

The Decline of the Israeli Labor Party and the Reason Analysis

【作者】 贺金涛

【导师】 张倩红;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 世界史, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 作为犹太复国运动的重要领导力量、以色列国家的建立者和建设者,以色列工党曾经是无可置疑的领导者,长期控制着以色列政权。但是在历经半个世纪的主导之后,工党一夕下台,至今已经沦为议会排名第三的政党。工党的衰落是多重复杂因素合力促成的结果:以色列国家意识形态从劳工犹太复国主义向宗教犹太复国主义和修正犹太复国主义转变,工党所信奉的劳工犹太复国主义与时代脱节,难以适应发展需要;以色列多党制政治体制的牵制和掣肘以及该体制发展完善带来的选票平均化趋势是工党选票流失的一个原因;经济社会多元化发展消解了社会主义和集体主义,工党作为国家象征的地位动摇;主要支持工党的阿什肯纳兹犹太人在人口构成中比例下降,东方犹太人和前苏联犹太移民大批涌入,以色列人口结构发生了极大变化,工党的支持力量大幅度减少;复杂的外部环境以及工党“土地换和平"政策的失败导致工党失去了大量选票,这些选民支持在被占领土以及巴以和平问题上持强硬立场的右翼政党;工党在经过长时间的主政之后,官僚主义盛行,内斗、腐化事件频发是加速其衰落的催化剂。以色列建国之后政治、经济、社会发生了巨大变化,而工党未能适应这种变化并做出调整是导致自身衰落的基础性因素。工党的衰落产生了很大的影响,但是至今,导致工党衰落的因素还在延续和发展,工党在短期内复苏的迹象并不明显。

【Abstract】 As the leader of the Zionism, the power that founded and built Israel, the Labor Party was once a dominant power of the country for five decades. But after that, the party surprisingly experienced a sudden decline and was reduced to the third largest party in Knesset. There are complicated reasons for that.The ideology conversion from Labor Zionism to Religious Zionism and Revisionist Zionism, the negative influence of a multi-party system and its development all restricted the power of the Labor Party and distributed its votes to other parties. Besides, the economic and social pluralism undermined socialism and collectivism, which led to the collapse of the Labor Party as the symbol of the country. Moreover, having outnumbered the Ashkenazi Jews, the Sephardic population became a majority and displayed tendencies to vote in large numbers against the Labor Party. What’s worse, the dovish foreign policies and the failure of Land for Peace policy disappointed Israeli people, shifting their support to hawkish parties. Also many intra-party problems should be taken into consideration in dealing with the decline of the party.In a word, the basic reason why the Israeli Labor Party declines is that Israel has undergone great economic, social and political changes, but the Labor party fails to adapt to the changes. And the decline of the party influences many spheres of the country. Up to now, the factors resulting in the decline of the party have remained unsettled, so it is hard for the Labor Party to revive.

【关键词】 以色列工党马帕伊犹太复国主义
【Key words】 IsraelLabor partyMapaiZionism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

