

Study on Public opinion Guidance of Party Newspaper from a Rumor-refuting Special Column

【作者】 王冰

【导师】 仇旭东;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 新闻学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 传播技术突飞猛进的发展,带来了网络媒体的迅速发展。自媒体的出现,更是极大激发了网民的言论表达热情。然而网络在便利网民发布信息的同时,也因其虚拟性、匿名性、低门槛性导致网络谣言的泛滥。各种谣言凭借网络技术实现一瞬间的传播与扩散,极易引发舆论风险。谣言的传播小则引起人们认知的混乱,大则引发社会恐慌,造成社会的不稳定。面对网络谣言,部分传统媒体主动出击,通过深度调查报道还原真相,澄清谣言,体现了主流媒体的责任担当。《人民日报》在2011年1月开辟了一个新的深度调查性报道栏目“求证”,以“探寻喧哗背后的真相”为口号,以澄清网络或社会上流传的谣言为目的。本文以这个栏目作为研究对象,通过对2011-2012年两年的文本进行研究,考察这个栏目辟谣中的舆论引导策略,进而思考新媒体时代如何提高党报的舆论引导能力。本文共分四章。第一章首先介绍了谣言和舆论的概念,分析两者在主体、客体、本体、载体上存在的一致性,在此基础上指出谣言是舆论的一种重要形式。第二章首先介绍了《人民日报》“求证”栏目诞生的社会背景,统计了《人民日报》十年来对谣言的关注情况,分析了栏目出现的必然性。第三章是文章的主体,首先对“求证”栏目2011-2012的117篇文本进行内容分析和文本分析,总结了“求证”栏目在报道主题、报道形式、版面安排、语言、论证结构等方面的特点,在此基础上总结出栏目在辟谣过程中的舆论引导策略:针对社会热点、难点,注重话题的典型性;以权威新闻解读重大事件和重大政策,增加信息的透明度;报道中体现人文关怀,注重服务性信息的提供;新旧媒体联动,形成新闻合力。第四章结合之前几个章节的分析总结思考了党报在新媒体时代提高舆论引导能力的四大途径:一是确立“新闻导向”意识,用准确、全面的信息消除人们对于事件的不确定性;二是要捕捉公众关注热点,针对公共议题设置议程,更好地融入到舆论格局中;三是要丰富舆论引导视角,注重从民生的角度报道新闻、解读新闻,从内容上贴近受众。四是实现报网互动,加强平面媒体与新媒体的结合,加强网络舆论引导,实现舆论引导立体化。以期这些思考能对增强党报的舆论引导效果有所启发。

【Abstract】 The development of communication technology has brought the rapid growth of network media. The appearance of We media has greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of thought-expression of the Internet users. The Internet has provided a more convenient way for netizens to obtain messages, while its fictitiousness, anonymity and low threshold have caused increasingly more rumors. With the help of network technology, rumors can widely spread in a second and lead to public opinion risks. The wide spread of rumors can cause people’s confusion, social panic and even chaos of the society. In face of the Internet rumors, some traditional media positively take the responsibility to fight with rumors. People’s Daily opened up a new investigative column "Truth" in January2011, whose slogan is to find out the truth behind noise. Its purpose is to clarify rumors. Taking this column as a research object, the paper has studied all the texts in the year2011and2012to find out its way to guide public opinion and on the basis of it, this paper tries to find out more effective ways for party newspaper to improve its ability to guide public opinion.This paper is divided into four parts. The first part introduces the definition of rumor and public opinion, and analyzes their consistency in subject, object, noumenon and carrier. This chapter points out that rumor is an important form of public opinion.The second chapter mainly analyzes the necessity of this column. Firstly, the chapter analyzes the social background and then gathers the numbers of the passages about rumor in People’s Daily during past ten years.The third chapter is the main body of this paper. First, this chapter analyzes all117texts through content analysis and text analysis and sums up the characteristics of the reporting themes, reporting forms, layout arrangement, languages, argumentation structure, etc. On the basis of it, several public opinion guidance strategies are summed up:first, establish the news-oriented concept and dispel the uncertainty of the event by concise and comprehensive information; second, capture public hotspots and set the agenda for public issues in order to integrate into the pattern of public opinion.; third, change the angle of public opinion guidance and report news from people’s perspective; fourth, combine print media with new media in order to strengthen the ability to guide Internet public opinion. This paper hopes that these strategies can bring some inspiration for the party newspaper to raise its ability to guide public opinion.

【关键词】 党报辟谣舆论引导
【Key words】 party newspaperrumor-clarificationpublic opinion guidance
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

