有家庭、学校、参照群体和大众媒介四大部分,“留守”直接意味着家庭的缺席,相对应的家庭教育、关爱和监督都无法满足留守中学生社会化成长的需要;在农村,学校的设备资源、师资力量和教育模式相对落后,学校作为承担留守中学生社会化的载体之一,稍显无力,加之家庭与学校互动链条的断裂更加剧了农村学校的无力感;受到地理位置和心理暗示的影响,农村留守中学生的生活范围比较狭窄,其参照群体相对封闭,试图通过参照群体补充社会化发展的道路被迫封堵。与家庭、学校和参照群体的式微迥然不同的是大众媒介在农村地区的强力渗透,媒介在深度和广度上对农村留守中学生社会化发展的作用日益加剧,媒介甚至承担起由家庭、学校和参照群体让渡而来的部分职责,成为承担留守中学生社会化最主要的载体。本文主要以张店留守中学生为研究对象,深入实地调查研究张店留守中学生的媒介接触和使用究竟达到了怎样的程度?媒介对其社会化发展产生哪些正负效应?研究者通过在张店中学的支教和长期深入的观察,将真实还原他们在媒介环境中的生活面貌。研究发现张店留守中学生的媒介接触时间长,种类多。按时间长度可以表述为“报纸<广播<网络<电视”,张店留守中学生的投入时间与媒介表达的鲜活性、媒介获取的难易度呈正相关。“动作先行意识未醒”、“手段多样目的单一”、“手机媒体备受青睐”、“群体互动男女有别”、“过度依赖神化媒介”、“概念模糊法规不明”是当下张店留守中学生在媒介使用中所体现出来的基本特征。这些媒介环境下的生活对研究对象的社会化带来了以下的影响:第一,社会化氛围的改变:从权威压制到自由氛围。家庭和学校均有权威形象的成人占主导地位,“留守”情境把张店中学生从权威压制的环境移植到相对自由的成长氛围。一方面“自由”激发了张店留守中学生社会化的自主性,另一方面也在一定程度上削弱了其社会化的规范性。张店留守中学生像脱缰的野马,恣意奔跑在无人看管的大众传媒的草原,这种肆无忌惮的行为本身有违青少年社会化的严肃性与严谨性,而稂莠不齐的传媒世界又将对这些涉世未深的留守孩子产生多少消极的影响,这结果必然让人不寒而栗。第二,社会化方式的改变:从“与现实互动”到“与虚拟互动”。张店留守中学生笼罩在媒介的雾霭之中,他们关于成长和外面世界的一切均来自媒介的传播,迅速掌握最新资讯,了解新鲜事物促进留守地区的反向社会化的发展。然而媒介的议程并不是专门为张店的留守中学生而设置的,面对那些不合时宜的信息、过度的娱乐、虚伪的炒作,谁来为他们过滤?受到这些信息的熏染,谁来为他们辩白?第三,社会化差距的缩短:从“留守之家”到群体归属感。一般的,媒介的产品和使用不因为受众地位的高低而选择性传播,沐浴在同样的信息环境中,弥补了张店留守中学生社会化发展的差距。媒介在对中学生社会化的“给予”上是无差别的,也就是说,农村和城市、留守和非留守的中学生接收的媒介讯息是相同的。但是,在个体的接收和消化过程中却存在明显的差异。城市地区中学生媒介接触时间早,媒介适应能力较强,有家长、学校的干涉、监管和教育,使他们能够较为理智地面对媒介,这些却是张店地区所无法企及的。为了进一步减弱、克服大众传媒对留守中学生社会化的负面影响,在对以上问题反思的基础上,研究者根据自身在张店中学的支教经历,切实分析了当前农村中学媒介素养教育的迫切性和可行性,提出如何开展当前农村公立教育对农村留守中学生正常社会化进行引导的建议,并实践之。

【Abstract】 Middle school period is the metamorphosis of life maturity of individuals; it is a critical period of socialization development. The students of this period are sensitive, vulnerable, rebellious, focusing on self-development and looking forward to the social identity. Social environment of rural high school students living left-behind is much worse than that of their counterparts. The carrier bearing individual socialization is constituted of family, school, reference groups and the mass media,"Left-behind’" means the absence of the family, thereby the corresponding family education, care and supervision are unable to meet the growing needs of the students’socialization; school equipment resources, the teachers and the education model are relatively backward in rural schools, as one of the carriers bearing the left-behind students’socialization, the schools is slightly weak, to make it worse, the breaking of the chain between family and school interaction aggravates the weakness; contributed by geographical location and psychological implications, the rural students have relatively narrow life scopes, their reference group is relatively closed, the way of trying to supplement the social development by referring group is forced closure. Unlike the family, the school and the decline of the reference group, media environment is flourishing in rural areas. The effect of social development of rural left-behind students which the media has is growing in depth and breadth; media even bears the duty delivering by the family, the school and the reference group, and has become the main carrier of socialization of left-behind students.This paper field surveys and studies the Zhangdian left-behind students to find the depth of those students contacting and using media, and what the positive and negative effects that the media has on their socialization development are. Researcher restores the true aspects of lives in the media environment through support education and long-term in-depth observation in the Zhangdian secondary school. The study finds that the media contact of Zhangdian left-behind students is long-term and diverse. It can be sorted