

Construction of the Selection and Appointment System of the Core Group of Human Resources

【作者】 史文杰

【导师】 刘学民;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 公共管理(专业学位), 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 十八大报告中指出:坚持党管干部原则,推进国有企业和事业单位人事制度改革,加快确立人才优先发展战略布局,造就规模宏大、素质优良的人才队伍。《国家中长期人才发展规划纲要》中指出:当前和今后一段时期,要创新人才工作机制,坚决破除束缚人才发展的思想观念和制度障碍,构建与社会主义市场经济体制相适应、有利于科学发展的人才发展体制机制,健全国有企业领导人才选拔制度,加大市场化选聘力度。建立组织选拔、市场配置和依法管理相结合的国有企业领导人员选拔任用制度,既是政府职能转变的内在要求,更是促进经济发展方式转变的现实要求。帕累托定律告诉我们:在社会财富的创造上,“80%的财富由20%的人创造”。这20%的人是高级经营管理人才(以下简称高管),具有稀缺性、难以替代性、高贡献性、高流动性的特点,在运营、创收、管理方面发挥着关键作用。近年来,国有控股集团高管频频下台,除了工作作风、素质水平等方面的原因外,高管的选拔任用机制引起了大众的广泛重视。当前国有控股集团高管的选拔任用机制不能够选拔出合适的经营管理人才才是高管频频下台的根本原因。河南省A集团是省政府批准设立,经营省政府授权范围内国有资产的国有独资公司。董事长胡某的下台让我们重新审视了其上台的过程。选拔任用制度单一、缺乏市场化的竞争机制、选拔任用范围受限、选拔任用标准不适当、选拔任用考察标准欠科学等是其中暴露出来的问题,值得反思。在高管人才的选拔任用过程中,必须坚持内部市场与外部市场相结合、以绩效为导向、以岗位任职资格为评价标准的选拔原则,建立组织选拔、市场配置和依法管理相结合的国有企业领导人员选拔任用机制,坚持党管干部原则与市场经济的统一,健全选拔任用方式,完善选拔任用程序,优化选拔任用方法,建立选拔任用监管机制,从而实现高管人才选拔任用机制创新。

【Abstract】 Points out that eighteen report:adhere to the principle of the party’s leading, promoting the reform of the personnel system in state-owned enterprises and public institutions, speeding up the establishment of talent priority development strategy layout, creating large-scale, quality of personnel."Compendium" point out the national long-term talent development planning, the current and future period of time, to the working mechanism of innovative talents, and resolutely get rid of ideas and institutional obstacles in the development of talent, and the establishment of the socialist market economic system to adapt to, have the talent development systems and mechanisms conducive to scientific development, improve the leadership personnel in state-owned enterprises selection system, increase the market selection intensity. Establish the organization selection, market allocation and management in accordance with the combination of state-owned enterprise leadership selection and appointment system, transformation of government functions is the intrinsic request, is to promote more realistic requirements for transforming the mode of economic development.Pareto’s law tells us:in the creation of social wealth,"80%of the20%people to create wealth". These20%people are senior management personnel (hereinafter referred to as executives), is scarce, irreplaceable, high contribution, high mobility characteristics, play a key role in operation, income, management. In recent years, the State-owned Holding Group executives frequently to step down, except for reasons of work style, quality level, executives of the selection and appointment mechanism caused the extensive attention of the public. The selection of current and state-owned holding group executive appointment mechanism can not select the appropriate management talent is the fundamental reason executives frequently to step down.Henan A group is the provincial government approved the establishment of a wholly state-owned company, the provincial government to operate the state-owned assets within the scope of authorization. Chairman Hu’s resignation let us re-examine the stage. Selection and appointment system is single, lack of competition mechanism, the market selection and appointment of limited range, selection and appointment standards are not appropriate, the selection and appointment of standard is lack of science is one of the problems exposed, worthy of reflection.Appointment of executive talent in the selection process, must adhere to the internal market and external market integration, performance-oriented, post qualification for the selection principle of evaluation standard, establish the organization selection, market allocation and management in accordance with the combination of state-owned enterprise leadership selection and appointment mechanism, adhere to the unity of the principle of the Party’s leading and market the economy, improve the selection and appointment, the perfect selection procedure, optimization of selection and appointment, establishing supervision mechanism of selection, appointment, so as to realize the executive talent selection and appointment mechanism innovation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】F272.91;F276.1
  • 【下载频次】238

