

Excellent Table Tennis Player Zhang Jike Technical and Tactical Analysis

【作者】 赵军南

【导师】 刘杰;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以乒乓球大满贯得主张继科的技战术为研究对象,通过文献资料法、录像观察法、三段统计和指标评估法、逻辑分析法,对他近三年(2010-2012)共30场国际大型比赛的视频进行了统计和三段评估;并对前五板和相持段中最后一板得、失分技术进行了详细统计,对其三年总的前五板和相持段中最后一板得、失分技术进行统计分析;又依据对手打法类型的不同(横拍弧圈快攻型打法、直拍弧圈快攻型打法、削球型打法),统计和分析了其对阵不同打法类型选手时前五板和相持段中最后一板得、失分技术。经过数据统计和分析,得出如下结论:(1)三年中,张继科在三段的得分率变化不大,使用率成平均化趋势;相对优势在接抢段和相持段,而劣势在发抢段。发抢段为劣势的原因,是其得分率较低,对其得分率与评估标准对比得出均为不及格。在对三种不同打法类型交战时,与直拍弧圈快攻型选手交战时,取胜相对容易。(2)张继科的发球是以近网短球为主,长球为辅,落点多以对手中间位1/3和正手位1/3的落点为主;主要以逆旋转和左下旋发球为主,其两种发球的使用率为97.72%,发球直接得分远大于直接失分。(3)张继科的第三板总净得分率为+18.98%,得分能力较高,占有较大优势。第三板技术以进攻性技术为主,控制性、防守性技术为辅。与三种类型打法交战时,第三板皆占优,与直拍弧圈快攻型选手交战时优势较明显。(4)张继科第五板总净得分率为-15.52%,第五板的失分较高,说明在第五板处于劣势。第五板以进攻为主,防守为辅。与三种类型打法交战时,第五板均不占优。(5)张继科第二板总净得分率为+17.23%,得分较高,优势非常明显。第二板接发球以进攻为主,控制为辅,进攻技术主要以反手拧拉为主,得分高,不能进攻时,就主要用正手摆短。与三种打法类型交战时,第二板与削球选手交战时,不占优,且以控制技术为主;其余皆有优势,以反手拧拉进攻为主。(6)张继科第四板总的净得分率为-2.98%,在第四板上处于劣势,失分高,原因为防守性技术的失分较高。第四板技术中,以进攻为主,防守为辅。与三种打法类型交战时,与直拍弧圈快攻型选手交战时,第四板占优,其余皆不占优。(7)张继科相持段的总净得分率为+8.39%,在相持段占优。相持段得失、分技术中,主要以进攻性技术的使用为主,防守性技术为辅,以正手技术为主。与三种类型打法交战时,相持段皆占优,皆以正手进攻性技术为主。(8)发抢段的技战术,以发球控制对方,为自己发球后的第三、五板的抢攻创造机会,以积极主动进攻为主。接抢段的技战术,以第二板的反手拧拉抢先上手,进入第四板,仍然积极主动进攻。相持段的技战术,以积极主动进攻为主,防守为辅,进攻以正手进攻为主,得分较高;防守以反手为主,失分较高。

【Abstract】 The article adopt literature, video observation, three sections of statistics and indicators, evaluation method, logical analysis, table tennis Grand Slam winner Zhang Jike as the research object, Through statistics and three-stage assessment to assess his nearly three years (2010-2012) of30international big game video; and there is a detail statistics of the five board and the score and lose point technology of stalemate segment last board, an analysis of five board and stalemate segment last board, losing a technology for statistical in three-year; according to different type of players (horizontal position loop fast break play, straight pat Loop fast-break style of play, the Chopping play), statistics and analysis of five plates and the score and lose point technology of stalemate segment last board when against different type of players. We get following conclusions of after data statistics and analysis:(1)During three years. In three-stage assessment, the scoring rate of zhang Jike has a little change, the usage tend to average; and advantages of robbed and locked in a stalemate segment, while his weakness is the grab.his scoring rate is not high. The rate of scoring and evaluation standard of comparison are failing. In three different type of play fighting, Zhang Jike get victory easily when play with loop drive fast attack players.(2)Service of Zhang Jike is short ball near the net, supplemented by the long ball. The placement and more to the opponent’s half units in the middle of bit1/3and forehand bit1/3near-net the mainly short ball. Mainly by the reverse rotation and left the backspin serve, the two kinds of the service rate is97.72%, and ACE is far greater than the direct loss.(3)Net score of Zhang Jike the third rate is+18.98%, the score ability is high, occupy a large advantage. The third board, offensive technology-based, supplemented by controlling defensive technology, when fighting with three different type of play, the third board is dominant, more obvious advantage when fighting with the pen-hold grip loop fast break players. (4)Net score of zhang Jike the fifth rate is-15.52%, loss of points is very high explaining that fifth board at a disadvantage.In the fifth board. And by attack, defense is supplemented. When fighting with three type of play, the fifth board is not dominant.(5)Net score of Zhang Jike the second rate is+17.23%, the higher the score, the more obvious advantages, the second board, return of serve to attack, supplemented by control, offensive technology-based, backhand screw pull-up and sideways grab pull technology, the score is high, not attack,mainly used the forehand swing short, when fighting with three type of play and fighting with chopper-type players, the second board is not dominant, control technology, the other are dominant. Backhand screw pulls attack.(6)Net score of Zhang Jike the forth is-2.8%, the forth board at disadvantage, loss of pointthat because the defense technology-based.the forth board, return of serve to attack, defense is supplemented, when fighting with three type of play and fighting with the pen-hold grip loop fast break players, forth board occupy the dominant, the other are not dominant.(7)Net score of Zhang Jike the rally part is+8.39%, in the rally part occupy dominant, lose and get technology using forehand technique in the rally part, offensive use of technology-based, supplemented by defensive technology, mainly use forehand technology when fighting with three type of play.Stalemate segment are dominant, with forehand attack technology.(8)Attack segment tactics, serve to control the opponent, create opportunities for his serve, five board sights on the third, five boards actively attack. Then grab the tactics, the second backhand screw pull to begin, enter forth plate, still actively take the initiative to attack. In the stalemate the paragraph technical and tactical, proactive offensive, defensive secondary; mainly attacking forehand attack, the higher the score; mainly defensive backhand lose points higher.

【关键词】 乒乓球技战术张继科
【Key words】 table tennistechnical and tacticalZhang Jike
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