as"newspaper<broadcast<network<TV" by the length of time, which says that Zhangdian left-behind students’investment of time is positively relative with the vividness of media express, and the ease of media access."Action ahead, consciousness unawakened"."Various means for single-purpose".Pro-gaze Mobile media"."Difference of interaction between boys and girls"."Over-reliance, Deified media"."Fuzzy concept, unknown regulations", these are the basic characteristics that recent Zhangdian left-behind students showing in media use. Lives in these media environment bring these following effects on the socialization of the research objects:First, changes in social atmosphere:from the authority suppress to free atmosphere. Adult authority figures dominate families and schools,"left-behind" situational ported Zhangdian left-behind students from the authority suppressing environment to a relatively free growing atmosphere. On one hand,"freedom" inspires the socialization autonomy of Zhangdian left-behind students; on the other hand it weakens its socialization normative in some extent. Zhangdian left-behind students careened, running wantonly on unattended grasslands of the mass media, this wanton act violates the seriousness and rigor of students’socialization, and it is inevitable chilling how much negative impact the mixed media world will have on these inexperienced left-behind children.Second, changes in the way of socialization:from real interaction to virtual interaction. The Zhangdian left-behind students shrouded in the haze of the media, they acquire everything about growth and outside world from the spread of media, grasping the latest information quickly, understanding new things to promote the reverse socialization development in the left-behind region. Whereas the agenda of the media is not exclusively set for the Zhangdian left-behind students, who should filter those outdated information, excessive entertainment, hypocritical hype for them? Who will defend them after being influenced by this information?Third, shorten of socialization gap:from left-behind to a sense of group belonging. Generally, the products and use of the media will not selectively disseminate according to the level of audience status. Living in the same environment makes up the gap of Zhangdian left-behind students’socialization development. The media grants no difference in the students’socialization, which means the rural and the urban, the left-behind and the non-left-behind receive same media messages. However.there are obvious differences between individuals receiving and digestive process. Urban students contact the media earlier than rural counterparts, so they have stronger ability to adapt media, and they can face the media more reasonable with interference, supervision and education from parents and schools, which is unmatchable to Zhangdian counterparts.In order to further weaken and overcome the negative impact of the mass media has on left-behind students’socialization, the researcher reflects the problems above, meaningful analyzes the urgency and feasibility of current rural students’media literacy education according to own support education experience in Zhangdian secondary school, carries out and practices the recommendations of conducting the public education in the rural areas of the rural left-behind students’normal socialization.

【关键词】 留守中学生媒介使用社会化
【Key words】 Left-behind StudentsMedia UseSocialization
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】G206.2;G635.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】364
  • 攻读期成果

