

The Research of the Saber System in Han Dynasty

【作者】 代明先

【导师】 袁祖亮; 焦培民;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 中国古代史, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 佩剑在汉代的礼仪制度及其等级制度之中扮演着极其重要的角色,是彰显汉代礼仪与阶级等级的一个不可或缺的文化符号,具有明显的时代特征和等级差异。在佩剑之风盛行的汉代,低至平民百姓,贵至帝王诸侯,皆可从其佩剑上判断出其地位身份和其享受的礼仪。汉代佩剑承三代及其秦朝之遗俗,结合其时代的礼俗文化和佩刀在实战中地位上升的史实,在礼仪及其等级制度中形成了承上启下的时代特征与文化内涵。因传统观点的束缚,特别是《后汉书·舆服志》所载佩刀制度的影响,目前对汉代佩剑制度的研究几乎为空白。本文借助文献典籍,简牍及其考古资料等,结合学术界已有的相关研究成果,对汉代的佩剑制度从礼仪制度与等级制度两个方面进行详尽且客观的论证分析,力图还原汉代佩剑制度的原貌。绪论部分重点介绍了选题的意义及研究现状,对自古至今在该论题的产生的史学研究成果进行梳理与辩证分析。正文部分以汉代佩剑与礼仪制度、等级制度的关系为主线,先论证了汉代“带剑”、“剑履上殿”等与佩剑相关的礼仪,进而得出汉代礼仪制度中存在诸多以佩剑为礼器的礼仪制度;在此基础上结合相应的史学及考古资料,对汉代佩剑与等级制度的关系进行了主要论证,得出了汉代“玉具剑”、“櫑具剑”等不同佩剑与不同等级之间的对应关系,并以此得出汉代存在着较为完整的佩剑制度这一观点。结论部分对汉代佩剑制度的这一研究主题给予总结。虽然自古至今都有不同的学者对汉代佩剑是否存在相应的制度存在质疑。但通过史籍资料与考古资料的对应研究可见,汉代佩剑制度与《后汉书·舆服志》所载佩刀制度一样,都是汉代礼仪制度和等级制度的一种表现。佩剑并未因佩刀的兴起而丧失在礼仪与等级制度中的地位;相反,正是因为佩刀在实战中地位的上升才使佩剑的地位自汉代起,在等级与礼仪制度上再次超越了佩刀,成为了统治阶级展现自己优越地位的一种舆服文化符号。

【Abstract】 Sword plays a fairly important role in both etiquette and hierarchy system of Han Dynasty, which is an indispensable cultural symbol that demonstrates the later. Therefore, it bears distinctive features of different era and hierarchy. In Han Dynasty, where the custom of bearing sword prevails, the status and the etiquette one enjoys all can be recognized from the sword he carries no matter he is as humble as a average civilian or as noble as those aristocrats like emperor and vassals. The carrying-sword custom of Han Dynasty inherited from those of Three Dynasties (the generic name of Xia, Shang, Zhou dynasty), meanwhile absorbed custom and culture of its own dynasty. Moreover, the saber’s status also ascended in actual combats in Han Dynasty. In this way, the carrying-sword custom of Han Dynasty has developed its own features of that specific era and cultural connotations.Because of the fetter of traditional opinions, especially the influences of carrying-sword system recorded in Houhanshu-Yufuzhi, so far, the studies on carrying-sword system of Han Dynasty is almost blank. With the help of literature classics, slips and their archaeological data and existing academia research, this study aims to investigate and analyze Han Dynasty’s carrying-sword system from these two perspectives of etiquette and hierarchy system comprehensively and objectively and tries to reconstruct its original image.The paper has the following parts:introduction, main body of the research and conclusion. Significance and literature review of the thesis have become the integral part of introduction. The main body is the core part of the thesis. It analyzes in the Han dynasty, the relationship between saber and hierarchy, the etiquette system and so on. In this part, the connection of saber and hierarchy will be domenstrated combing with the corresponding historical and archaeological data. From the previous research, the correspondence between different sabers, namely Jade with a sword, Leiju sword and different hierarchies is concluded. Meanwhile, there is a relatively complete system of swords in the Han dynasty. In the third part, it summarize research topic of the saber system in Han dynasty.Lots of scholars in all ages have the question if there is a corresponding system in Han dynasty saber. While through researching the relative historical documents and archaeological data, there is the same connotation between the saber system in Han dynasty and the walking saber which is recorded in "history of the later Han dynasty". They are manifestation of etiquette system and hierarchy in Han dynasty. Due to the rise of the walking saber, saber don’t lose its statue in the system of etiquette and hierarchy. On the contrary, it was the popularity of the walking saber that make saber having transcend it at the respect of etiquette and hierarchy since the rising of Han dynasty. Therefore, saber become the cultural symbol ruling class in order to present their majesty.

【关键词】 汉代佩剑礼仪制度等级制度
【Key words】 Han DynastySaberCeremonial systemFeudal hierarchy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

